Friday, April 30, 2010

"The Day The Forest Cried"

I smelled tears.
I heard the chanting of my name
as it echoed through the mountains.
I heard "T w e e d l e s- help us"!!!
I knew I must hurry fast.
My forest needs me now,
and so I ran and ran.
I ran to the trail of tears
that were rolling
towards me
and then I stopped.

I tried to hide
behind a little Cedar Bough,
but my eyes could see farther,,,,
than I wanted them to see.
I stared into the distance.
I wanted to cover my eyes.
I wanted to turn away.
I wanted to hold my paws over my ears.
I did not want to hear the tears falling to ground.
I was speechless.
I was horrified.
I was afraid.

I followed the trail of tears.
My friends needed me.
My forest was asking
for my help.
And so I ran to..........
this stump.,,,,,,
Where is my tree?
Where is my tree?
What can I do?
What's a Tweedles to do?
What can we all do?

My hear sank to my toes.
She was 5006 years old.
And now she lay so quietly on the ground.
We must find help.
Will you help me lift this tree up?
"Come on big tree- stand up- I know you can,,,,,"
How can we stop more trees from falling?
Can you help me lift these trees
back to their feet?

Will you help me find orphan trees to plant in the forest?
We can do this together- you and me-
because this is YOUR world and MINE.
We need our forest, and the forest needs us.
Tonight I will make wishes
to help save our forest.
Nitey nite my friends
(in honor of Arbor Day 2010


Maxmom said...

Oh Tweedles!
I cry too for the Chimpanzees and the Mountain Gorillas in central Africa..and all the animals of Madagascar who are suffering the same plight. I cry for our planet as a whole. in Johannesburg, we have converted our landscape INTO a forest...yes it is official. But it doesn't help with the age-old ecosystems which are fragile and support unique species.
You have written a wonderful story! Thank you for making us all think.
With love
Maxdog and Maxmom in SA

♥ Sallie said...

Oh, Tweedles. I cry too. I see so many people in my area taking down Oak trees and replacing them with fancy Cherry Blossoms or some such. But nobody replaces the oak trees. And they are dying out.

Diane said...

Tweedles, You are just the sweetest, most compassionate little puggie I know. You are so good about taking care of things & helping your friends. Thank you for everything you do to make our world a better place. I love you sweet girl & Aunt Diane will see you in ONE WEEK! YEAH!!!!!!!
xoxoxo Aunt DIANE

Scout and Freyja said...

Tweedles, dear, please know that our momma takes furry good care of the trees and plants more and more each year when she has the opportunity. It is always so sad when a tree falls at the hands of man and not Mother Nature.

We hope that your tender-Tweedles-heart is comforted in knowing that you are not alone and that many others fight along with you for the trees and forests all over the world.

agent99 said...

Oh Tweedles, that is indeed very sad. But sometimes when a tree is sick, it can endanger all the creatures in the forest if it can't stand up anymore and falls on them. We have a tree in our yard that is likely over 100 years old. We've named him Willie. He's dying, but we are trying to keep him around as long as we can by trimming off his sick branches. Ask your mommas to get you the book called "A Tree Named Steve", and it will help you feel a little better.
Love, Gen & the Foo

Stubby said...

Hi Tweedles! Thank you for celebrating Arbor Day with me. It's an important day when we give thanks to the trees because without them we are nothing.

I will help the trees in your forest. Together we will rebuild the forest so that all our forest friends have a place to live. We will do it Tweedles, we really will!

Stubby xoxo

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Tweedles
We cry too because of all that cutting..
Benny & Lily

dw said...

Tweedles, thanks for reminding us all how important trees are. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, everyone still hears, everyone is impacted. There was an astonaut, Mark Lee, who was on the space station and was so taken with the view of Earth and how fragile our planet is that he planted 140,000 trees when he returned. We all need to do what we can to help the forest. Thanks for celebrating Arbor Day!

Winston Wilbur said...

we really must find orphan trees. Mum hates to see the trees cry. Mum has planted trees in our yard and this makes me smile.

kissa-bull said...

oh tweedles love of the pibble pack
we are moving furry soon mom ish in the closing process of buying a house maybe next week and we plan on plating orphan trees for sure
we shall name on eof them tweedles in honor of our sweet sugar cupcake.

pibble sugars just for you
the pittie pack

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo've helped the trees with your post!

Thanks fur honouring them and kharing about and for them!


Chatty Crone said...

Such an awesome story and so meaningful. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Why was that gorgeous tree cut down? Was it in your yard?

So sad.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh Tweedles, such a sad thing to see your tree chopped down. We have a big controversy going on in our area now with the power company wanting to cut down a whole bunch of young trees because they might interfere with the lines. But the people are putting up a good fight. Your post is so good because it brings to light a terrible problem and lets us know how we can help.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Dandy Duke said...

We love the trees too, Tweedles! Each one is so beautiful. We hate to see them cut down and destroyed too!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Miss Patty the Pug said...

Dear Tweedles,
I am so sorry to hear you lost your tree. Don't worry, I will help you by planting trees!
Pug hugs and sniffs, Patty

Miss Patty the Pug said...

Dear Tweedles,
I am so sorry to hear you lost your tree. Don't worry, I will help you by planting trees!
Pug hugs and sniffs, Patty

Arlo The Pug said...

I will help you Tweedles! We will plant a tree in honor of your friend tree! I will help my mom do it just as soon as I can! Hope you are having a great week! Love, Arlo.

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

We are sad to hear about the tree. We hope a new little tree grows this summer for you.

Too Cute Pugs said...


You are such a caring puggie. We love the trees too. Where would we be without them?

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

Puglette said...

oh dear, i get upset too when i see people cutting down big, old trees. they have such a story to share with us. i think they deserve the chance to keep live since they have lived for so long.

we will be happy to meet you next saturday! and there are always cute puggies that need a wonderful new home with a sweet big sister. a little brother would be good too...they are very sweet and there is no *itchy problems between girls.
see you soon!

Becky said...

Wonderful story! Sad but true. They have cut down some oaks around our neighborhood. That makes me very sad. I think of the little ones who have lost their homes. Sometimes it is necessary if the tree is sick. I understand that. I have a huge, very old oak tree in my yard. I LOVE that tree. One of the reasons I bought this house because of the beautiful oaks. Wish you could see it, you would love it too. Happy Arbor Day a little late. Love you Tweedles!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh Tweedles...
You have such a kind and caring heart!
We lives in an old neighborhood and have an old house...
When we's first moved in five years ago... a big wind took out a very, very mature oak tree. It was sad. It just missed our house! It landed on the side of our house. But Mommy and Daddy went out and planted a new tree in its place. It will take many many years for it to grows ups and gets that biggy, but with lots of love and cares from peeps and pups like yous and me's and lots more peeps and pups to plant 'dems trees...the world would be's a prettier..greener...peaceful place to lives!
Thank you Tweedles for you Wonderful Story!!!
xoxoxo Josie Izzy and Anakin

Hank said...

Well that's a shame, Tweedles, honey.

Wow, 5006 years old. That's older than O'Mally!

Soggibottom said...

Our beautiful bluebell wood is in threat of a brand new road. A road that will take five minutes off of a journey, wonder how long the road will be there for.

The wood has been there for hundreds of years.


x x x

Jan Mader said...

I am going to plant a new tree and get a photo of it for you. It makes me smile so maybe your forest can smile a little too. What a good puggie you are xoxox

Ziggy Stardust said...

Hi Tweedles, its me Sasha. I miss you so much. My Mom has been having some problems and I am trying to help her feel better. Will you wish with me and maybe she can get in the magic bubble to the land of "Its gonna be ok Mommy"? I hope to talk to you soon. We couldnt find your email but ours is if you want to write us and maybe Mommy can try to explain better.

Do you still love me Tweedles?
Your pal Sasha

Sharon Wagner said...

You can do it Tweedles. more try...

Unknown said...

Dear Tweedley, thank you for loving the forest, you are a little pug with a heart the size of the world.

sandy said...

I always wonder what stories the old trees could tell us. Why was it cut down?

I love the feel in your poem.


Manon said...

I cry for the trees too, Tweedles! your words are beautiful

Kelly said...

Oh Tweedles, I will help you!!

You are such a good friend to mother nature!!!


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Dear Tweedles, a patient came into my office where I work yesterday with a "Pug Purse" and it made me think of you!! I see that I somehow have missed your last post, and I think that's why I feel a little out of sync with everything...I want you to know I know just how you feel! I don't like it when trees are cut down either!! We have a very old Maple tree in our yard that I love very much, and we planted a tree this past weekend. It was a "memorial tree" that someone gave me 2 years ago when my Mom died. I've been growing it in a pot & decided it was time to let it be outside on its own. I hope one day it will be a big beautiful tree growing in the field--Maybe it will have others around it and some day provide a safe place for the animals that live around us.

Gwen Bell said...

I am right there with you, Tweedles. Too many humans think the Earth is theirs to use and throw away. But not us! We will fight for the right of the plants and animals and all the beautiful Life on our precious Planet.

Please say a special Puppy Prayer for the ocean animals who are trying to survive in the Gulf after the terrible oil spill. More life destroyed simply for man's greed and convenience.

Jenny said...

This was lovely. Absolutely touching and heartfelt...

Those little paws can really write magic.


Pugelicious said...

It breaks my heart too, my little earth sister. Thank goodness for you keeping us thinking about it. God bless.

bbes tribe said...

Tweedles, That was a beautiful post about the trees. WE need them & you did a fantastic job. M had wet stuff in her eyes when reading it. YOu are such a special & caring little one.

Dana Orsborn said...

Hi Tweedles!

It's so sad that the trees are all
being chopped down. So many animals
are losing their homes too. On my
birthday, I received a plant your
own Christmas tree kit, and I
am going to plant the tree,
and name the tree Tweedles
for you.

I hope you are having a great week!


Archie and Melissa said...

hi tweedles!
what a beautiful tribute to this magical tree.
having you in this world makes it a very special place indeed!

emmitt and i just planted a new tree in your name!
m & e