They say that "Once in a Blue Moon" something wonderful can happen.
I waited, and waited and the day FINALLY came.
I wonder what wonderful thing will come my way today?
You know what its like to dream about a WISH, right?
Well, I do! I do it all the time.
I had a dream.
I dreamt that Kong, a friend of mine,
came from a state so very far, far, far away to see me .

Do you see that cute little pug, that looks like ET running towards me?
Look again!
Yes, it's KONG!!!!!
He is running so FAST, that he is not even leaving any tracks in the snow!

Kong and his mom Gail traveled on a VERY long journey from the warm state of California,
clear up to my state in COLD, COLD OREGON.
Kong's aunt is my friend Diane from
http://dianesmixedart.blogspot.com/Diane and Gail are sisters.
Maybe you have received comments from Diane or Gail on your bloggie?
This was our first time to meet Gail and her daughter Alexa.
We loved them right from the start!

I was sooo excited, I could hardly stand the excitment.
I wiggled and danced!
Kong is sooo charming, and he is so kind.
He has silky black hair , with huge brown eyes.
I love big brown eyes .
I love Kong!
I had already imagined in my heart, what I was planning for Kong and I, to do.
Do you ever imagine, like me?
I bet you do!
We were going to go leaping from star to star, in the huge sky.
And then, we will catch a falliing star, and land on the blue moon!
Please moms can we? Can we? We waited for answers from moms,,,,,
and then,,,,,,,,,,
the snow started falling , and the moon turned to white.
and the moon disappeared from our site.
Our once in a blue moon moment was gone- right from our very eyes.
Now what?
Kong and I looked at each other,,
dissapointment filled our eyes,,,
as we put out noses together ,,,
we made a pact......
The promise will be,
the next blue moon-
if not BEFORE, surely BEFORE,
we will catch a falling star
and sail to the moon.
I will keep dreaming and remembering my special time with Kong.
Those memories are in my heart- forever.

Who can say,,,, I asked myself,,,,,
Who can say what can happen when you truly believe in something.
I believe in blue moons and rainbows promises and dreams.

I believe in magic, and I will FOREVER
Will you believe with me?
Nitey nite my friends