Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I Feel Happy-- Tweedles update

The most wonderful thing in the whole world happened just a bit ago!
Spending time with Twee makes my heart sing!
Of course this is not a recent photo of Tweedles- but it is one she would want you to see.

I feel happy!!

I just spent some time visiting little Tweedles at the hospital for furrys.
Our eyes locked as I walked into the ICU area,  her tail began to wag.
 I knelt down on a soft pad the techs had placed on the floor for me.
Opening the door and crawling half my body into her cage felt so emotional
but I hid it from her.

She is doing so good!!!!!
 All the  nurses and doctors and techs are taking such good care of her!
The surgeon did a miracle and the anethsia person did too!!!! !
Everyone is working so hard to help Tweedles.
All the reception people know who Tweedles is!

I kissed her all over, rubbed her little eyes and ears,, she kissed my face and wanted to snuggle close.
 She ate some baby food chicken from my fingers!
All the love from all of you was filtering through her body!
She was walking some-- her eyes were bright!
Maybe soon the chest tube can come out.
She is breathing good!

Our friends- we are so grateful for all your love and help .
We cannot thank you enough

nitey nite
mommy  georgie

******830pm update***********
I saw little Twee  tonight.
The drs are saying she is doing good.
Chest tube is removed-- temp is normal.
If all goes well- the plan may be to discharge her tomorrow.

***** UPDATE  11/06/2013
Tweedles is doing well.
She is eating. Vitals are good.

my friends this is the link to my
some of you have asked me for it
Thank you for helping me.


Adriana Robles said...

My heart fluttered when reading this! I'm so happy that you got to spend some time with her and that she's doing better! :)
We all love Tweedles and can't wait till she's back.

Good night and take care, Tweedles.<3


Murphy said...

That is such wonderful news! We are so happy to hear she is doing well and hope she is home very soon. Aren't tail wags wonderful?

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Anonymous said...

Oh, our prayers were answered, our little Tweedles is doing good, maybe we can get a good nights sleep and be refreshed to send more healing thoughts. Rest and sleep good Tweedles

The Mad Scots

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Tweedles the best news I heard all day. I put my pennies on your page last night. I pray and pray for you Tweedles

Idaho PugRanch said...

We have tears of joy reading this!
We will keep the healing prayers coming! Rest and heal sweet Tweedles
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Berts Blog said...

We usually just drop by to see how Sweet Tweedles is doing but had to comment today on how wonderful this news is. Keep giving it your all Teedles dear, we are keeping you in our prayers.
Bert and My Vickie

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Oh Mamas Georgie & Paulette!
My heart isa overfilled with the happies...Isa feel likes Isa could flys on the winds to Oregons to see my beautiful girl. Isa sending my Toby "Little Mans" kiss'ums to shower my Tweedles in Love. Isa cannots waits 'til shesa is backs home and resting whereas she wants to be...with her mommies.
Isa over 'da moons with joy to hear my sweet'ums is safe.
Your girls boy,
Toby Moses
((Snoopy Dance))

pugmama said...

oh, what good news! I cried tears of joy for you to be able to go and love your sweet pug. I know that tweedles will be strong and healthy again!

Studio at the Farm said...

That is THE BEST news!!! I am so very happy for all of you!

Ziggy Stardust said...

I am so happy that I feel like I am gonna burst!! My Tweedles is getting better. All that love coming her way gave her the power. Thank you Jesus for the doctors and all the people that helped her. I hope your Mommies can rest a little now and maybe even relax a little bit. I love you Tweedles with all of me for you are my Tweedles and I am your Sasha

Loveys your Sasha

rottrover said...

Oh Twee! We are so happy to read this news! Powerful rottie love continues to flow your way!

Bart, Ruby and Otto

Millie and Walter said...

We are all so happy to hear this news. Keeping our paws and fingers crossed that she will be home soon.

Millie, Walter and mom Cindy

Dream Valley Ranch said...

What a wonderful wonderful update!!! Little Twee has quite a few angels watching over her :) sending more strength and love to the little tail wagging fiend! Hugs from all of us at DVR!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Can't tell you how happy we are to know that Tweedles is recovering and doing well. Hope you have her home with you soon.
Lynne x

Unknown said...

That is the best news ever. So pleased for you and we hope now God willing Tweedles makes a good recovery. Onwards and upwards.
Best wishes Molly

3 doxies said...

Oh dis sounds so wonderfuls, I am ecstatic Tweedles is on da mend. We has been so worried bouts ya'll and we has been sendin' ya'll all our love and hugs. Please knows we are thinkin' of ya'll.


Mollie said...

Oh this is pawsome news. Paw's crossed Tweedles can come home soon. Sending lots of love and hugs to you all xxooxxx

Mollie and Alfie

Duke said...

We are doing happy dances for you here, Tweedles! More AireZen is on the way!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

We are just so happy to hear this news. Keeping all our paws crossed in prayer and Mommy has her rosary beads out.

♥♥♥Mona & Prissy

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm not surprised at all that all the nurses and doctors are rooting for Tweedles. I hope she feels that energy and is able to heal quickly. Feel better Tweedles!

Patty said...

Oh what great news! Rest up, sweet Tweedles so you can come home soon.
Sending healing hugs from NJ.

xoxo Patty

stellaroselong said...

I nose everyone there has fallen in love with hers just like all of us here has, we are so joyous that she is doing better, just joyous!!! We loves her alot, now you guys get some much needed rest, hugs to all of you.
Stella Rose, Margaret Mae and Angus McConnell

Pug Slope said...

So glad to hear Tweedles' surgery went well and she's on the road to recovery. I bet she was super excited to see you, too! Glad to hear she's eating (back to normal pug activities!). Hope she's able to come home soon!


Life with Wrigs said...

Thank you for sharing this wonderful news! We are so happy to hear Tweedles is on the mend! Hurray!!!!!

Susan and Wrigs

Idaho PugRanch said...

Good morning Tweedles! We hope you had a restful night and your mommies too. You are never far from our thoughts.
love you
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

KB said...

You've brought tears to my eyes. Your sweet Tweedles wagging and having bright eyes and eating food from your fingers. I'm so happy that she is healing. Take care of yourselves, too, because Tweedles will need you when she comes home! Send even more healing magic bubbles. Love, KB, R, and Shyla!

Punchbugpug said...

Such VERY wonderful news!!!! SO happy your girl is feeling better. Soon she will be back in your arms! xoxo Punchy

Chatty Crone said...

I have been worried and praying for her and you - this is great news.

Mary Lou said...

Oh dear. I feel like such a failure of a Friend!! I knew that Tweedles needed surgery. I even wrote the date down. But, as per usual, my premature short-term memory loss took over and I forgot!! I am so sorry!! Please forgive me, Friend!! ;-/
--Raelyn and Rose

Mary Lou said...

Okay, I just stopped by Sasha's Blog. She "filled me in" on what has been going on with poor Tweedles. I am so, so, so sorry!! But I'm glad that she is recovering.... ;op
--Raelyn and Rose

Eddie the Pug and his Mom said...

Such happy happy news!!

Southern Fried Pugs said...

What wonderful news! Tweedles, you'll be home and snuggling with your family before you know it.

Payton's mom said...

This is such a heart filled post. I can feel all of your emotions. I just can't express how happy I am that Tweedles is fighting and getting better day by day. <3

Rae - Say It Aint So said...

i hope tweedles can come home with you soon. it hurts me to think of how you guys must feel, not having her with you. and i know she would rather be home too! we're sending healing thoughts to her!

Idaho PugRanch said...

WE are just soo happy that Tweedles continues to get better and may soon be home!!!
love and hugs
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

emily said...

Wonderful news! Sending you all more healing bubbles.

suzanneberry said...

YES!!!!!!!! i'm so relieved. i will keep sending love and healing thoughts until she's in the forest and playing with her friends! Thank God! The boys will be thrilled. Angel Tim is with her still.