Monday, September 9, 2013


A  booooo booooo came to my house.
 And now  I want the boooo booo to go away,
 cause its no fun.
 The boooo booooo is making it hard for me to walk
 and run with the butterfly's.

 We all get booooo booooo's-sometimes
 and its okay to be afraid.

 What's a Tweedles to do?
  I will try to  put on my happy face
 and and chase the boooo booooo away.
 Nitey nite
 love tweedles


Noodles said...

Oh Tweedles I hope you feel better soon!
Love Noodles

Anonymous said...

Idaho PugRanch has left a new comment on your post

Dear sweet Tweedles, we just came from Sasha's. We hear that you are having some difficulties. We have all our paws crossed and sending POTP and love and healing vibes to you!
We love you Tweedles
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Anonymous said...

Nola has left a new comment on your post

Paws crossed

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Tweedles we are sending good vibes your way
Benny & Lily

rottrover said...

Tweedles, please feel better soon! Here comes POTP!

Bar, Ruby and Otto

Millie and Walter said...

Tweedles we have our paws crossed for you and hope you feel better soon.

Millie & Walter

Maxmom said...

Oh Tweedles,
I do hope it's not too serious and that your booboo will go away soon. Sending lots of love and warm healing vibes from your friends in South Africa

Unknown said...

OMD Tweedles we send healing vibes and POTP. Get well soon. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Best wishes Molly

Sketching with Dogs said...

Poor baby. We are sending all our healing Chi vibes and love to make your boo-boo go away. Hope your legs feel better soon Tweedles.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Duke said...

We are sending you TONS of AireZen, sweet Tweedles! We want you to feel better soon!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

tubby3pug said...

oh no tweedles feel better

urban hounds

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

BooBoo's are no fun at all. Me and my pack all have our paws crossed tightly that you feel all better soon.


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I am so sorry to hear this Tweedles. I hope you feel better soon. I get boo boos too sometimes. Tomorrow I am posting about how I was dumb enough to sew through my thumb, ha ha.

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Oh my dearest sweet Garden Woodland Fairy Princess!
Isa will be kissing all your boo-boos to make you feel all betters.
Your skilled boo-boo kissing nurse and boy,
Toby Moses
(kiss, kiss, kiss....and kiss)

Lovable Lily said...

Oh Tweedles, we are so sorry to hear you are not feeling too well. Please know that we have our paws crossed for you and hope to hear good news soon!

Lily Belle & Muffin

TimberLove said...

Aw Tweedles, that's no good little mate, hope the nasty boooboooo goes away FAST!! Play bows,


Barbara said...

Twee! What happened? Are you okay? Did you have to go to the doctor? Can you walk? Can you talk? Tell us more and I hope you feel better RIGHT NOW!!!!

I love you,

stellaroselong said...

Tweedles we are sending you all our hugs and prayers that you will get real better real soon, can you feel them?
Always your buddies
Stella Rose, Mags and angus

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Dear sweet Tweedles,we are so sorry to hear about your boo boo. Sasha told us too. We hope that you have some good meds and will be doing much better very soon. Feel better, sweetie.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Chfnman said...

Simply unacceptable Tweedles! Tell the boo boo that Gampy forbids any boo boos entering the House of Tweedles and it must go away NOW!


Chatty Crone said...

What happened - what is wrong.

Ziggy Stardust said...

Tweedles, I can't stand to think of you having booboos of any kind. I love you and I would do anything to help you. I am crossing paws right now and Mommy said prayers. I have been working on a super special batch of magic bubbles. These are really really really potent ones that I saved from one of our past missions. I will be sending it over your house at about 9:00 tonight. I hope you get them.

Tweedles is another word for love!

Loveys Sasha

fromsophiesview said...

I will help you with that BooBoo situation Tweedles ~~~ BBBBBBBBBBbooooooooooooooooooooo!! There that should help a wee bit.

Let me know!


Unknown said...

Little Tweedley-kins, we are hoping your boo boo feels better soon, so you can dance in the forest and chase the butterflies, and sing songs to the clouds! sending you so many healing hugs, your friends in Texas and Aunty Nancy! xoxox

KB said...

Oh sweet Tweedles, I can't bear to think of you with a boo boo. I hope that you feel better very soon and are fluttering through the forest like a butterfly soon again.

Studio at the Farm said...

Tweedles, my sweet! I hope your Booo Booo is gone NOW! One of my chinchilla furry friends has a boo boo right now, too, but he is slowly getting better. I think he banged his leg or pulled a ligament while playing in his cage. I noticed he was limping a bit, so took him to the vet. But he is getting around much better, and I'm sure he will be perfect soon. And you will be perfect soon, too!!!
Hugs from Kath and all the furbies here xxx

Elgor82 said...

Oh Tweedles ... we are sorry you got a boo-boo! All paws are crossed that you are better soon!

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Thanks for the update. I will be thinking of you on Friday and hoping all goes well and you feel better soon.

Idaho PugRanch said...

Stopped in to check on you Tweedles. We are still sending healing vibes and love. Hope you are feeling better
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Renegades said...

Hope you heal soon! One of our sheep have a booboo.

Mollie said...

Oh Tweedles we hope your Boooooo Booooo goes real quick and you is soon all better.. Sending Lub'z and Hug'z xx0xxx

Mollie and Alfie

Duke said...

We continue to send you tons of AireZen and our paws are crossed for you, Tweedles!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

tubby3pug said...

Tweedles we have paws crossed
Urban hounds

Meredith LeBlanc said...

Oh Beautiful Tweedles, we are so sorry to hear about your booboo. We don't like booboos either ~ we hope you get better quickly so you can frolic with the butterflies!

Meredith & Scarlet

Sharon Wagner said...

Oh no. We don't want Tweedles to suffer at all. Boo Hoo.

Jacobi said...

Dear Tweedles,

That is a very sad booo booo face. Feel better soon, and try not to lick your booo booo too much. It doesn't help, even if it feels better.


NanaNor's said...

Sending special healing hugs to you Tweedle; not sure what is causing you to be sad but I know you will be better soon.
Wags, Noreen & Hunter

Mary Ann said...

Oh, no, Tweedles... I'm so sorry!
I hope you are feeling better when you read this!

Chicco said...

Don't be afraid, dear Tweedles!
Woof, woof,


Duke said...

Our dad owns LOTS of duckies, Tweedles, but a lot of the duckies you saw in the video are mallards and they freeload for breakfast and dinner!
Our paws remain crossed for you ♥

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

3 doxies said...

Oh girl, I totally missed dis and then I hearded you was havin' tests done through da Idahos.
Please knows our strongest thoughts is goin' out to you and your moms. I knws everything will be okays.


The Life of Riley said...

We hope things get better for you soon.

Love and woofs,
Riley and Enzo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Tweedles and Moms,we hear that Tweedles had to have surgery today. We are so sorry you all have to go through tis, but know that we are holding all of you in our paws and hearts. We hope everything goes well for Tweedles. Please give her some gentle hugs from all of us.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, Lightning, and Mom

haopee said...

Tweedles, you get all better, okay! We wanna hug you really bad but the booboo might hurt.

You rest in ICU and recover.

pugmama said...

oh no! we've been away and I just saw that you had an injury, and surgery! we're sending lots of healing thoughts and love -- hope you'll be running again soon!

Jackie Bouchard said...

Hi Tweedles, I saw on Idaho Pub Ranch's blog that you are not feeling well. We here at Pooch Smooches are sending pawsitive thoughts your way! You're right, it is very scary to have a booboo. I hope you can be running with the butterflies again very soon!