Hi my friends.
Are you ready for me to share with you? Would you like me to share my journey to the sea?
As you can see in the above picture I truely was there- digging in the sand - doing what I like to do best.

As soon as we got to the big ocean, and as soon as the truck doors opened, I raced down the sandy hill to the big sea.
I took a little tumble and went head over heals, but soon I recovered and took off running again.
Just like a streak of lightning. Nothing can stop me- nothing at all.

It wasn't long before mama caught up with me, and we had a little talk. She took a hold of my shoulders and told me not to get so carried away. I needed to be patient- and wait quietly, and not run off like that again!

So, off I went on my search for Puff and Star. I was almost certain, that they would be in the exact same spot as when we said goodbye, in April.
But they were not there.
I came upon Murphy, a Sea Turtle who had just swam up on the shore. "Murphy", I asked,
"Have you seen Star, my friend the Star Fish, and Puff, my friend the Sea Horse?"
Murphy said - "Yes, I know them quite well, but it has been awhile since I have seen them."
I was just crushed. I was sad. What's a Tweedles to do?

As I searched the sandy shores, I decided to fly my new kite. My kite went high into the sky- above the clouds. I could not make my mind stop thinking. The sea was wild and my heart was racing in antisipation. I was not going to give up searching.

I searched the tide pools. I pleaded with the sea.

The waves were being tossed to and fro. It was splendorious to watch, but my heart was capivated by the yearning to search for my friends. I searched and searched .
And then, I thought I heard echos. Did I hear my name?

Again, I heard the echos, and this time I climbed to the top of a rock and looked down. There in a little tide pool right before my eyes, something glistened. "Tweedles, it's me Star". Don't you recognize me?" I did not know what to think. The voice was the same, the shape was the same, but she did not look the same. "Oh Star", I said. "Do you know how VERY much I have missed you? Did you know how worried I was, that I might not find you? I was so worried that I would never see you again."
"Little Tweedles" Star said, you must never give up believing. You must learn to be patient. The big sea world is a very busy place, there is so much happening. I have many duties. Remember I told you I helped to make maps for the sea creatures so they know which way to swim? That is what I have been doing. I point my arm and they swim in the right directions.
"But why is your color blue, Star? You did not used to be blue."
Star told me that sometimes we change how we look, but we really are the same inside. She said not to be afraid of changes. It's all good. Don't worry.
Star and I visited for several hours- we got all caught up on the wonders of the sea. She told me about the big whales and the glow fish that light the pathways of the sea. It was just like old times. Just Star and me.

My search was not over! I still needed to find Puff. Certainly he was somewhere, but where?

"Hey Tweedles, you looking for someone"? I heard a very strange voice coming from the mouth of this old crow. "I thought I heard you mention the word Puff. Well, I know a Puff- looky over yonder"
I strained my eyes. The sea had a ribbon of colors trailing through it - like the colors of a rainbow.
The waves became high, and there I saw with my very own eyes- my friend Puff- zipping this way, zipping that way, twirling and splashing. I climbed to the top of the highest rock so Puff could see me. He swam so fast, I thought he would splash all the water from the sea! He came to a halt right by my little feet. "Oh sweet Puff, my forever friend. I missed you soo much. Take me with you Puff- take me with you! Please !
Puff looked at me with those magical eyes, and asked me that special question again- just like he did the last time I saw him. "Do you believe, Tweedles?" "Oh YES, YES, I believe."
Just then- what do you think appeared, but one of my magic bubbles! "Let's take the ride of a life time in one of your magic bubbles- Tweedles- you and me." I could not believe my good fortune for this moment was about to take place. Puff and I crawled inside the bubble. We put our arms around each other and held on tite- as down, down, into the deep sea we went. Oh the wonders we saw! We saw the whales , and we saw the glass balls that the Glow Fish live in to light the bottom of the sea. We saw Angel Fish , Sharks, and Sea Snakes, and Turtles. The colors were magnificent in the sea.
We traveled clear across the sea to other countries. We saw everything that you could imagine.
Our journey seemed like it was over so very fast. I did not want it to end. Have you ever felt that way?

The crescent moon was in the sky and it seemed to be slipping into the sea.
Somehow I knew my time with Puff and Star was ending.
The sea had quieted and our bubble came to rest on the sandy shore.
Puff looked at me with those eyes- which looked like they could say a thousand words.
"You must go now Tweedles- don't look back. We will meet again- just keep on believing."
My eyes had pug tears, as I said goodbye.
"Why do good times have to end? Why must I say goodbye.?"
As I walked away, I repeated the words over and over, I believe, I believe.
Soon I felt much better and I ran to moms who were waiting for me. I can't wait to tell them all about my journey. Tomorrow moms and I will fly kites and walk on the shores, and I will remember my forever friends.
Nitey nite everyone