I knew my Sea friends were here.
But, I could not see them.
The ocean's voice was so very quiet.
Never, had I ever heard this quiestness.
The ocean hummed softly.
I closed my eyes and I made a wish ..
"swim to the western seas"
"swim to the western seas,
please come my friends,
I am here". "I am here".
And then the bubbles
,,,,,,came sailing,,,,,,
they floated all around me,
they kissed my nose,
they landed on my toes.

and then ,,,,,,,I watched the bubbles drift,,,,drift ,,,, drift

The bubbles drifted to the East ,
The bubbles drifted to the West,
The bubbles drifted to the North and to the South.
And then the bubbles floated
to the mountain tops.
The bubbles swirled and swirled.
I sat and watched,,,, in awe.
I watched so long, that I was dizzy.
But where are my Sea friends, I asked myself?

The magic bubbles floated around me.
The magic bubbles followed me,
to the ocean tides below.
My heart was full of hope.
I would not give up.
I had " hope"
I knew my friends were here.
Somewhere,,,,, but where? I wondered.
"I must find them" , I said to myself.
These magic bubbles will help me.
I knew this for sure.
"Magic bubbles help everyone", I whispered.
I ran fast from the racing tides.
Soon, I was wading in the tide pools,
and then I saw,,,,,Star, my starfish friend.
Star was resting from her long, long journey,
the journey from across the sea.
I sat very quietly with Star,
as she closed her eyes and rested.
I told her how worried I was about her.
Star's sleepy eyes looked up at me,
She told me how she swam to the West
and found a safe, safe place to live.
She told me that she had "hope" in her heart,
hope for the oceans to heal.
I told Star, that I had "hope" too.

And then I looked to the sky,,
and I saw the sea birds fly ,,,, so high.
They flew so high.
And then I ran ,,,, as fast as I could go
to search,,,,,, for Puff and Murphy.
I waited and I waited.
The sun was closing her eyes to sleep.
She was slipping into the deep, deep ocean.
And then the moon,
began to rise.
The moon rose high into the sky.
Over the moutain tops, the moon rose.
Moon beams shone on the racing tides
the moon bleams glistened
like candles glowing
on a dark night.
I sat by the roaring ocean tide
and waited
and then,,,,
I saw a bubble ,,,,, floating in the sea.
A voice came from the bubble,,,,
I knew this voice so well. Do you know who it was?
And the voice said,,,,
"close your eyes Tweedles, and come to me."
I closed my eyes, and I wished on every star in the sky.
All of a sudden, I was with PUFF!!!
Puff my Seahorse friend. My forever friend.
"Oh Puff", I cried,,,," I have been so worried."
"The last time that I saw you- you were so sick."
And at that moment the bubble lifted into the sky.
The bubble floated over the Sea,
The bubble swirled to the mountain top.
The bubble floated above the clouds.
As our magic bubble landed on the sea, Puff told me that all the sea creatures, had "hope."
Hope that the sea would sing again, soon.
Our bubble floated down, down into the water.
All of the sea creatures were so happy.
They swam around us in circles.
Our bubble twirled in circles, like a spinning top.
Big eyes, and little eyes looked inside the bubble at us.
I saw "hope " in their eyes.
And then Puff asked me,,,,,,,," Our sea is asking me,,,"
"Who will sing lulabyes to us when we are sad and lost"?
And with a whisper,,,, as our bubble floated in the sea, my voice hummed-
" Well, I will sing for you Puff , and all of your friends in this big world, will sing."
"We will all sing lulabyes to you, and all our sea friends.
Forever and ever."
Forever, is a long time, I said to puff.
That is how long all your friends will keep helping you.
"Forever and ever."
Forever, never stops," I said to Puff.
It was soon time for Puff to leave, but with a twinkle in his eye, Puff said,,,,,,
"We will never give up hope."
Puff's bubble, drifted off into the night. It drifted alone.
Puff had more sea creatures to help guide to the safety, of the "magic bubbles."
The magic bubbles that had swirled around my very head, were helping all the creatures in the sea. The magic bubbles were now a safe place for all the sea creatures.
The night and the ocean was now lit by the shining moon beams.
Tears were in my eyes, and they trickled across my nose.
And then suddenly another magic bubble rolled up onto the sand.
As I looked inside the bubble , I saw that it was Murphy and his mama.
More and more bubbles came sailing across the racing tides.
The Manatees and Whales, and Crabs and Octopus and Glow Fish, and Dolphins.
All of the sea creatures were in magic bubbles.
Big bubbles, little bubbles, bubbles the colors of the rainbow.
All our sea friends,
too many to name them all
- came floating across the water in their bubbles.
The magic bubbles rolled onto the sand and circled around me.
Little words were written on the inside of the sea creatures bubbles.
I strained my eyes to read
the words,,,,,,,
"Thank you for your help"
"Never Give Up Hope---Let there be magic bubbles forever."

As the bubbles drifted back out to ocean
I heard the sea sing,,,, and I hummed along.
Nitey Nite my friends