Saturday, May 29, 2010

"Brave Heart"

Today I put on my Brave Heart Face .
I know myface does not look toooo happy.
But, this is face that shows how I feel RIGHT NOW.
This is my Brave Heart Face.
Today, was the day that those NASTY stapples came out of me.
What is there to be afraid of ?
I asked myself over and over.
Over and over.
As long as Mr Lion is with me, I can do anything.
I will not be afraid.

It took awhile to convince my tail, that there was nothing to fear.
My tail was scared stiff as a board,
when the doctor came in through the door.
I wasn't listening to ANY of the the sweet words, that she was saying to me.
I heard nothing!
All I could see before my eyes- were those tools, that she held in her hand.
I held paws with Mr Lion, and I took a deep breath.
"I will not be afraid" I said over and over 'I will not be afraid".
In a just a magical moment,
as fast as I could count to FOUR,
the stapples were removed
and gone forever.

I am so thankful Mr Lion was with me.
"Are you okay Mr Lion," I asked?
The doctor told me how brave I was,
and then she kissed my head.
Oh, I am all better now,
yes, I am all better.
I got lots of treats on the way home.
Yup, I was a Brave Heart.

AND THEN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
During this week, I got a suprise in the mail.

Look what my friends Bella, Tiger, Guero, Coco Chanel, Brinks, and Lucky @ sent to me.

It was a belated Birthday card, and a little Cup Cake. They always tell me that I am the sweetest Cupcake EVER. The little card had doggy paws , and little flower stickers and a St Francis sticker in it, to protect me. The card was filled with slobbery sugary kisses from all the pibbles. I feel so special. Thank you my pibble friends.

And then, I was honored to get this pawsome Award from some of my friends.
at Kira the Beautiful and The Fiesty Three!
Thank you so much my friends for thing of me- and sharing.

The rules say to pass this Award on ,and to share 7 things about myself.
1. I have 4 KAT brothers and sisters
2. I have 2 moms.
3. I have my own forest
4. I have many forest friends
5. My drinking water comes from the root of a tree.
6. My house is 100 years old
7. I rule the roost.

I would like to share this Award with YOU. I know many of you already have it.
So, will you come and take this Award, if you do not already have it?
Nitey Nite, my sweet friends
Tonight, I will dream about how fun it was running naked through the trees with no harness.


Sandy said...

OH, Lil' do look brave and the lion looks very brave with you. You must be good friends. That cupcake is so cute and that's a good name for you...I might call you "cupcake" too. Isn't it good when the doctor kisses you! That's a good doctor.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

My sweet little friend, you are indeed the bravest Pug I know!! I think you are just as brave (and maybe a little braver) than Mr Lion! I'm glad those staples are gone and you are no longer worried!! I also liked hearing that you get water from a tree and live in an old, old house--Does the house tell you stories of those who lived there before you?

♥ Sallie said...

Awww. Mr. Lion is the best! And you were so brave! Congratulations on your award. Yay!

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

OH Tweedles! Wes so proud of you. One of us, Gracie Lynn recently had to have stitches removed from her face "The Stolen Nose Wrinkle" and also had two toothie extrawctions...we knows how scared she was and how brave she was. She agrees that running naked without the harness is the way to go.
Licks you Laters with much puggy love,
The Slimmer Puggums (especially Ms. Gracie Lynn your friend in the suture removal arena).

bbes tribe said...

Tweedles you are VERY brave. We are proud of you. YOur birfday cupcakes & goodies look very tasty.

Scout and Freyja said...

Tweedles, you never told us that you have FOUR kitty-catty siblings! Oh, Tweedles, you MUST show them to us, you MUST! Our momma ♥s kittys and we - well, we guess they are OK☺

We are so happy that your awful stitches are out and your skin can now begin to heal completely. You were so very, very brave, so very brave.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khousin Merdie and I are SO proud of woo!

What a great pressie surprise!

Khongrats on your award from Kira The BeaWOOtiful!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Chatty Crone said...

I am so glad the staples came out today - you did look a bit worried - glad you had Mr. Lion. And then the birthday gifts - how nice. You were very brave.

And your water comes from the root of a tree?

Have a nice weekend - rest and take care of yourself little one.


Becky said...

Glad those staples are gone, gone! Mr Lion was very nice to go with you and hold your paw. Your tail sure is stiff! I don't think I've ever seen a puggy's tail do that! A 100 yr old house is so neat and to drink from a tree, wow that's fresh water! You cooking out this weekend? Have a nice Memorail Day weekend. We're gonna eat hot dogs, chips, fried chicken, tater salad and baked beans! Ice cold iced tea with lemon to drink. NO dessert though! Not yet anyway!

Puglette said...

hi tweedles! i am so glad your doctor got those staples out lickity split! and i am really glad that she told you that you are all better. it is very sweet that you got a kiss on the head from your doctor. i got a kiss from a doctor once, but she had just told me that i had that C word. it is all gone now and my man doctor does not kiss. i would love to hear more about your water giving tree! have fun running free my little friend!

Maxmom said...

Hi there Tweedles and Georgie
We breath a sigh of relief too - that those staples are out. You are truly 'brave hearts'! My special friends!
Lotsaluv to you both!

Salinger The Pug said...

Wow...what a brave Puggie you are Tweedles!!! We're glad those nasty staples are GONE and that Mr. Lion helped you through it...although mom couldn't help but crack up at your STRAIGHT tail! It looks like an exclamation point!!!

OMD, I think we missed your birthday...HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY Birthday sweetie!!! You are definitely a bright spot in our day whenever we read all about your adventures!!!

S-Dog (and Hoomans)

Manon said...

Hi Tweedles,
I'm so glad you were so brave and that your staples finally came out!! Yay!! I'm happy that Mr. Lion came along to help your through it!! Now you can go on and have a blast the rest of the summer!! Yippeeeee!!

love, otie

Kitty+Coco said...

Oh my pug we know it is serious when your tail goes straight! I used to have a stuffie named Pal that helped me through scary stuff. Then I ate him. Poor Pal. Glad you are kind to Mr. Lion. Happy Birthday to you!
Nice to meet you Tweedles!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Woo Hoo, great news that the staples are out. Mom said to tell you that if your incision area is itchy, your Mom can dab some neosporin or bacitracin or something like that to make it feel better. Great pressie from The Pittie Pack (they are so sweet) and congrats on your pawesome award.

Bet you are all enjoying your long weekend.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Soggibottom said...

x x x
lots of love forever
Amie Soto Blossom

Hank said...

Wow, Tweedles, honey!

You really ARE brave! Good job, honey, an' in case we dint say it before....."HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!"

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Tweedles YOU are BRAVE!!!! We are also gald you feel betters too cute cupcake hehehe.

Winston Wilbur said...

Oh Tweedles what a brave puggy you were. Thank goodness Lion was there with you. I just luv your cupcake toy, what a wonderful gift.


Stubby said...

Hi Tweedles! Those nasty staples are gone forever! I knew you would be brave when the time came to visit the doctor to have them removed. What's a Tweedles to do but hold paws with Mr. Lion? It's so great to have friends with you when you need them.

Congrats on your presents and your awards. Everypug knows that you rule the roost!

Stubby xoxo

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh Tweedles,
Look at that tail in the picture sticking straight up - bless your heart...
and you holding your little lions hand!
We are glad you got your staples out and you are the bravest Puggie we know!
We send you hugs and kisses Tweedles.

Dandy Duke said...

We're so glad your lion friend was there with you and we're so happy to hear those nasty staples are history, Tweedles!
What thoughtful gifts from your pibble friends!
Congratulations on your award!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Diane said...

YAY!!! Out with the staples! You are all better now sweet girl. I know it was scary but you looked very brave on that table in the vet's office. You got more birthday surprises too.....everybody loves Tweedles! Very nice gifts & congratulations on your new award!
xoxoxo Aunt Diane

Jan Mader said...

Oh Sweet're brave and adorable too! You and Mr. Lion are lucky to have each're lucky to have such nice surprises too! xoxoxo

sandy said...

So glad you got those nasty staples out, and how nice to have your friend Mr. Lion with you.

Running through the forest

What if the children see?

Congrats on your award.


Archie and Melissa said...

hi tweedles!
oh your dear heart is so brave!
i love how you asked if mr. lion was ok.
you always melt my heart!
congratulations on all of your awards and gifities!
everyone love you Twee!
high 5!
auntie melissa & emmitt

Smushie Ranch said...

Tweedles, oh you're such a brave little girl. But now those dastardly staples are gone and you're whole again! Yay!

Maybe your mommas will still let your run naked through the forest once in awhile... :)

Stella, Gunther and Bettty

Sharon Wagner said...

It should be an award for bravery. Go Tweedles!

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

You are furry brave, Tweedles. We are so glad that staple things are all gone. We are glad that you like your award too!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

You are furry brave, Tweedles. We are so glad that staple things are all gone. We are glad that you like your award too!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Kelly said...

Oh my sweet Tweedles! I am SO proud of you.

You have been so brave through all of this, and now all of the bad stuff is over. And you are healthy and PERFECT!!!!!

Suka said...

hey Tweedles,

What a pawsome pal you have in Mr. Lion! You are both very brave to face the Vet! Congrats on all those icky staples being gone forever!

Congratulations also on your cool award. Great list of seven things. I think I would really like having my drinking water come from a tree! Very cool! Aren't forest friends great?!


p.s. What pawsome friends you have! Your birthday card is so cute and the cupcake looks very yummy! Enjoy!

Puglette said...

hi tweedles! here is a link to the video on my blog.

i really hope you get to see it, this is such a cute video.

Pugelicious said...

Poor Tweedles - those nasty staples. Hope you are feeling.

fromsophiesview said...

OH MY TWEEDLES....I am so proud of you...that doctor table can be soooo cold sometimes and slippery. Mr. Lion is a cutie too. I live next door to vet and I see dogs and kitties coming and going every day...I woof at them to come over to play, but they just look(with a look like yours earlier), I guess stress can do that to you. Those staples have gone bye bye so live it up...Hear!

Unknown said...

Dear Tweedley, this here is Annie. I am thinking the doctors wanted to see how a little pug could have such a big heart. We are sending you many hugs from Texas.
with much love,
Bee and the fattyboys