Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"Dear Santa Paws"

I have been up all night.
I have been contemplating.
I have been writing , a long, long letter to someone special.

On Saturday I am going to go visit that special friend.
Do you know who that friend could be?
It is Santa Paws, of course!

Dear Santa Paws
big wishes on my wish list.
If you could help me, with these few little things,

I promise to be a good little puggie next year.
I don't want to be selfish, so I decided to only ask
for these few little things.

Wish number 1. Is for the animals of the world.
You see Santa, the problem is this:

There are so many homeless animals.
Where will they go for Christmas?
Who will love them?
What will they eat?
Will they get a nice scratch behind the ear?
Will they get a new toy?
So many of my friends, have been helping in GIGANTIC rescues.
They drive many, many, miles
across this big world to go help and find new homes for homeless.
They drive - even if it is, just for one little doggie.
Is there a special star in the sky that we can wish upon,
to help these little animals find love,
and forever homes,
and food,
and a blankey?

My wish is for all the animals of the world to find forever homes.

Wish number 2. is for the world,,,,,,
I will wish that the world will find PEACE very soon.

Wish number 3. Is for me
I would like one new toy, please.
Thank you Santa, I know you can help.

Nitey Nite my friends,


Stubby said...

Hi Tweedles! You look so sweet in your Santa hat. What's a Tweedles to do but look cute?

I love, love, love your letter to Santa! I too wish that all the doggies in the world could find forever homes. Not all doggies are as fortunate as us, but I'm sure Santa will do his best to fulfill your wish.

I too want world peace. There are so many problems in the world and I'm sure Santa is aware of them and working on them as I write this.

I'm sure Santa will bring you a new toy because you've been a good puggie this year. You are the best friend anypug could ask for.

Stubby xoxo

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Once again, woo prove how smart a pup woo are!

I just know Santa Paws will do all he khan -

Tank woo fur sharing your list with us!

PeeEssWoo: Mom is driving a dear little white Siberian boy pup on Sunday (she was supposed to have three total passengers but one is getting a plane flight and the other won't be coming until another time)!

Scout and Freyja said...

Tweedles, you made our momma have tears when she read your first wish because that is what she wishes each and every day. You see, all of us are rescues from our shelter and momma knows how important it is for people to bring shelter animals home to love.

♥You keep wishing sweetie and our momma will keep praying.♥

Arlo The Pug said...

Aww Tweedles! Your christmas list looks almost exactly like mine! I'm sure santa paws will grant us our wishes! If we believe hard enough, he just has to!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

I know Santa paws has you upon his good list. I like your list to Santa Paws.
Sally Ann

Al said...

Tweedles my dear I am with you when it come to wish 1 and wish 2. AL has adopted another dog, so we are three adopted dogs now and how I wish people would be like our Mom. She takes care of us and love us.

Wish peace is everybody's wish, if only everybody would be forgiving I guess there will be no more grudges and hatred.

Wish 3...we will not wish for more toys for this Christmas, maybe next year, we were very naughty BOL!

Coffee, Oreo and Michi(new friend)

Anonymous said...

How thoughtful of you Tweedles! At least you(if not me) have got the Christmas feel! Nothings ready out here! I'd be lucky if I pass through this stupid Test season! love ya! x

Archie and Melissa said...

hi tweedles!
oh what a wonderful letter to santa paws!
i know all of your requests are being answered and filled as we speak!
m & e

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Tweedles, we love you in your santa hat - very cute. This is a wonderful letter to santa and hope that you get what you are asking for!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Sharon Wagner said...

After I adopted 2 kitties from the Humane Society one of my wise friends said in so many words. It took two cats to replace the void of losing or beloved "Baby" So true.

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Tweedles you are such a sweet little pugger! We love the santa paws hat picture too.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hi Tweedles, your post brought a tear to Mom's eyes. You are just such a thoughtful and good little puggle. We are sure you will get at least your one little toy and maybe some of your other wishes will come true too.

And you couldn't possibly look cuter than you do in this photo.

Happy weekend, the OP Pack

Jan Mader said...

Oh Tweeds...Why am I not surprised that you wished more for others than you did for yourself. You are one awesome little pug!

NOW I KNOW FOR SURE WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!! I think I should take Belle and Maddie too!

Hank said...

Now, Tweedles, honey.....that is just the sweetest letter tuh Santa I ever seen.

We still got a ways tuh go but it seems us dogs (and cats) have done a perty good job o' educatin' these humans about animal welfare -doncha think? I think we're makin' progress!

Regardin' yer last wish....I have NO doubt that Santa will come through for ya, honey!

Winston Wilbur said...

Tweedles, we need your address. I need to send you a holiday gift. Leave a comment on my blog. Mum always reviews the comments before posting so no worries about privacy issues.


Dana Orsborn said...

Hi Tweedles! you look so adorable
and festive in your Santa hat!
Your letter to Santa was
was nice. I hope Santa
brings and everything
you want this year.

-Dana & Penny

Puglette said...

hi tweedles, thank you for the nice message. i hope you have fun with santa paws tomorrow. and i really hope mom's head does not explode, that makes a really big mess.

Maxmom said...

Hey there Tweedles, dear puggy!
That is a realy beautiful Christmas wish you got going there! We endorse it fully!
It's so nice to see your puggy-face again and you look very cute in your Christmas attire!
Do send all our love to your Mom too.

Duke said...

We hope all of your wishes come true, Tweedles.
We just love that picture of you in your Santa hat! You are so adorable!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Alice's Human Female said...

What wonderful Christmas wishes. You're as sweet as you are cute.

dw said...

Tweedles, you are such a special little puggie and your wishes for Christmas are just a small indication of the giant heart you have. Your third Christmas wish, for one new toy, will surely be granted because of the wonderful goodness in that ginormous puggy heart! In the new year I will be looking for a rescue doggie, hopefully a puggie, to love, to cherish and to provide that forever home that all animals deserve!

GAIL said...

I hope all your wishes come true. I love your new pic!

Chatty Crone said...

Santa Paws is adorable!!!!!!!!!

Chatty Crone said...

Happy New Year - I can't have a pug myself due to allergies so I am going to have to live through others blogs and I am so jealous! SAndie