Today I put on my Brave Heart Face .
I know myface does not look toooo happy.
But, this is face that shows how I feel RIGHT NOW.
This is my Brave Heart Face.
Today, was the day that those NASTY stapples came out of me.
What is there to be afraid of ?
I asked myself over and over.
Over and over.
As long as Mr Lion is with me, I can do anything.
I will not be afraid.

It took awhile to convince my tail, that there was nothing to fear.
My tail was scared stiff as a board,
when the doctor came in through the door.
I wasn't listening to ANY of the the sweet words, that she was saying to me.
I heard nothing!
All I could see before my eyes- were those tools, that she held in her hand.
I held paws with Mr Lion, and I took a deep breath.
"I will not be afraid" I said over and over 'I will not be afraid".
In a just a magical moment,
as fast as I could count to FOUR,
the stapples were removed
and gone forever.

I am so thankful Mr Lion was with me.
"Are you okay Mr Lion," I asked?
The doctor told me how brave I was,
and then she kissed my head.
Oh, I am all better now,
yes, I am all better.
I got lots of treats on the way home.
Yup, I was a Brave Heart.
AND THEN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
During this week, I got a suprise in the mail.

Look what my friends Bella, Tiger, Guero, Coco Chanel, Brinks, and Lucky @http://kissa-bull.blogspot.com/ sent to me.
It was a belated Birthday card, and a little Cup Cake. They always tell me that I am the sweetest Cupcake EVER. The little card had doggy paws , and little flower stickers and a St Francis sticker in it, to protect me. The card was filled with slobbery sugary kisses from all the pibbles. I feel so special. Thank you my pibble friends.
And then, I was honored to get this pawsome Award from some of my friends.
at Kira the Beautiful http://themagicsleighdogs.blogspot.com/ and The Fiesty Three!
Thank you so much my friends for thing of me- and sharing.

The rules say to pass this Award on ,and to share 7 things about myself.
1. I have 4 KAT brothers and sisters
2. I have 2 moms.
3. I have my own forest
4. I have many forest friends
5. My drinking water comes from the root of a tree.
6. My house is 100 years old
7. I rule the roost.
I would like to share this Award with YOU. I know many of you already have it.
So, will you come and take this Award, if you do not already have it?
Nitey Nite, my sweet friends
Tonight, I will dream about how fun it was running naked through the trees with no harness.