When I sleep, I dream.
This is my dream to share with you!
Long ago
7 happy little frogs slept
in a quiet little frozen pond,,,,,,,,
nestled in the midst of a dark, and very magical forest.
It was a long and cold, and blustery winter.
Snow flakes had tumbled from the sky
and fierce winds howled, like wolves!
It seemed like the winds howled forever!
I tip toed very quietly to the edge of the pond, and gently touched it with my paw.
A crack raced across the ice crested top and then stopped!
The pond seemed oh so very silent and mysterious to me.
But, deep under the frozen lily pads (where no one could see),
little frogs were sleeping and dreaming !zzzzzzzzzzzz
of the splishy splashy days of spring.
Suddenly- like magic
The seasons splendorously began to change.
Pink and blue clouds raced from across the sky carrying a thousand raindrops!
Thunder roared!
And the pond filled- to overflowing!
Plants that had been sleeping in their hiding places
began to wiggle for the sky!
The sleeping frogs woke up and were leaping and dancing!
Dragon flies zoomed, and butterfly's flitted everywhere!
Spring was almost here. Spring was on its way!
As I opened my eyes the next morning
snow flakes were falling around me like thousands of feathers!
And then I knew this was only a dream of what will be.
Today, I have a million snowflakes to count!

nitey nite