I cannot say goodbye.
My Earth Friend Stubby
Life of Stubby has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.
Stubby told me to remember that there is a time for everything.
But I did not know that there was a time for a heart, to hurt so deeply.
There are so many Stubby memories that I hold in my heart.
I will lay them out on the ground like little marbles,
and I will pick them up, one at a time, and look at the beautiful memories painted on each one.
Please help me look as I hold them in my paw. Will you?
Stubby could feel the heart beat of the forest and our earth.
He taught me to "tread lightly", in the forest, and to listen.
Stubby looked for the good in people. He wanted peace on earth so bad.
Stubby loved life with all his heart.
Stubby told me he was the luckiest pug on earth to have his mom and dad who loved him so much. Stubby was sad that their hearts hurt when they could not make him all better.
I never met Stubby, but we wrote to each other every night.
We shared stories and dreams.
Sometimes in the big universe , one heart will connect to another. Souls can connect deeper, than the deepest oceans.if we listen, we can feel the rhythm of each others hearts beating to the rhythm of our own. My heart was drawn to that rhythm that Stubby, was in tune to.
Stubby shared stories with me about his ponds, and the ducks and geese that visited.
He told me about his forest trails, and his forest friends.
I also shared stories about my forest. Stubby was wise and he told me that when I need answers, to go ask the trees and the forest creatures for the answers.
So very wise, Stubby was.
One day I asked Stubby if he had a favorite dream, and his answer was ;
"I dream about lots of things but my favorite dreams are ones in which I am healthy. I dream about the days when we first moved to our house and I would run like a crazy pug around the backyard. I could run from one end of the yard to the other in no time flat and I loved every minute of it."
Stubby wished on the snowflakes as they gently tumbled to the ground. He wished on the stars and the moon. He would dream about the "Sea of Tranquility" up on the moon. A place of peace and love.
My heart is greatful for the friendship that I hold in my heart.
What I learned from Stubby has changed me forever.
As Christmas was nearing, I shared a story with Stubby. After he read the story, Stubby said these words to me .
"Hearing your words lifted my spirit as I could imagine myself plowing through the snow filling the silence with my bells. I so wish I could run through the snow but your poem reminded me that I can, if only in my dreams. "
"Stubby's Song"
Once upon a time
on a midnight clear.
when every star in the sky
twinkled so brightly
where the moon beams chased shadows
of imaginary friends
...and the owls ,, hoot ,,, hooted ,,,,
In that very silent moment
I listened to the quiet,
I watched the snowflakes
drifting to the ground.
and in that very silent moment
i thought I heard
" ting a ling a ling.""ting a ling a ling"
i looked behind me
i looked beside me
and then i looked to the moutain top
the moon beams shown down
and in the shadows I saw
a small little pug in a bright red sweater
was i imagining?
With bells on his paws
he marched through the falling snow
he shuffeled through the snow
like a little steam engine..
he made a path,,
as the bells rang
ting a ling a ling.
the snowflakes whispered
and the stars twinkled
with bells on his paws
he marched
to the sounds of
ting a ling a ling
the little pug
marched and marched
and then suddenly
as the moon beams shone brighter and brighter
the words Peace on Earth could be seen
as they were written in the snow.
With the moon beams guiding his way
the little pug marched to the moutain top
to the rhythm
of ting a ling a ling,,
As the little pug was disappearing from my view,
he turned around and stretched out his paw...
i ran to him .
His name is Stubby
he is my friend .
Sweet dreams my Stubby
Everything is going to be okay.
There is a new star in the sky,, I am going to catch it if I can.
I cannot say goodbye