We are all very sad.
We are sad because yesterday our dear friend Betty,
went to the Rainbow Bridge.
So many tears are falling. So many hearts are broken.
We don't know what to do. It's just a sad day.
One thing that we can do,,,,
We can stretch our paws in a big circle around Bettys family
and show them love.
And for each other, we can wipe the tears from each others faces.
We miss you Betty, ,,,,, your in our hearts forever and ever.
Dear Tweedles - I am so sorry you lost your furend Betty. We will send loving thoughts to her family and friends.
Big Slurpy Hugs, HoneyBuzz
Oh Tweedles, I am so sad to read of your fur-friends passing. Please send my heartfelt condolences to Betty's family. And I will gladly join my paws in the circle around Betty's family, to bring them comfort and love during their sad time of loss.
Our prayers are with Betty's family, and with you and your family, as you mourn the loss of your dear fur-friend.
Suka and K
Hey there Tweedles.
I am really sorry for your loss. I don't know who Betty is, but I do know that you hurt every time something like this happens. Consider yourself (((hugged)))
Sending lotsaluv
Oh Tweedles, it's so sad that you lost a friend--But it's always comforting to know that they left this life loved by so many and were met by so many on the other side...
Hi Tweedles! I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend Betty. Lotsa Licks to you and all who loved Betty.
Casper Bear
Tweedles, Betty's passing is sure sad. We join you in your circle of love around her family....
Tweedles, We can feel your sadness all the way from here. We will help encircle Betty and her family with the paws of love. Our loving thoughts are going their way and to you.
We lit a candle for her.
((((((((((Big Hug)))))))))))))))))
My dear sweet Tweedles & her wonderful moms,
That was a very lovely post for Betty. Aunt Diane's heart is hurting for Betty's family & can imagine what they are going through. Sending you big hugs & kisses this morning to help get you through the day. Tweedles, your kisses are TUMMY KISSES!
xoxoxox Aunt Diane
I am SO sorry to hear about Betty. I'm sure you were a very good friend to her and that she is watching you now from Heaven.
Lots of Love to you, Tweedles!
We are furry sorry to hear about Betty!! We will say a special prayer for her and her family!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Oh Tweedles! That was a beautiful post! Mom's eyes are leaky again.
We feel awful about Sweet Betty crossing the bridge so soon...but we have to smile when we think of her playing with her ball on the other side.
Dear Tweedles, We are very sorry to hear your friend Betty has gone over the bridge. We will keep her & her family in our thoughts & we know she is probably playing & renewing acquaintances with other friends who went before her.
Hi Tweedles,
I am sorry for the loss of Betty.
If you need a set of extra paws Tweedles, mine are just a thought away. Luv AMES X X X
Dear, dear little Tweedles we know you are sad. We know that so many furiends are sad over this news of sweet little Betty. It will be okay because beautiful words really do help heal the broken hearts. And Tweedles, your beautiful words are already doing that for so many of your furiends. We think that you should be the size of a rottweiler instead of a little pug because you have a heart of gold. We want to sit next to you in the circle of love and Janie will bring her special blankie to help wipe away the tears.
A Zillion Hugs to you,
Joan & Jane Austen Eyre
You always have a way with words, Tweedles. Thanks for sharing your heart. I miss Betty so much and I wish I could hug her family. :(
Hi tweedles,
You are such a good friend with a very tender soul. We are stretching our paws to reach around betty's family and hold onto yours.
We are so sorry that we never got to know Betty. Our hearts are breaking for her family.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Gosh I am so sorry to hear about Betty and I feel bad because I know you are hurting too.
Whew - it never gets any easier.
When you're sad, we are sad too. Another doggie angel gets her wings. Will be thinking of you and her family in this time of sorrow. She is with many of our friends now and they are all getting acquainted.
We didn't really know Betty at all, although we think we have visited that blog in the past. It must have been so hard for her family to have to watch her seize so many times. Our hearts go out to her family. We left a message yesterday. We are so sorry that you lost such a good furiend.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
MISS YOU Betty!!
Benny & Lily
dearest twee
what a beautiful post for miss betty.
your love & words always makes us feel better.
miss betty was such a special soul that connected us all with love and laughter.
thank you miss betty! we love and miss you!
m & e
Tweedles, this is such a wonderful idea. I just know it will help to comfort Shannon and the smush faces. They need our support and luv. A big circle of friend's paws is just what the doctor ordered.
Dear Tweedles, what a wonderful tribute to Betty - she was so young and beautiful, but very much loved whilst with us.
Very sad news. Kong and I send our love. xoxo
dearest tweedles, me and the pugs are so sorry that your friend has left you! we are sending you and betty's family good thoughts of love and comfort. we hope that soon the pain will be replaced with lovely memories and joyful times. love, suz raz and blu berry.
Tweedles, we went over to Betty's bloggy and left some words of comfort to those that love her so dearly. Our momma knows what it feels like to have a loved one leave in the spring of their life - it is immensely painful...
We heards bout Betty, we didn't kno hers but we knew OF hers and were totally shocked to hears her went to da bridge so soon. Her family and friends will be in our thoughts while they go through all dis.
BEautiful post to Betty!
Many kinds comments for you Tweedlely Dee...your heart is so big and thus so much more hurts. Time will heal it honestly. Loss is a part of the life process and so enjoy every moment as it happens. Peace to you and yours!
oh TweedTweed, please don't be too sad.....
do come over and we hope our award will cheer you up a bit????
coco and tiffy
Hi Ms. Tweedles! We are so thankful that your such a sweet furiend that we bought you a ticket into the raffle being hosted by JD & Max that will benefit Ms. Shelby. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Hellos...just dropin by to wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving!
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