Hi my friends
Where' s the Tweedles? Bet you can't find me. Do you see me?
I am not sure what to do! I am so very PERPLEXED.
I over heard my moms say that my toy basket was HEAPING and that maybe they should hide some of my toys for awhile. Their plan was to bring them out at another time. Bad idea!
As you can see, I play with ALL of my toys everyday, all day long.
My toys were all marching around the living room with me this morning, and the music was playing loud. As you can see it was the real deal- "the march of the toys"
I tried to explain this to moms. I don't know if they believed me. What more can I do?
No, not a one. It's true that I do have 5 or 6 frogs, that all look the same to my moms- but not to me! I know everyone is different. Each one smells different, sound different. I can tell them all apart, because they are MINE. And, I do have some toys that were my "specials" when I was just a tiny baby- but they are all still very special ,to this very day.
So what's a Tweedles to do?
What do you think?
What do you think?
I am in a panic situation now. Don't I look like it? Are you worried for me?
In my thinking, I would sat if the basket doesn't fit- then its time for MORE baskets! Not less toys!
I am a little worried aslo, cause I know Christmas is coming as soon as the summer and autum leave. Course Autum in not here yet. But, I do not want to wait until the last minute to start worrying.
I am a little worried aslo, cause I know Christmas is coming as soon as the summer and autum leave. Course Autum in not here yet. But, I do not want to wait until the last minute to start worrying.
I have been a very good pug. That is what Santa Paws told me to do- last year- be a good little puggie, and I have tried so very hard.
I already found some of my pressys, that I was not supposed to find in the kitchen cubboard. Of course they were snatched away from me before I could blink my eyes.
Does that mean moms will take them back to the toy shop and I won't ever get them?
I am worrying so much, I might get warts!

I think I will start hiding them so they won't dissapear from me. I have just the perfect place to stash them. How about under the couch?
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I know one thing tonight- I am wishing on stars for a lot of reasons.
Maybe you could help me wish tonight. Lets close our eyes and wish.
Nitey nite my friends