Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"My BFF"

Do you have a BFF?
I do, and her name is Tiffy Tippy Toes. It's Tiffy Time!
I have never met Tiffy, but we email each other every day. We are best friends.
Tiffy sent me this pretty Princess dress. Tiffy sent one to my friend Tuni , too.

This is Tiffy. She is five, like me. She has beautiful big brown eyes.
Tiffy's old life was a mystery.
Tiffy was lost and waundered the streets in Texas for a long time.
Because we are BFF'S , maybe someday Tiffy will tell me all about her lost days.
But really all that matters are the days ahead.

My friend Stubby who left for the Rainbow Bridge, helped guide his parents to choose Tiffy and give her a forever home.
Tiffy healed her new parents hearts with love. And they healed Tiffys heart too.
Tiffys momma and daddy take her to the Forest Preserves and they walk on trails.
And sometimes they all eat ice cream.
Tiffy eats ice cream too.
Something very special about Tiffy is that she cannot see very good.
But it does not matter.
Tiffy can see through the words that are spoken to her.

Tiffy knows what rainbows they stretch across the sky with many colors.
Blue like a summer day.
Green like cool grass on your feet.
Red like strawberrys
Pink like bubble gum
Orange like popsickles
Purple like grapes.

And Tiffy hears the birds in the sky. Tiffy is learning to understand their tweets.
Yes, Tiffy told me... that she can see perfectly.

Someday, Tiffy is going to come visit me. Maybe she will come in a magic bubble.
I hope so.

Having Tiffy for a BFF is fun.
Nitey nite


Duke said...

What a pretty girl Tiffy is, Tweedles! We are so happy to hear that she has a loving home with angel Stubbies mom and dad. And we are thrilled to hear that she loves ice cream!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Diane said...

What a beautiful new friend you have, Tweedles! Tiffy looks very sweet & I am so glad Stubby helped his mom & dad decide on her. I hope you will get to meet her one day. You look positively adorable in your princess dress! Kisses & hugs to you & your moms! Aunt Diane

Sharon Wagner said...

My bffs say "Meow" They told me that cats make the best friends. But that's only because they don't know Tweedles!

Noodles said...

Hi Tweedles,
I don't have a doggy BFF yet. My Mommys are pretty busy and don't get out to many Pug Meets, etc. I live very close to Bellatrix and Puglet so someday they may be my BFFs.
I know Tiffy and Tuni (Emma and Sequoia). What great gals they all are. I can see why they are your BFFs.
Love Noodles

Chatty Crone said...

You two girls are so cute. There is NOTHING like a BFF! I am sure glad you have one. Makes life more wonderful!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Tiffy sure is a hottie. What a beautiful dress!
Benny & Lily

Barbara said...

Tweedles, I want to thank you for introducing me to Tiffy when she was adopted. She is a lot of fun to read about. What she lacks in seeing power, she more than makes up in smelling and hearing power. She's fun!

I love the dress and I hope you wear it often!

Soggibottom said...

Don't we all love happy bubbles :-)
Nity nite Tweedles, give young Tiffy our love.......

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Tweedles, you look really beautiful!! There really is nothing like a BFF that you can share your secrets and your thoughts with--I have special friends like that as well, and I think they tell you their secrets too!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Awwww, Tiffy is so sweet. We bet Stubbie is all smiles over that bridge. We are so happy for his family.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Payton said...

I am like Noodles and don't have a BFF. The closest thing I had was my "Aunt" Isabella (giant schnauzer), but she past over the bridge a few years back. We really liked to play. I'm just so glad that I've started to get to know you and all of my other blogger furiends. I hope to meet Tiffy in the fur next time I'm in Chicago.
PS. I loved you rainbow poem. It was so special...and it made me hungry!

Hank said...

Sweet Tweedles.....we're with Payton. Your description of the rainbow made us hungry!

Hank's BFF is JoeJack, the groomer's dog.

Thank you for your kind words on our blog today. Molly passed in her sleep early this morning. Our sweet girl did it on her own terms - as usual. :)


Sarah and Hank

GAIL said...

So glad you have a new BFF. She looks like a very sweet girl.

Teesha and Bindie said...

Your dress is so pretty. Mums thinks Brody sent "the girl" to us as it just sort of happened, your bff is very pretty to

Archie and Melissa said...

hi twee!
oh you and tiffy make the most wonderful BFF's!
you have so much in common and have so much yet to share!
we love you both with all of our hearts!
a & m

TimberLove said...

Good morning Tweedles!! How are woo today? It's very hot here in Wyoming so we are hanging out in the air conditioning:) Your BFF is very beautiful- make sure you give her a big husky howdy from us OK? Have a good day dear!

RA & Isis

Asta said...

Dawling Tweedles
Isn't it wondewful to have a BFF?
You have chosen well. Tiffy looks like a wondewful and bootifu and clevew fwiend to have. I bet she has a big heawt too. I'm so glad she has a wondewful life in hew footoow..I hope she doesn't wemembew hew past if it was huswtful.
She is stong and clevew and bad eyesight will cewtainly not stop hew. I hope you do get to meet somedsy
smoochie kisses

White Dog Blog said...

What a lovely tribute to your beautiful BFF, Tiffy! We understand about seeing in ways that do not use your eyes. My brother YoYoMa is nearly blind and he, too, is learning to see like Tiffy does. You are a wonderful devoted friend, Tweedles!

fromsophiesview said...

Tiffy certainly has a warm heart 'cos it radiates all away across the continent into my backyard. I just know it does. Cheers to you BFF!

Becky said...

Hey girls!!! How are you doing? Love your new friend and her name is soooo cute! I'm very glad she found her furever home with Stubby's pawrents. They will heal each other's hearts! I have missed you and your Moms so much! I have been working full time at a new job and go to bed early, not leaving much time for blogging. I'm trying to get back to it on my my days off. Facebook takes up too much of my tiem. I would rather read about your adventures in the magic bubbles!! Love you girls soo much!!! Hugs!! Happy Summer!

Bobbie said...

Tiffy is a sweetheart and so are you, Tweedles. (((HUGS)))

Adien Crafts said...

Hi Tweedles! We are a bit dumb because we don't know what a BFF is? However if Tiffy is one then we would like one too. You guys look so cute and bet you'd have the bestest fun if you met up, hope you can do that one day, Dex & Lou xxx

Manon said...

Awe....Tiffy is so cute!! you both are so cute!!! I'm glad she is your BFF!!!


Sandy said...

Tiffy is a treasure! Love her name. I think I'll borrow her name is I ever get to name my own pug again. Kisses to you! You look sweet in that princess dress.

Vito and Gina said...

Oh Tweedles, you are such a good friend! What a beautiful tribute to your BFF!


Maxmom said...

Oh Tweedles,
Tiffy sounds wonderful. I know she's going to fill that hole in your heart. You are an awesome friend.
Sending lotsaluv

Oskar said...

Tiffy looks lovely! I'll go over & meet her.

Nubbin wiggles,

Suka said...

hey Tweedles,

It is so wonderful to read that you have a BFF! And Tiffy Tippy Toes sounds amazing! And, she is very beautiful! Stubby did great sending his parents to rescue Tiffy, and I am sure he is wagging his tail with happiness that you and Tiffy are BFF!

The dress looks very pretty on you. Tiffy has excellent taste!


Dana Orsborn said...

Hi Tweedles!

You are so lucky to have Tiffy as a BFF!
She is one sexy pug. Daisy and I hope you
two get to play together soon!

-Dana & Daisy

Salinger The Pug said...

Hi Sweet Tweedles!

You and Tiffy are PERFECT BFFs!!! I hope that you DO get to visit in pugson soon....let me know if you do come to Chicago so I can get my driver to take me up there too and we can all go get our nails done and have some Popeyes!


The Thuglets said... lovely you have Tiffy as a new BFF.

We are so pleased she has a special new forever home and you as her new BFF!

Your Pretty Princess dress is are as pretty as a princess!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Tiffy said...

Oh Tweedles! This post is so beautiful and heartful. I am so glad we are BFFs. I love talking to you every night and hearing about all your adventures. There's nothing better than having a BFF!

Momma still misses Stubby a lot but I have helped heal her a lot. I am Momma's girl for sure so I never leave her side. I just know that Stubby sent me to her.

You look absolutely adorable in your princess dress. I sure hope your moms take you somewhere nice so you can show everyone how pretty you look.
