Monday, December 7, 2009

"The Man In The Red Suit"

The world smelled like a GIANT red candy cane to me.
I smelled excitement in the air, from the moment I woke up!
This was MY day.
My moms and I had been planning this day for a whole year.
Do you want to join me?
Come on! Lets go!
Pack your water bowl and sweater and away we go- to see the man in the RED SUIT!
This is my new holiday sweater. Mama made my scarf- just for me.
As soon as we drove into Santa land, I announced I was there!
I announced to the world!
Here I come- READY OR NOT!

All the sparkling lights and smells and toys were everywhere!
What's a Tweedles to do?
I wanted to RUN free.
Run free up and down the aisles.
But,,,, for some reason that did not happen.
Not today at least.

I checked out all the shelves that were stocked with all kinds of toys and treats.
I saw horses, and cows and chickens and birds, and balls!
Hummm, I don't have one of those at home, I said to myself.
Not YET, at least.

And I found baskets FULL of toys.
The basket were going to animal shelters.
I choose two little toys for the basket too, so I carefully stuffed them in.
And then it was, that I started walking down a long trail deep into the forest.
There were kitties
and bunnies
and hampsters
There were big doggies and little doggies
And then there was ME.
Snowy white trees wth red ribbons stood tall on each side of the winding trail.
Snowmen were spinning in circles and dancing in the snow.
It looked like magic land to me.
Up ahead in the clearing I saw him- the man in RED, he was sitting.
He was jolly.
He laughed.
His hair was white as snow.
His smile said hello.
One by one,,,,,
each little animal took turns as they went up to the man in red and whispered in his ear.
I wonder what they said.
Soon it was my turn.
My EYES grew HUGE.
My heart POUNDED.
I looked in his eyes and then I whispered softly into his ear- then he kissed my face.
I can't tell you what I whispered.
It is really a secret.
Secrets are forever!
As I jumped down from his lap, I grabbed a candy cane, and danced with the snowmen.
I ran to mom who was waiting for me.
I was exhaugsted, after all that excitement.
Wouldn't you be?
As mommy drove us home, I dreamt about the snowmen that I saw dancing in the forest.
When we arrived home, I zoomed inside the house to tell my mama all about my day.
I wish you all sweet dreams tonight.

Nitey nite my friends


Scout and Freyja said...

Tweedles, I am sure that Santy Paws will bring to you whatever your little ♥ desired. Why? Because you are such a sweet baby dog and you have such good thoughts all year long. Can't wait to see what he puts under the tree for you.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That is one pawesome sweater!

I'm sure Santy Paws took note!


agent99 said...

Glad you had a magical visit with Santa. (We celebrate a funny holiday nobody can spell called Hannukah - latke time is coming -yum!) We loved your holiday sweater, and could nothelp but notice the pin from Emmitt's mom. But where's you picture with the big red guy?

Gen & the Foo

Al said...

Weeeee I had so much fun with all those toys! Santy will have so much for you for you a nice dog all year long! You give inspirations to all doggy friends and with that I am happy to be your friend!

We are getting excited for Christmas too!

Coffee and Oreo

Manon said...

Oooh Tweedles! What fun... i wanna join you!! Your momma dress you so nicely!! Your visit with Santa was pawsome!!

love ,

Freya's Human said...

Oh Tweedles your adventure sounded so fun I'll have to take my pup with me to meet Santa too! I hope you get everything you wished for this hoilday:D

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

Don't you just love Christmastime, Tweedles? Your post made us super excited!!!!

Pee-S we LOVE the snowflakes on your bloggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Tweedles you look so cute in your scarf and you are such sweetie tucking toys in the basket for the animal shelter pets.

GAIL said...


Hank said...

Tweedles, honey! You got a KISS from Santy?!?!?! You musta been REALLY good this year!

Rosie said...

WOW Tweedles I want to see Santa Paws with you - it sure sounds like you had a magical visit!

Maxmom said...

Hey there, Tweedles
I just love that sweater that your mom knitted for you!...and the tassles!
So you got to meet Santa?! That's great! Im sure your wish will come true...after all, you are such a sweety-pie and you do write so beautifully!

Sandy said...

You had quite a day, sporting your sweater and all. Bet you were the talk of the store.

Speaking of might get a kick out of my current post on my personal blog. Turn on your sound though.


Becky said...

Love the sweater and scarf! You are the sweetest little pug and tell the best stories ever! Wish we had a store like that, I would love it and visit there often! Your moms are so very blessed to have you and vice versa. Will you be having a white Christmas?

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

You are so pretty in your scarf & sweater. We haven't gotten to see Santa yet, we will need to work on mom & dad to take us.

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Tweedles, you always have the most magical adventures. It is fun to see how you can make a simple visit into something so delightful. We know Santa Paws will bring you lots of goodies this year.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Tweedles you look awesome in your sweater. It is beautiful especially with the scarf. Hope you got some goodies
Benny & Lily

Sally Ann and Andy said...

You saw Santa Paws, wow. I'm going this week. I love your sweater.
Sally Ann

Duke said...

You look so fashionable in your fringed sweater, Tweedles!
We hope Santa grants you all of your wishes!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Smushie Ranch said...

How fun! Mom is really lovin' the sweater and scarf.

Stella & Gunther

Archie and Melissa said...

hi tweedles!
oh what a wonderful adventure you had! your new sweater and scarf are perfect!

we love them!!!

m & e

Endless Love said...

I wish you have all you want for christmas petit trésor tu es si mignon

Unknown said...

Tweedles, you are going to have the best christmas ever, because you have the best moms ever. Plus Santa said so!

Kelly said...

Miss Tweedles, you look so sweet in your sweater and scarf!!

I was just reading your Christmas list down below this, and I love everything you wished for. I know Santa Paws will be good to you, because you have such a sweet spirit!

Merry Christmas, sweet Tweedles! Thank you for being my friend!!!


Jan Mader said...

If you weren't the best dressed dog in that store I don't know who was.

You make me smile every single day Tweedles. I can't think of a better gift to give someone than the gift of happiness.

Merry Chirstmas to you dear friend.....

Paula said...

Tweedles your day to SantaLand sound so perfect. It got my pug trio all excited for the Santa Paws to come.

Love your sweater, perfect Christmas colors.

Alice's Human Female said...

You look so lovely in your special sweater and scarf, Tweedles! I'm glad you enjoyed your visit with Santa.

Sharon Wagner said...

Oh joy! My cat's would be jealous to know a "dog" was having so much fun.

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Oh Tweedles!! It looks like you had the most fantastic time!!

We love your blog! Wanna be friends? You can visit us at:

Woofs and Kisses!


Wow! We loved every word about your adventure visiting the man in the red suit. It was great!

We know that you will get your wish for Christmas because you are sooo sweet! And cute too!

We luv you Tweedles!

Riley and Star.

Dana Orsborn said...

Hi Tweedles!

Penny and I love your scarf and
sweater! I bet you were super excited to see Santa and tell him what you
want after being around all those
toys at the store! Hope you are
having a great weekend!

-Dana & Penny

Oakley and Swisher said...

Wow, what a pawesome story, we were excited with you as we read along. You look absolutely adorable in your holiday sweater and scarf!! How kind of you to give toys to the doggies in the animal shelters, we are sure they will be SO happy.

Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish

Winston Wilbur said...

what a wonderful adventure and I luvs the sweater and your scarf. So pretty.


Life With Dogs said...

That man in the red suit will be here soon Tweedles. Not far now! :)

Cocorue said...

you do look sooooo adorable Tweedles and you kissed that SantaPaws???????? did you wash your face afterwards????

you really look so cuuute and must have been the envy of all the other dawgs there!!!


Diane said...

Hi sweet girl! Nobody melts my heart faster than you, Tweedles!!!
Your wonderful stories almost always bring tears to my eyes... tears of sheer joy! I hope you get everything you want for Christmas...and then some. I am looking forward to more fabulous stories in 2010 & beyond! Kiss your moms for me & great big kiss to you, young lady. xoxoxo Aunt Diane