The clouds parted
in the moonless sky
and then I saw ,,,
in the Northern Sky,
Star Light
Star Bright
Your the first star
I see tonight
I wonder how you shine so brite.
I have been consumed by the mysticalness of the
twinkling stars in our ENORMOUS sky.

Have you ever noticed that all the stars and planets and contstellations, all move to different parts of the sky during the night?
Have you ever noticed that all the stars and planets and constellations move with our earths seasons? Spring, summer, Autumn and Winter?
Yes they do.
Have you ever noticed there is one STAR in the big sky, that never moves?
That star is the North Star - it's other name is Polaris, and it is always in the Northern sky.
Always shining brightly.
My mama and I have been watching the sky.
Every nite we see the North Star shining so brightly.
All the other stars move across the sky.
But the North Star stays in one spot- right outside my bedroom window.
I have been reading about the stars in my very own Star Book.
I think that the reason why the North Star, stays in one place in the sky, is to help all the sea creatures in the big ocean know which way is their home.
I think the North Star stays in one place in the sky, so that all the geese that fly at night- know which way is North.
I also think, the North Star stays in one place in the sky, so that every night when I wish upon a star, and I can look out my window, and make my wish.
Nitey nite my friends