The rain had been falling all night.
But now the sky was blue.
I was gazing at the clouds,
as they stretched across the sky, and floated.
I noticed that my birdie friends ,the swallows
were sailing above my head.
They were showing off in the sky,,,
how they fly,
how they soar,
and they tumble,
and dive,
and do circus tricks.
The sounds of spring were everywhere.
Frogs were croaking.
Birds were singing.
Crows were chattering.
Chickens were clucking.
Roosters were crowing.
Cows were bellowing.
The wind was whistling,
And I, was doing one of my favorite things to do,
I was daydreaming.
And then I heard ,,,,,
And then I heard silence.
Total silence.
I ran as fast as a pug could run.
I ran to the sound, that my ears were hearing.
And there on the ground before me,,,, was Sammy.
Sammy, was my sweet fishie friend, who lived in the shallow creek.
"Oh Sammy" I cried -
"What happened"?
"Why are you out of the water"?

"What's a Tweedles to Do"?

Sammy lay motionless.
I knew I must do something, fast.
Time was very important.
There are big decisions, that I must make.
I opened my mouth and grabbed Sammy.
"I must decide now!"
"I must decide now, " I mumbled to myself.

Quick like a bunny, I ran!!
I ran so fast, that I almost slipped in a mud puddle!
All that I could think of was:
I must help Sammy,,,, and I knew exactly what to do.
I knew exactly where to go.

I could hear the sound of the rushing water ahead of me.
Faster, and faster, I ran.
Suddenly I was at the waters edge, and I stopped.
I slid in the mud, and I opened my mouth.
Sammy flew from my lips, and sailed into the air.
Sammy sailed and tumbled like a feather in the wind.
Sammy looked like he was flying, and then I heard a big splash!
I watched closely as Sammy's little fishie body, just floated.
Silently floated.
I yelled "Swim Sammy, swim!!"
And then my voice quivered as I softly whispered "You must swim".
Sammy lay silently,,,, floating.
Just floating.
Suddenly, 8 lilly pads appeared and began to circle around Sammy.
In an instant 8 frogs were leaping from their lilly pads, and into the water.
There was so much splashing, that I could not see.
Soon there was more splashing ,and the frogs were tickling Sammy.
Sammy opened his eyes,
Sammy gulped.
Sammy started to move his fins.
Sammy was blinkling his hugmongus eyes,
just like when you wake up from a bad dream.
Then, Sammy began to splash and swim.
I stood in awe, as I watched this miracle.
I don't know why Sammie was out of the water.
I don't know what happened.
Sometimes, we don't have all the answers.
Sometimes we do not know why.
Sometimes I wonder why,,,,, why things happen.
I wonder if you ever wonder - why things happen?
But today, I do know,,,
I helped my fishie friend,
And now my heart is singing.
That is what matters to me.
And now my heart is singing.
Nitey nite my friends
Now it is time to tell you about my new Awards.
I am so honored that these friends thought of ME!
I would like to share all these awards with all my friends.
Will you come and take them, if you have not received them?
This award came from my wonderful friends,
Tiffy,the little one at http://luvbeingachihuahua.blogspot.com/
Tiffy still wants to play tag- I will try to play soon.
Guero,Coco Chanel,Brinks,Bella, Tiger and Luckyhttp://kissa-bull.blogspot.com/

This pawsome Award came from my friends at http://fiestythree.blogspot.com/