Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Soft Sounds"

I hear soft sounds. Can you hear them too?
I hear the soft sound of the sun
as she rises over the sleeping forest.
I hear chirps and tweets from little birds
as they welcome another day.
I hear bumble bees,,,,
humming as they go from flower to flower.
I hear wings soaring in the blue sky
I hear the soft sound of shadows
as they race between sun rays.
I hear the silent sound of the butterflys
as they dance before my eyes.

I hear bubbles all around me.
They want to lift me high, and take me over the rainbow!
The bubbles say "follow me"

I hear the soft sounds of flowers growing in the forest.
I hear them yawn and stretch.

I hear the sound of crickets singing in the night.
I hear the quiet sound of the moon as she watches us sleep.

I hear the soft sound of the stars
as they twinkle in the darkness.
Do you hear them twinkle?
I hear the soft voices of all my friends
when they wish upon a star.

I hear the soft sound of the wind
as she brings the rain clouds.
The pitter patter of the tiny drops
quench the thirst of our earth.

Can you hear the soft sounds too? What sounds do you hear?
Nitey Nite


Barbara said...

I hear the soft sounds of my wonderful friend, Tweedles, telling me wonderful stories.

I love you my dear friend,

Jan Mader said...

I hear the soft sound of Tweedles typing away while we look at the same moon and stars...making soft wonderful sounds....xoxoox

Two French Bulldogs said...

beautiful...we see you in there
Benny & Lily

Payton said...

Hello Tweedles,
I really like all of your soft sounds. Your picture of the twinkling stars is so beautiful that you have inspired me to listen for them the next time I am outside at night. This week it was kinda chilly outside, but I still enjoyed laying the in the sun to soak up the rays and hear all the sounds. I heard the wind as it rustled the leaves. Today I heard the rain drops. Some day soon, I hope to hear your bubbles say "follow me" as they lead me to you!

Jan Mader said...

Oh my goodness little Tweeds...I just saw your book....How could I have missed this? It's about should be singing from the rooftops or skipping through the forest...I AM SO PROUD OF YOU and I'm going to order your book so all my kids can read it! xoxoxo

Dandy Duke said...

Dad is always asking mom why she doesn't take a radio outside with her when she works in her garden and mom tells him that there is always music in the garden - you just have to listen! We loved your post, Tweedles!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

This morning I heard the sleeping sounds of the dogs around me, and through the open window I heard the owl...When I got up and looked at the moon, I thought of you Tweedles and your Mom's...I think we hear a lot of the same sounds of nature welcoming the day and saying good-bye to the night...

Frank The Tank said...

Oww I really love the soft sounds. I like the photos of you with the bubbles (I love bubbles too and I follow them until they pop on my nose!) and the the photos of the moon and stars make me feel relaxed and sleepy, I like to hear the sounds of the crickets they seem to sing me to sleep, its so beautiful!! I love coming to this blog because it makes me feel one with the planet and happy to be a puggy! Love, (P)ugs and high Paws from Frank XXXXXXX

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We always love hearing the soft beauty of your sweet voice, Tweedles.

Have a great week. And thanks for all your good wishes.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Ruth Welter said...

Tweedles is absolutely adorable.


Chatty Crone said...

I think you have to be extremely quiet to hear all those sounds - with good ears. A good thing to do every once in awhile to hear nature! sandie

Archie and Melissa said...

hi twee!
oh reading your words brings me right to that quiet place where i can stop and hear all of those sounds too.
sometimes the buzz around us drowns out the quiet place and i forget to stop and listen.
thank you twee, thank you for showing me the way to your beautiful places.
thank you for taking us all with you in your magic bubbles.
archie and missy

Kippy Marrie said...

Olá ... Que vida boa voce leva.
amei voce e o blog. Venha conhecer meu blog e me SEGUIR. Estou SEGUINDO seu blog também. AMEI!
Moro no Brasil, venha conhecer.
Boa semana.
Aus 1000 com amor...


Sharon Wagner said...

I hear the ticking of my cuckoo clock. And the whirl of my dryer. Oh, and some meows.

The Daily Pip said...

I hear all these lovely things too, Tweedles! My favorite are the twinkling stars - sometimes my mom and me sit out on the back porch late at night and listen to them twinkle and shine!

Your pal, Pip

suzanneberry said...

i hear your sweet voice! lovely post as always sweet tweedles! i love you!

Soggibottom said...

Is that you Tweedles ?
I can hear you right over here :-) x x x

Wilma said...

Well Tweedles. These past few days, I heard the sounds of wishes on stars and the vibration of healing vibes sent from all my friends, and they helped me feel better. I also heard the spuds OG Brigitte and Sluggo right by my side, watching over me to be sure I was resting. I love your moon. That is mupy Mom's favorite kind, just a sliver. Is that a picture of your starry sky? The stars are so bright! Thank you for the beautiful words Tweedles.

White Dog Blog said...

Do you hear the soft woos of our gratitude and the beat of our love? Today we heard the sound of the mailman leaving magic messages inside our door. We opened the envelope and heard the sound of hope as we unwrapped blue paper. We heard the soft "oh my" of momma as she held up the note so we could see it was from You. We heard the sound of one perfect tear of joy rolling down momma's cheek as she wordless hugged us. And we heard in her soul the conviction that united quiet warriors with big pure hearts WILL win the battle against cancer. Did you hear the sound of our thanks, special friend?

Tiffy said...

What a wonderful story, Tweedles! I hear the soft sounds all the time. I heard them at the park today as I walked softly on the trail. I never knew dragonflies made a soft sound until today when I was surrounded by them. Their lovely sound made me realize they speak softly so they can hear each other. What a wonderful lesson to learn.


KB said...

I love the quiet of nature. But then, when I adjust to it, I notice that the forest has all of its own sounds, just like you wrote about. I love those same sounds... and the soft whooshing of wind through the quaking aspens.

Thank you, Tweedles. Now I can go to sleep.

The Thuglets said...

Tweedles you always tell such beautiful stories!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Teesha and Bindie said...

I love your stories Tweedles, we love to listen to things in the garden, we have lots of birds and this year we have magpies, they have never been in this area for about 30 years.

Hank said...

Hi, Tweeds! I love this post; it's like a meditation.

Some days - when I can get myself up early before the traffic starts in - I like to listen to the soft sounds of the morning.

At night, I pretty much just hear Hank letting stinkers.

Winston Wilbur said...

Hi Tweedles,

There are so many sounds that one can hear if we all just stop and take time to listen. You always stop and listen and look and observe everything around you. You always take in what Mother Nature offers. Just the other days I went to a fish hatchery with Mum. I felt like you as I wondered through the rainforest and observed my surroundings. I am hoping to do a post abouts it soon once Mum gets her class assignment finished.


Maxmom said...

Soft and...gentle sounds...
We love you, Tweedles!

Kippy Marrie said...

Obrigada pela visita.
Venha mais e seja SEGUIDOR também. JOIN THIS SITE - MY BLOG KIPPY. Entende?
Eu sou SEGUIDORA ( MEMBERS) do seu blog.
Te espero com alegria.
Aus aus do Brasil...


Oskar said...

We hear you reciting us a beautiful poem!

Nubbin wiggles,

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Hi Tweedles! My first family dog was a pug - his name was Butch. He was my best friend growing up.

Nice to meet you, you have beautiful thoughts :-)

fromsophiesview said...

I just spent a few days on P.E.I. which is like another country. The fields of corn, potatoes, greens were blowing all the time. The ocean surrounds this land, aah an island of course, so we heard the waves and winds of Hurricane Maria(far away she was..phew). I met my cousin a border collie Shelby, a speed demon. Taking time to explore red beaches and country roads was the best part of my trip.I could hear peacefulness every morning as I opened the door to greet Shelby and play. I hope you and your bubbles find such peace and love to Tweedles!

pugmama said...

My favorite is the soft sound of contented pug breathing... always soothes my heart. Love the name Tweedles (we call our littlest, deedles!). Thanks for the well wishes, Tweedles is quite the cutie!

Meredith LeBlanc said...

We like to listen to the sounds of our breath as we are surrounded by your soft sounds. Thank you for sharing them with us.

We love you Tweedles!
Meredith & Scarlet

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Thanks Tweedles for stopping by. It is so pretty where you live. Your words are so soothing. Mommy believes in miracles too but she's still scared.

{{{huggies}}}...Mona & Weenie

Bobbie said...

"I hear the sound of Mom putting food in my bowl"- gracie.
Dear Tweedles... Pay no attention to Gracie. She can think of nothing but her tummy. I think of you Tweedles, when I look at the sky and all is quiet and still and that is when I hear your magic bubbles floating through the air and whispering 'Nitey Nite'

Asta said...

Deewest Tweedles

Thank you fow helping me to pause and heew all those soft sounds I nowmally miss in the busy and loud sonds awound me..I heaw youw heawt beat, I heaw youw love
I heaw all the sweet soft souds you bwought to my attention

Thank you and thank you fow coming to my biwfday and helping in heawing the sounds of woofies who don't have my special and all my othew fwiends helped me get those gween papews togethew to help some fuwwiend in need

smoochie kisses

White Dog Blog said...

Thank you for your energy. We felt you with us on our Walk to end cancer yesterday.

Scout and Freyja said...

Right now I am hearing the sound of the rain coming down from a warm, Fall sky watering our garden Mums that so brightly greet our visitors to the front porch.

Vito and Gina said...

Oh Tweedles, I have missed you and your wonderful poetry! Mom has been lazy and not letting me get on the laptop. I'll punish her in my own way, don't you worry.


PS when I hear soft sounds I just bark my head off. ;)

Too Cute Pugs said...

Just lovely, Tweedles! We feel very peaceful now after reading your poem.

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

Soggibottom said...

Tweedles, I hear the sound of one of your birdy tweety friends over here :-) x x x

Sandy said...

sometimes when I'm asleep, I hear a knock at the door...but no one is there. Kisses to you sweet little Tweedles!

Asta said...

Deew little Tweedles


I dwew youw name out of the pile of fwiends who came to my Biwfday pawty and that means you will be getting the gween papews fow the chawity of youw choice

wite to my pee mail and give me youw addwess, so I can send it to you OK?
smoochie kisses