Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Santa Paw's- Where Are You?"

The winter days are dancing around me like

ponys on a merry go- round!

The days feel like they are zooming,

and soon it will be Christmas!

Soon it will be too late to tell the man in red,

my Christmas wishes.

I have searched everywhere for Santa Paw's,

but I cannot find him!

Maybe I should write him a letter!

Dear Santa Paws:

Please remember I live in the old white farm house, in the forest.

You will see tracks in the snow where I danced with the snowman.

Kittys will be sitting in the windows.

Smoke will be billowing from my chimney.

I saved my favorite cookie, just for you.

Please bring bird seed for the birdies,

carrots for the rabbits,

and nuts for the chipmunks!

Please come soon.

Nitey nite




A Brit in Tennessee said...

Sweet Tweedles, I'm sure you will get everything on your list, just keep the faith and believe :)
Oliver sends his love >^..^<

Payton said...

Hi Tweedles! It is starting to feel like Christmas more and more each day. Oh, I can't wait for Santa to come! Don't worry I know he will find you. I hope you get everything on your list.

Shane Kent Louis said...

Hi Tweedles! I'm sure many of your Paw friends will send their Christmas gifts for you. Just wait them patiently Woof!

It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

Ellen said...

Oh Tweedles you are just too cute. Your picture in this post is adorable. I love how you have remembered to ask for gifts for everyone. You are just too sweet. Don't worry Santa Paws will be there soon.

Mindy said...

Tweedles--I want to kiss your face and squish it and run around the house like maniacs!! Please tell your mommies that I miss them and love them so much. xoxoxoxoxo

Studio at the Farm said...

Hi Tweedles,

My mom says I have to be nicer to dogs, and you do seem awfully wonderful, so I will be a pen-pal, if that's OK with you. My mom heard about you from Suz Berry; she really likes the portrait Suz did for you. Anyway, night-night, Tweedles.

White Dog Blog said...

How could Santa resist such a lovely request? I am sure he will have something extra special for his favorite poet pup in his sack! Soon, dear one!

Minnie and Mack said...

After reading your sweet letter to Santa Paws, I'm sure he fill all of your wishes! So nice to remember the other little forest creatures, too.

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack

Duke said...

Santa Paws is hearing your letter, Tweedles and you're always a good little Puggie. We know he'll be good to you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Tweedles - you believe, so surely he will come.

The Thuglets said...

Tweedles..what a lovely letter to Santa. How could he possible resist such a beautiful request and excellent directions!

Stay warm and safe.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Frank The Tank said...

Hi Tweedles!
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere we go! La, Dee, Dee! (Singing) I love your description of Christmas time at your house, it sounds so full of enchantment, full of warmth and full of wonder! I would love to be with you on Christmas Eve to sit and make popcorn garlands and fruit wreaths for the wildlife and watch all of nature getting ready for Santa’s arrival! I’m sure that Santa knows where you live, I hear that if you whisper softly to the snowmen they will send your wishes to Santa Paws, his magic is all around us this time of year! You could write a letter and send it up the chimney, I’m sure there are lots of Puggys out there still sending letters for their wishes to come true! On my list this year I have no need for Christmas gifts, because the biggest gift I have had this year is you! You and all my delightful blog friends! I hope you get everything on your Christmas list, I’m sure you are nice and not naughty!
Lots of Love, Licks and Big Pug Hugs From your Friend Frank xxxxxxxx

Meredith LeBlanc said...

What a beautiful list Tweedles, you've thought of everyone. Thank you for sharing your Christmas wishes.

We're sending you our wishes of Love, Peace, and Joy ~ and pujas of course!

Meredith & Scarlet

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Tweedles that was beautiful
Benny & Lily

Kari in Alaska said...

soon soon soon

Stop on by for a visit

suzanneberry said...

santa paws is on his way, no worries sweet girl. and you've been so good he's stopping at your farmhouse first!! merry merry and night nite!

Chfnman said...

Tweedles that letter is what Christmas is all about! It was wonderful!


Tiffy said...

What a wonderful letter to Santa Paws. I just know he will find your old farm house because you described it perfectly. He will arrive when you are asleep and leave all your presents under the tree. The birdies will have their food placed in the trees and the bunnies food will be scattered among the dead leaves. All the chipmunk food will be gone by the time you wake up because they are fast eaters!

I am thinking about writing a letter to Santa Paws, too, but I don't know what to say. Maybe I will follow your lead and describe my house to him so he can find me. Thanks for the idea!


Opaka said...

Wow Tweedles, it sounds like you have a lot of friends to share your Christmas with, that's the best way to celebrate. I'm sure your letter found it's way to the right place.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hey Tweedles, can we send Santa a copy of your letter from us too, but with our address? That was the sweetest letter. We bet you will be one of the first stop St.Nick makes.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Barbara said...

Santa Paws loves you, Tweedles, and you will get everything you wish for!

Thank you for the card - it was very lovely and made me feel all warm inside!

Hank said...

Tweeds, honey.....don't you worry yer perty little head.

After Santy hits my place, I'll send 'im yer way!

Chatty Crone said...

I love the idea of you writing Santa Paws. And you didn't ask him for anything for yourself. What would YOU like for Christmas? sandie♥

Too Cute Pugs said...


Santa Paws won't be able to stay away after that letter!

Isn't Christmas exciting! We can't wait either.

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

KB said...

Don't worry, Tweedles, Santa Paws won't forget you! You're such a good girl that you'll be at the top of his list. And, you're so sweet to think of the rabbits and birds before yourself.

We always worry about the smoke billowing from the chimney. What if Santa Paws comes down the chimney into a fire? My nephews insist that we don't have a fire on Christmas Eve.

Winston Wilbur said...

Oh Tweedles what a nice letter for the man in red. Not a single selfish request of things just for you!

You know whats... I heard that if you don't get a chance to see the man in red before the special day. Goes out in the snowy forest and gaze up at the North Star then close your eyes and recite your letter in your head... he will hear it. It is the magic of the North Star!


Becky Andrews said...

Oh Tweedles, you made my day. You are adorable.

Archie and Melissa said...

hi twee!
what a perfect letter to santa!
now he know just what to bring!
a & m

Soggibottom said...

Santa paws is comin, Santa paws is comin, Santa paws is comin.... HONEST... cos they never fib to me :-) XXX