It was Christmas Eve,
long ago deep in the forest near Leaning Hollow.
There, in a tiny bed, 6 spotted little bunnies were nestled together sleeping.
It was almost Christmas.
It would be a special time, as each of the bunnies would awake to find brand new carrots, all hanging on the branches of their tiny Christrmas tree.
Each of the carrots would have the bunnies names carved into it.
However, all the bunnies had been anticipating something very special that always happened on Christmas Eve.
For some reason that special something had not yet happened.
The bunnies waited and waited, hoping to get a glimpse of the magic, that certainly always happened.
The bunnys became so sleepy . They were yawning and becoming restless.
The decision was made, ,,they could not wait any longer .
So off to bed all the little bunnies marched in single file, all making a huge hop, all at once into the fluffy bed.
Right into the bed, they hopped.
The night was very still.
So very still.
All that you could hear, was the sound of the snowflakes, gently drifting down through the sky and landing softly on the ground.
Sometimes you could hear the sound of one of the bunnies snoring.
The bunnies had not been asleep long, when sounds of giggling could be heard.
Could it be? Could it be the little elf that they were waiting for?
Could it be The Tweedles that always brought their Christmas Eve jammies?
All the bunnies jumped down from the bed- one by one, and looked out the window.
All they could see, was tracks in the snow.
Only tracks in the snow.
The bunnies all looked at each other, and then they looked at the tree.
Right there before their eyes and under the tree, was the Christmas Eve magic.
The bunnies were excited as they all snuggled into their new jammies.
Admiring, and twirling and dancing with glee.
Look at me- the bunnys all said to each other!
Once again they looked out the window- one last time, only to see the tracks in the snow.
The bunnies all hopped back into bed and curled up side by side.
Pretty little blankets were snugged up to their cold little noses.
As they started to drift off to sleep, the littlest bunny said "maybe next year we will see Tweedles, maybe next year.'
Nitey nite my friends
My friends.
I have decided that now is the time to share with you how I got my name.
This is the true story.
Long ago my mama was a little girl.
She had 5 sisters- (that made six little girls.)
Their home was in Georgia and their mama brought the story of Tweedles the little Christmas Eve Elf into their lives.
Each and every Christmas Eve the little Elf brought jammies.
To this very day, that little Elf still comes, and leaves jammies just like it did many years ago.
When I hopped into the lives of my moms, they decided to name me after that wonderful, happy, and mischievious little Elf Tweedles.
Nitey nite my friends