Friday, April 29, 2011

"Can You Hear Me?"

Dear Mother Earth
Can you hear us?
Can you help us?

We need your help....
Please calm the wild winds that are hurting my friends across the many lands from me.
Please keep them safe
Please heal our earth
Please hear our pleeees
Can you hear me?
Please calm the winds.
Please hear us.

Nitey nite


Suka said...

hey Tweedles,

What a good prayer. It is needed, and I know Mother Earth hears you and respects your call for help. You have such a huge heart to think of others who are suffering and hurting, and to want to help them. I join you in your call for help and calm from the wild winds. How could Mother Earth, or any mother, not grant your wish? :->


Adien Crafts said...

What a lovely post, we'll join you in your wishes for everyone's safety. Dex & Lou x

Oisín said...

Tweedles you is so wise and soulful. We are praying here too for all those hurt and that everyone can be safe once more.


Scout 'n Freyja said...

Sweetest Tweedles, that was such a good PURRayer. We are sure that Mother Nature heard you.

The Daily Pip said...

This was beautiful, Tweedles. I am certain that Mother Earth hears your loving words. I only hope more humans hear your words and Mother Earth's cries and learn to take better care of her. My paws are crossed with yours.

Your pal, Pip

Jan Mader said...

You are one with Mother Earth dear Tweeds. I know she heard your loving words...xoxoxo

Dandy Duke said...

We hope she heard you, Tweedles! Our paws are crossed too!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wonderful, Tweedles. Mother Earth is so confused. Too much rain, not enough rain, way too much destructive wind and storms. We hope she heard you and stops to think of all the sadness that the weather is causing.

We will call out to Mother Earth with you.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of your paws crossed! We'll speak to Mother Nature as well.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hello my little friend and your Mom's! What a very sweet prayer Tweedles--We are saying them for our friends too that they continue to be safe and that the winds stop....

Soggibottom said...

My paws are always yours if you need em Tweedles. Look up into that big sky and tell it what we tell the black birds and the mole that we had today in the garden. Hey. better places than here...the mole had our brussel sprouts, little weasel !
Right infront of my nose too. The blackbird, well, love to hear him sing, as long as it's a gentle song and he doesn't peck me peas .... speak to that wind and be kind. But tell him.. ON HIS WAY .
your lovin AMES X

KB said...


You can lead the chorus of songs to Mother Nature. But, is it possible that we are playing a role with greenhouse gases? Maybe we can sing to Mother Nature *and* reduce our carbon output.

Sorry to sound like a science geek... but that's what I am - an odd combination of scientist and worshipper of the mysticism of Mother Nature.

Barbara said...

I think I need to repeat that prayer a couple of is very windy here, but not windy like the other places. We would like it all to stop too.

Thank you for a wonderful prayer!

Tiffy said...

What a wonderful prayer, Tweedles! I can hear you and I know Mother Earth can, too. I am going to say your prayer tonight before I go to sleep because I am worried about all our friends, too. I know Mother Earth will take care of them and keep them safe if we all pray together.


Pee-s: I love your new bloggy background. It's very festive!

Archie and Melissa said...

Dearest Twee,
Mother Earth hears your prayer.
She hears everything that is in your heart.
Thank you Twee ~
Thank you for just being you!

Salinger The Pug said...

Hi sweet Tweedles!

You are so sweet for thinking of all of our friends that live where the winds have been mean.

We've been worried about them too, but are glad that all that we know of are ok!

We're keeping our paws crossed here too!


pee S. We LOVE the pic of you eating the ice cream cone in the fancy bonnet at Wilma's! HAHAHAHA!

Smushie Ranch said...

Well said Tweedles.

We love you,
The Smushies

Joan Princing Art said...

How very, very beautiful, Tweedles. For such a little pug - you have a gigantic heart of gold! I truly believe in positive thinking, the power of prayer, as well as the power of the paw! And I really, really hope that Mother Nature calms down to give all those affected by the wild winds a breather. I know...she needs to take a vacation...yep... that always helps to relax!

fromsophiesview said...

Hi Tweedles!
Here's hoping that the Mother Nature and the winds hear your plea and perhaps if we all communally think...calmness...she will abide!

Diane said...

I hope our earth heals very soon, Tweedles. I know your prayers will help. Thank you for posting about this to remind everyone of the horrible devastation from these tornados. You are so good, sweet girl. Aunt Diane misses you!

Chatty Crone said...

Tweedles -

I am with you in prayer - and earthquakes and flooding and tornados and hurricanes - this has been a really rough year. Some people actually just had more snow.
What is going on?


Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Tweedles you are so thoughtful
Benny & Lily

kissa-bull said...

oh deawest and most sweetest cupcake of the pittie pack we just KNOW in ourpibble hearts that mother earth will listen to you. especially to you. if it will listen to anyone it would be your bewootiful heart.thank you for thinking of others as usual

wiff slobbery love filled pibble sugars
the pittie pack

Unknown said...

Dear Tweedley, this is your Unky Java Cheese. Thank you for that prayer, it has made the twisty winds go away from my house. These winds scare me and make me bark, almost as scary as aluminum foil!
Cheesy Man

It's a Pugs Life said...

Tweedles, this is lovely! Is everything alright or are you just looking out for everyone out there?

Peggy Frezon said...

Beautifully said. Love the picture of your crossed paws so sweet. Thanks for the special thoughts today.

Sharon Wagner said...

Oh, I love that Tweedles has her paws crossed!

suzanneberry said...

What a lovely prayer to our Mother who we have been so neglectful of. A beautiful post Tweedles, thank you! I just wanna scoop you up and shower you with kisses. Raz and blu say woof!

Bobbie said...

That was just beautiful!! Oh, and Gracie thanks you for the magic bubbles sent her way. She's feeling better already. Tweedles, you are adorable!

Neeko said...

Oh! Sweet Tweedles,

Meee prayed very hard too...

Neeko ♥

White Dog Blog said...

How could Mother Earth refuse such a genuine caring request. We add our prayful woos to yours as The White Dog Army sends positive energy to calm the winds and bring peace.

Thank you so much for the warm welcome you left for my new brother, YoYo. Your words were most kind and were such a lovely example of the wonderful community of which we are all a part.

sandy said...

Darling pictures as always. The weather really has been something this past winter and now spring. So many suffering.

Oskar said...

What a beautiful post!

Nubbin wiggles,

Alien said...


Happy Mother's Day to all!


Winston Wilbur said...


I have no doubt in my mind that Mother Earth heard you. How could she not!


Unknown said...

Thank you Tweedles for praying for us in the other parts of the world:)

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

Melvino Puggaccino said...

I hear you and am praying right along with you, Tweedlesfriend.

My sadface has been real for a while now... so much loss. So many hurts.

We must keep calling out and praying. Thank you for reminding us.


Manon said...

Hi, Tweedles!!
So good to see you!! My mom was in both NC and SC when all the tornados were going on. It was a pretty scary thing for her.
I think Mother Earth finally heard you, my friend!!
