Have you ever wondered where inspiration comes from?
Maybe it comes from green grass, or little flowers.
Or maybe it comes when the sky is painted with the colors of the rainbow.
Maybe inspiration comes from the brightest stars that shine in the darkest sky.
Maybe inspiration comes from words softly spoken or tweets from birdies.
Maybe, just maybe Buttefly wings inspire you,, they do me.
One thing I do know is that inspiration comes in all the colors of the rainbow.
TodayI am honored because my Airdale friends Webster, Holly, Cora, and Teddy@
The Thuglets World shared their Inspiration Award with me.
The Thuglets have inspired me with their fun filled lives.
They have fun toys, and blue balls and a yellow Thuglet tunnel to chase each other through!
And a family of bunny rabbits live in the thicket outside their house.
Doesn't this sound like a fun place to go visit? They have a loving family,, and they are all loved so much.
Inspiration is all around me, and all of your words have inspired me. 
I have received this Award before, but I am also honored to receive it again
from Sophie @
sophie's view and Tiffy @
It's Tiffy Time! and Payton @
Pugnacious P Sophie is a beautiful labradoodle. She makes friends with everyone, and her best friend is her Orange ball.
Sophie has 2 daddies, and has more adventures, and good times than anyone I know.
Her daddys are awsome photographers.
Tiffy, is a pug like me, she is my BFF.
Tiffy charms everyone who meets her with her sweetness.
To me Tiffy is an inspiration because she loves life...Tiffy has a wonderful momma and daddy who share the world with her-- they share a world that Tiffy never knew before.
Payton is one of my newest friends. She is so sweet and her mom and daddy love her so much.
Payton shows us all how to live life to the fullest.
I love having new friends,,,, and Payton means so much to me.
Yes inspiration is all around me- thank you all for inspiring me, and sharing these Awards with me. I would like to share my Awards with all you.
I know many of you have already received these Awards..but if you haven't, can I share these Awards with you? Please ask,.. and they are yours.
Nitey nite