Saturday, April 24, 2010

"A Rainbow In My Pocket"

I saw it sparkle,
then it shimmied and shined,
as it drifted through the sky
I ran and I ran
and guess what I found?
I found a rainbow stone.
And I put it in my pocket.

Whenever the sky is growling
and the sun doesn't want to shine
I will close my eyes
and make a wish .
I will save it for a rainy day.
My rainbow stone
will wash the sky
and paint a rainbow
in your sky and mine

I found a rainbow
and I put it in my pocket
where it is safe from harm.
I have a rainbow
that is my very own
I found a rainbow
and I put it in my pocket.

Nitey nite my friends


Arlo The Pug said...

Hi Tweedles! It is so nice of you to share your rainbow. You are such a thoughtful puggy and so adorable! Hope you have a great week! Love, Arlo.

Maxmom said...

Hi there Tweedles!
A rainbow stone! How extraordinary! Yes...extraordinary things happen to extraordinary doggies like you! What a treasure!
Sending lots of love to you!..I'm sure there is a rainbow across the sky from my side of the world to yours.



Them are the best pictures you ever taken yet! Beautiful!

We luv you Sweetie!

Riley and Star.

Al said...

Oh wow Tweedles, we love the rainbow stone and if ever we found one here we would keep it safely beside us then make a wish.

Coffee, Oreo and Tiger

BTW, Oreo said thanks for the birthday greeting. Love ya!

Sandy said...

little tweedles...thank you for sharing your rainbow stone with us. I just love you...kisses!

Hank said...

Tweedles, honey.....I biggified the pitcher, thinkin' it wuz YOU in the bottom corner. Turns out it was horses!

Cool pic!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Tweedles...we love your little poem
Benny & Lily

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Tweedles do you really have that pawsome rock? If so keeps it safe cutie pie!

Chatty Crone said...

Love the poem, the rainbow stone, and the rainbow - but what is in the last picture - what is it?


Oakley and Swisher said...

We love the poem tweedles, yay rainbows, that means the rain has stopped! We hate rain!

Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Such a sweet poem, Tweedles - keep that rainbow stone safe - it will really help you brighten a rainy day.

Beautiful photos.

Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Jan Mader said...

You are the rainbow's magic Tweedles. You really are. Your beautfiul words make me smile every time I read them. I love your rainbow stone too! xoxoxo

Duke said...

Your rainbow rockie is beautiful, Tweedles!
We love the first picture of you with the trilliums!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

How lovely. Those are beautiful photos and what a nice thought to have a rainbow in your pocket.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What pawesome words to go along with inkhredible pikhs


Is that pawesome pikhs to go along with inkhredible words

Thanks fur sharing ALL of them!


Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

A beautiful poem :) We just saw a rainbow last night - was it yours?

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh Tweedles, What a magical rock! We know a very special ladybug that has a rock with spots on it. Oh what a special puggie your are to have such a magical rock!!! Oh Tweedles, you do have all the fun in your enchanting forest and your stories are truly captivating!

xoxoxo Josie Izzy Anakin

Becky said...

I bet that rainbow stone would make a beautiful ring. But pugs don't wear rings so keep it safe in your pocket. It's pouring rain here tonight so there won't be any rainbow for us to see! You are the cutest little Tweedles I ever did see!

Miss Patty the Pug said...

Wow! That is so cool! I love rainbows, you are so lucky! Do you think that rainbow will come all the way to California? I sure hope it does!
Pug hugs and kisses, Patty

Wilma said...

Hi Tweedles,
More thoughtful prose from a beautiful girl. I loved it!

Sharon Wagner said...

That is so pretty Tweedles, nice job!

kissa-bull said...

tweedles sweetest cotton candy of the pibble pack

we want to fank you so furry much for sharing your bewootiful rainbow wiff ush . everyfurry time that it booms and pours outside and we get scawy we'll be thinking of you and we're sure to feel better right away

love snuggles
the pittie pack

Dana Orsborn said...

Hi Tweedles!

What a sparkly rainbow! You always
capture the best photos! I hope you
have a great week!


Archie and Melissa said...

hi tweedles!
oh we love your rainbow rock!
will you bring your rainbow to seattle so i can give you a great big hug under it?
m & e

Hank said...

Now, honey....that's a real nice story.

I'd like tuh find me a rainbow rock some day. Maybe you could come on out tuh Indy an' help me!

Pugelicious said...

Wow a rainbow in your pocket - I would love to chase that rainbow with you :)

GAIL said...


Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Tweedles, it's great to see your spirits lifted by the rainbow. So happy for you,

Soggibottom said...

WAKE UP.... no time for going to sleep... he he... say's Ames !

Think you have some of our dusty stuff.... that makes your rainbows and sunsets brillent !
Stuff from Iceland....
It's ok for you, but I have to help clean the cottage windows.

No time to go to sleep Tweedles.... Work to be done x x x

Puglette said...

tweedles, your rainbow is gorgeous! and you are so adorable next to the trillium.

Diane said...

Hi Sweet girl! How very very special to have a rainbow rock. We are so lucky to have you sharing all these beautiful things with your friends. We all love your generosity & everything else, for that matter. YOU ARE BEYOND SPECIAL! xoxoxo Aunt Diane

Jenny said...

Tweedles is a wonderful poet. Very amazing.