I knew immediately!
I knew that I recognized the sound coming from the deepest part of my forest.
It was a familiar sound.
But the sound that I thought it to be, well, it just couldn't be.
Because you see,,,, it's still winter.
The sounds that I heard, were not winter sounds!
These familiar sounds were frogs,
and they were croaking so loud that the earth seemed to tremble!
I could not ignore their croaks!
I could not ignore them-
especially, because the frogs were calling my name.

And so into the forest I ran as fast as I could.
I ran down a twisted narrow trail.
I leaped over freezing cold streams.
I climbed over huge logs.
And, I trampled through big mud puddles.
Soon I found myself sitting on a big, fat, fallen log.
My eyes peered into the small clear stream, that snaked through the tall trees.
The stream looked so cold, and I knew it was!
The shadows of the giant trees stood silent behind my shoulder, as I sat shivering in the cold.
That was when my eyes caught a glimpse of the frogs,
clustered together in the cold stream.

I stood on all 4 paws as I watched the frogs splash and croak!
What fun they were having splashing and jumping on the rocks and pebbles of many colors!
And then I yelled louder than their croaking frog voices!
"What are you doing, my friends"? 'It's winter"!

All of a sudden,
the biggest frog of all jumped up beside me onto the moss covered log
and started to speak.
"We have something to tell you Tweedles."
"When we woke up this morning, we saw it was a new day."
"It does not matter if its winter or spring, summer or autumn."
"Each day we can have fun."
"We want to share this day with you!"
"So, let's go and make memories!"
"Let's take the hand of "today", and lets go play."
"Today's hand" is reaching for us!"

And so,,, I decided that the frogs, "today," and I, are going to enjoy this new day.
We are going to make memories!
We will go jumping through the forest together!
It does not matter what we do.
It does not matter if its raining or snowing, or sunny.
It's a new day!
Nitey Nite
ps I am wearing a woofie warmer that was made my auntie Melissy Life is art ... Art is Life -