Dear Ocean
How brave you are.
How very strong you are.
I remember the roar of your voice.
And I remember how you hummmm so softly .
Do you remember me?

I brought a friend with me, It's Flat Stubby.
I wanted to share your magic with my special friend.
Stubby loved the sea, and always wanted to meet all of my sea friends.
Everywhere I look, I feel your magic around me.
I feel the ocean's breeze as she tickles my ears , and I taste the salt on my lips.
I smell all your ocean smells, and I feel your mist on my face.

We ran along the seashore, and we looked in tidepools for my friends.
My Flat Stubby and me.

We searched everywhere
And then we found my friend "Star", the Star Fish.
Star had fallen asleep in the sand, so I carried her back out to the calming tides.
But where is Puff, I wondered?
Do you ever have dreams that you want to come true, so bad?
I did.
I had hopes and dreams that Puff would be waiting for me on the seashore.
But, he wasn't.
Then quietly, Star whispered to me that I must learn "patience".
"You see Tweedles," Star said to me. "The ocean never hurrys. "

My eyes could not help but scan the horizon, as Star spoke to me.
I wanted to see Puff , I wanted to see Puff so bad.
I had some turbulance inside of me,, that I knew Puff could calm.
"Watch how the waves flow in to the shore, and flow back out."
It was at that moment that I remembered "the promise" that Puff made to me, two years ago.
Puff said that if I ever needed him... just whisper his name in the breeze... And so, that is what I did.
I closed my eyes,,, I counted to three, and whispered PUFFFFFF,,,,
A sudden breeze seem to come out of nowhere, and I opened my eyes to see the biggest magic bubble roll up onto the shore.
I grabbed Flat Stubby,,, and we ran as fast as we could to the bubble.... yes I knew of course, it was Puff!
Puff helped us inside the bubble, and the first thing I wanted to do was to touch Puffs eyes.
Those very eyes that were blinded by the oil spill are now all healed, but they have scars.
I was so happy to see Puff, that tears filled my puggy eyes.
My heart felt as though it would pop from this happy reunion.
Puff's words of wisdom to me were
to remember that those who are gone from us-
live in our hearts forever... and when we are afraid. ... we can make the fears go away....
..................when we hummmm- like the ocean.
Then I understood....
Puff lives in my heart forever
and I need to learn to wait for the "perfect time,
for my dreams to come true."
Nitey nite