Sunday, February 6, 2011

"The Bravest Tree in the Forest"

One day, my journeys led me to searching for answers.
I looked for the answers in the deepest part of the dark forest.

This is the story.
Long long ago, in my very own forest, the giant trees stood bravely.

It was a splendid morning.
The blue sky was painted with pinks and purples.
Puffy white clouds dotted the horizon. I could hear the flutter of wings as they soared through the sleeping giants.
The morning sun was peeking down through the magical forest, as the trees stretched.
Sun rays tickled the sleeping branches and the forest sang.
Birds were chirping, and butterflys were stretching their wings.

Suddenly the stillness was overtaken as the voice of thunder roared.
The sound of the thunder's roar echoed through the branches.
Lightning zigged and zagged from high in the sky as it raced through the beautiful forest.
The thunder roared louder, and louder and the forest trembled.
The roots of the trees gripped the soil, as they reached deep into the earth for strength.
Forest creatures ran this way and that way from fear.

There she stood alone in the distance, sillouted against the stormy sky.

The thunder roared fiercely again and then„„,
The forest’s "oldest tree" lifted her eyes to Mother Earth, and she whispered softly.

"Choose me, if you must."
"I am old, but I am brave. "Perhaps my time has come." "Choose me".

And so it was at that very moment,
a lightening bolt from the heavens reached down from the sky,
and torched the oldest tree in the forest.
The bolt seared a hole just missing her heart.
But she remained strong.
Her heart still beats.
Her branches still sway.
The oldest tree still lives to this very day.

But, it’s not the end of the story.
This oldest tree in the forest, is now home to many, many forest creatures.
Squirrels and owls, and birdies snuggle into the crevaces and holes.
The oldest tree provides shelter to all those who need a place to rest their weary souls and feathered wings.
As I gaze into the forest, I can see her stand tall and brave.
Her limbs sway as they reach high into the sky.
The oldest tree stood tall that day- and still does today, even though her scar tells the story of bravery.
I am still thinking about what I learned from the oldest tree.
Do you hear her speak?
I can hear the forest sing. Can you?

nitey nite my friends


KB said...

A wonderful story with many lessons embedded in it. What a brave tree... I think that all the forest dwellers are brave, living out in the thunder, snow, and freezing days. I admire them, for I could never survive what they survived.

Your story struck a chord with me because I was just reading the history of our area, focused on a woman who was born in 1907 and lived on our road (on her family's 2000 acre ranch) for her entire lifetime. She was here before cars were common, and she walked or rode a horse everywhere as a young person. One day, when she was 7 years old, she walked home from the one room schoolhouse with a classmate. A terrible storm came upon them, and her friend was killed by lightning. The power of nature chose to take her friend and chose to let my neighbor live for 95 years. Nature is all powerful and makes the ultimate decisions for us.

Thank you Tweedles. Your stories and thoughts always touch my heart.

KB said...

Oops, I got the the year a little wrong. She was born in 1905.

Al said...

Of course the forests won't be a wonderful place if not for those brave trees. I can't imagine if they're gone. Oh please dont.

Jan Mader said...

KB is right. Your story is so wonderful. The way you painted with your words to describe the morning, your forest, your brave tree...well everything...captured me. You are truly a writer Tweedles. I'm honored to read every single word you write.
I'm working on new quotes on my blog for writers (and creative people and dogs). Please come leave a few more words of your colorful wisdom! xoxo

Unknown said...

Hi Tweedles,

This story left me breathless. We have been given such a beautiful world to live in, I hope we come to appreciate it and treat it well. The bravest tree is somewhere among them.

Thank you for the awards:) I was able to post two, and will try to add the other two as well. Computers can be complicated. Trees are better:)

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

Duke said...

We love the older trees, Tweedles, they are so wise and have many stories to tell.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Suka said...

hey Tweedles,

What a beautiful story of such a magnificent, brave tree! You are such a great story teller, Tweedles, and so observant of the World around you. I think that brave tree has a lot of lessons we can take away, one being the act of selfless love.

KB had a very good story, too.


Barbara said...

What an incredible story of the old tree! I think little children should hear this story to see what old trees can do to help keep the forest alive.

Thank you for sharing a beautiful story!

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Tweedles have you ever thought of making a book? A collections of storys or even just one story for childerns to read? You would be very wonderful at this kind of work.


Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Tweedles what a beautiful post
Benny & Lily

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Tweedles what a beautiful post
Benny & Lily

Archie and Melissa said...

oh twee
what a beautiful story!
i think everyone who reads this connects with your beautiful words.

yes, yes twee...
your story has touched us deeply.

m & e

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

KB said it all - you wove a great story here, Tweedles. We would like to think that Mother Nature knew what she was doing when she made that hole in the old tree. She was taking care of all the little creatures.

We love your stories, Tweedles.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Chatty Crone said...

The sweet old tree in the sweet old forests - we need them for life for breathing for living. Great story.


Minnie Moo said...

Tweedles your story rocks. Just rocks my puggy socks right off.

That's all.


Minnie Moo

Soggibottom said...

I know the tree you mean.... it's the one that has the warm feel. The one with the birds nest half way up. The one the ants leave alone.....
I know it... :-)

Hank said...

Tweedles, honey.....I love old trees, too. They're way more interestin' than the young ones.

The Thuglets said...

Tweedles we loved the story. Old trees have some wonderful shapes.

We always think the woods are a magical place especially at night. we have so much to learn from mother nature by just watching and listening.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

The Daily Pip said...

Oh Tweedles, this is just a beautiful story. We love trees! My little human sister has named all the trees on our block and when we go for walks she hugs them. She is only four, but already understands and appreciates nature.

Your pal, Pip

Unknown said...

We love the way you write as it is beautifully written.
Your new friend
Miss Maisy
who is feeling just okay today

Too Cute Pugs said...

What a beautiful story, Tweedles. It made Mommy's eyes all leaky.

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hello my little Friend and her Mom's! :-) Your post is very touching--You know we feel that way about the trees that you and your Mom's do. I think that late at night when we hear the wind blow through the branches the trees are telling tales of ancient mysteries of the forest to one another and those who were brave like your tree in your beautiful forest....

Maxmom said...

Dear Tweedles,
I agree with everyone - your story is so touching. The power of resilience strikes a chord in all of us... you Tweedles are resilient too!
Sending lotsaluv

Kelly said...

Hi, dearest little Tweedles. I just LOVED the story you told here. You have such a way of weaving your words together and making something magical.

I am sending a big hug to you today!


Sharon Wagner said...

Tweedles and Moms might like the book, Monkeys are made of Chocolate by Jack Ewing It's about animals and conservation in Costa Rica.

suzanneberry said...

tweedles, what a wonderful story! and that picture of you looking up from the forest floor is beautiful enough to paint! your are so adorable. blu is looking at the screen.

Roxy Ann LaRue said...

Tweedles thank you for a other great bedtime story, I especially liked the part when the tree roots dug in and grabbed hold...says a lot about stability and what we all need to do to hang in there when our storms are raging around us.
Thanks and God Bless,
Roxy and Sharon

Sandy said...

Little Tweedles, your story is just wonderful. It took me back to when I was in the Muir Woods in California and walk the trails and marveled at the tallest and oldest trees. They had holes in them that I imagined little creatures could hide or sleep in. Some of the trees had fallen over and I wondered if anyone was there and saw it when it happened. The light did trickle through the tall branches and leaves and sparkled in spots. The streams ran through and I thought this is the place that is so pretty and so many people may never see this. We have forest here but it's much different than the forest with the biggest trees. I loved reading your words and thinking about that beauty again.

Diane said...

Hello my sweet angel,
That was such a beautiful story. I loved it so much! Your stories really are magic & I hope you're well aware of how much we ALL love reading....through the eyes of Ms. Tweedles! Your pictures match your stories perfectly! I love you, sweetie! Kisses & hugs to your moms too! xoxoxo Aunt Diane

fromsophiesview said...

Trees have been my nature magnet ever since I was very young...running across a field,stop,lay down under a tree and look up...look way up... intertwining of branches and gaze at the bark...follow its ridges up the tree and down the I'd go running looking back as the tree became a forest. What's that sound...I hear whispering...doesn't everyone!?Sophie's Dad Ron.

Dana Orsborn said...

Hi Tweedles!

What a great story! Daisy and I always
enjoy reading your posts.

We hope you have a great weekend!

-Dana & Daisy

Bobbie said...

What a beautiful story!

Marianne Pysh said...

Oh, Tweedles! We loved that story! It hads a very happy ending!

♥ Sallie said...

Yay! Great story!

See you at the Valentine's Blog Party!


Oskar said...

Thanks for sharing such a great story!

Nubbin wiggles,

Scout and Freyja said...

That is how life should be, little friend. When we grow older it is our duty to protect new life and to provide a home for it to blossom and to grow and to reach its full potential. The oldest tree of the forest knows that, honey. She knows that once she was just a little sapling but now - in the twilight of her life - she must be a conduit for new generations.

♥Hugs to you and your moms from your mimi and Mr. Scout and Miss Freyja♥

bbes tribe said...

Tweedles your stories are always so wonderful and we enjoy them very much. Like some others said maybe you should publish some.
Ernie,Sasha,Chica,Lucas & Mom Barb

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Tweedles you are the dearest. I'm leaking tears for sweet and brave little Emmitt. Just had to stop by and give you a hug.