Friday, June 8, 2012

I Will Miss You Hank

He was one of my firstest friends. from long ago.
 His name is Hank.
This is a photo of him and his mom.

He  always made me smile when he would say "Tweedles honey!
   He reminded me of a happy clown.

    Hanks  mom said the angels quietly came last night, and took him away.
   His mom and dad loved him so much, but  they had to let him go.
    I am trying not to be sad because where Hank has gone to is The Rainbow Bridge.
 It is a happy place where there is lots of love and angels,
and treats to eat
and stuff to drink.
 Many of my friends live at the Bridge. Someday  we will all  be together again.
  But right now maybe we can all sit shoulder to shoulder and hold paws.
 We can circle around Hanks pawrents  @ I Tell Ya What
 because their hearts are broken
and empty.
We can share love with them.
There are some new stars in the sky, and I know one of them is Hank.
Lets go look.



rottrover said...

Oh Tweedles. Too many friends have gone to the bridge recently. Sorry for the loss of your friend.

-Bart and Ruby

Suka said...

hey Tweedles,

I am so very sad for the loss of your dear friend Hank. Too many pups seem to be sick and/or passing away and it is a very sad time. I am sorry you are hurting and suffering another loss of a sweet friend. I will go and paw some words of comfort and love for his family.

It is O.K. to be sad, Tweedles. Sometimes our hearts just need a good cry, and then we can rejoice in the fact Hank is having fun over the Rainbow Bridge and will one day be reunited with all his loved ones. Your tribute to him is very touching, and my paws are in yours to bring love and comfort to Hank's pawrents.


Ziggy Stardust said...

Tweedles, what a beautiful tribute to your friend. My heart is sad lately cause so many of our friends are crossing the bridge. I am thinking of them all running around free and without pain and that does make me feel better. I am sorry about Hank. I will go a share love now. Do you think that together we could launch some magic bubbles of love for their family??

Loveys Sasha

Maxmom said...

I too am so sorry for your dear friend, Hank. I am absolutely certain that he and Maxdog will be running together in those pretty pastures across the rainbow bridge. But that is often small consolation for us humans who remain behind.
y sincere condolences to Hank's humans. This is such a difficult time and I send my love to them too. Fly free, sweet Hank
With love,
ps. I hope that your parcel arrives soon. Please don't worry if you cant get hold of me - I will be in the bush for about a week. Lotsaluv, C

tubby3pug said...

What a beautiful Poem. We loved Hank too, what a wonderful pugger he was and so full of fun. I hope he is with my Dr. Zira and my Bingo as well as all of our other friends

urban hounds

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm so sorry you lost your friend Tweedles. He had such a wise expression. May he rest in peace.

suzanneberry said...

my dear sweet girl, i am so sorry that your friend hank as gone over the rainbow bridge. it's so sad when we lose our friends. i had a dream and tim told me that our two fur babies met him when he crossed the bridge and he was so glad to see them. they made him feel safe and loved. i know that hank was met by friends and family that were waiting for them and maybe they'll meet tim, devlin and cody. what a wonderful party that would be. i love you. try not to cry.

Archie and Melissa said...

oh twee
thank you for this wonderful tribute to hank.
he is a very special pug... a very special angel.

we are humming now like puff and the ocean reminded us to do.

ohhhhh it is making us feel so much better.
we can feel him feeling good on the rainbow... smiling at all of us.

it is sunny today and warm... that is our hank hugging us... we can feel it.

thank you twee...
thank you for reminding us...

all is well.

puff, the ocean and hank have all showed that to us in bright beautiful colors.


Poppy said...

I'm so sorry, Tweedles. It's always sad to lose a friend. :(


Jans Funny Farm said...

So sorry for your friend, Hank. It's very hard to lose a good friend.

Studio at the Farm said...

My Dear Tweedles, Hank certainly looks like a very sweet little clown, and I am sure he is making all the fur babies happy at the Rainbow bridge. We will join our hooves and paws for Hank's mom and dad.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Aww, so sorry that you have lost your dear friend Hank, I'm sure he is already having a grand time over at the Rainbow Bridge, healthy and full of fun !
I'll be looking for his star in the sky tonight, and lighting a candle to show him the way home....
Hugs sweet Tweedles, and husgs to Hank's mummy and daddy too !
~Oliver and Jo

Dandy Duke said...

We're sitting shoulder to shoulder with you, Tweedles, and holding paws and we're holding Hank's hoomans close to our hearts. Godspeed Hank. Our angel Maggie will be right there waiting to welcome you to the Rainbow Bridge.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Idaho PugRanch said...

Tweedles, your words are always so beautiful. We will be keeping Hanks family in our thoughts and prayers
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Tweedles, we did not know your friend Hank but we are very sad to hear of his crossing. You gave him a beautiful tribute. Soft woos and gentle hugs to his family.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Chatty Crone said...

Oh I am so sorry about Hank - it is always hard to lose someone, sandie

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hank has left a new comment on your post "

Dearest Tweeds, I thought I left a message earlier but maybe not (my brain has been on overload, as you can imagine). usual, you are so right.
Hank was a happy little clown, but he really liked you 'cause you always made him think.

I wish I could hug you right now.
it was a positively gorgeous day here in Indy and I spent most of my time in the yard. My heart hurts but there was such a peacefulness to this day. I have no doubt it was the prayers, loving thoughts and magic bubbles coming from you and so many other kind people.

All my love,


haopee said...

I'm sorry to hear this, dear Tweedles. Friends leaving us for the rainbow bridge is just so sad. But always remember, Hank is in a better place.

I know it's rather inappropriate for me to tell you this but I hope you don't mind visiting my post in because I gave you the Sunshine Award.

Huggies and Cheese,


Anonymous said...

Hey Tweedles, Jet here.

My Dogs Love Me recommended you in their Sunshine Award post. So sorry to meet you on a sad day.

We send you our condolences on the loss of your friend, Hank. I hope he finds our golden sister, Koko, over the Rainbow Bridge. She crossed over in October and is the reason we began blogging.

Hope to visit again on a happier day.

Soggibottom said...

Beautiful post Tweedles.
I can tell just how much Hank was loved, when you love someone you are right there beside them when it's their turn to climb that bridge.
luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

Becky said...

This makes me very sad to hear of your friend's passing. It's very tough on us humans when we lose one of our furbabies. I know we can't be together here on earth forever but we will be reunited one day in Heaven. You little gals and guys will be forever in our hearts til we meet again!

Becky said...

This makes me very sad to hear of your friend's passing. It's very tough on us humans when we lose one of our furbabies. I know we can't be together here on earth forever but we will be reunited one day in Heaven. You little gals and guys will be forever in our hearts til we meet again!

Sharon Wagner said...

Hank had an old Man's face. He looked like he was someone's beloved Grandpa who lived a full life. I sure hope the rainbow bridge is a happy place for all our cherished pets.

Barb said...

I'm sorry about your friend, Tweedles. He looks like a sweet old man.

Winston Wilbur said...


Hank was such a good friend. He will have so many of us missing him terribly. I knows that he is waiting up there for us along with all our other friends we miss so much. Hank sure could take a frown and turn it upside down. But today my frown won't turn arounds.

The other night I caught Mum with tears in her eyes. I asked her is she was sad because of Hank. She said yes but also that it makes her realize that her little guy is 10 1/2. Where did times goes. She saids "Winston, cherish every moment and live like today is your last. You just never know..." then she hugged me for a long times.

Your pal Winston

Mary Ann said...

Not another! But always in our hearts, just like you said.

Kat and the Furrsonality gang said...

We are so very sorry for your loss. :-( Hank will never be forgotten.

The Black and Tans. said...

Oh Tweedles we are so sorry you have lost a dear friend. As you say one day we will meet all our friends who are already at the Rainbow Bridge and we will be able to play together again.

We loved the idea of sitting shoulder to shoulder and holding paws to help Hank's pawrents.

pugmama said...

it's heartbreaking to lose such a good friend! you have such a touching, comforting way of thinking about Hank at the Bridge, and in the sky.

K9 Katastrophie said...

We are so sorry Sweet Tweedles. So very sorry.


Oakley and Swisher said...

Hank was a pal. Never forgotten.

Lots of licks,
Swisher and Oakley

White Dog Blog said...

What a beautiful tribute to Hank, Tweedles. We join paws with you in a circle of comfort and solace to those grieving and missing his licks and furs and physical parts. He will live forever in the hearts of every one he ever touched.

It is through tears of sorrow that we wash away the pain and help grow warm happy memories to fill the hole left in our hearts. Be at peace, Hank, and family.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your friend Han, Tweedles..I will think heavenly thoughts for him and make him feel warm inside!!!
Sophie and Ron

tubby3pug said...

We gave you an award at our blog today if you want to come check it out

Urban Hounds

Little Reufus said...

O Tweedles, I'm so berry sorry a bout yeur Friend Hank. That Bridge must be one berry speshull playce. Whee are forming a circle ob lubbs a round Yeu and Hank's fambily...

wif much lubbs from Little Reufus

Chicco said...

Hello dear friends,
Oh my, I'm so sorry about Hank. It's always a bad time when we lost someone we love very much. Our prayers are with him.

Woof, woof,


JJ Lynne said...

Tweedles, you are such a wonderful, devoted friend to all. Your words are so heartfelt and I am sure that they are a comfort to Hank's family. We hope that both you and his family will find comfort and peace at this difficult time <3

Love -
Jess, JD, & Ringo

Oskar said...

There have been so many friends going to the bridge lately. I'm so sorry about your friend. I'll stay here awhile & hold your paw.

Nubbin wiggles,

Suzy said...

What a beautiful tribute to sweet ol' Hanklin. May he run pain free at the Bridge xoxo

Mary Lou said...

What a sweet Blog post, a sweet tribute to your beloved Hank. It is so sad.... Yesterday marked two years since my beautiful "blond"-furred German Shepherd/Golden Retriever cross, Shadow died. Two years. I miss her still....
On a happy note, this is late, but thanks for commenting on my Blog!! I truly appreciated it!! Come back, again!! ;op

Ellen said...

Oh sweet Tweedles, I'm so sorry for the loss of Hank and am saying a prayer for his family. These times are so tough for us all to get through. I'm sure Hank's parents were comforted from your love and nice words.

The Thuglets said...

Tweedles...we are so very sorry hear the sad news about your friend Hank.
What a lovely tribute to Hank.
Another star shines brightly in the sky.

Extra Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Anonymous said...

Hi Tweedles,
So sorry to hear about your friend Hank. Hugs and purrs to you and to his family.

HELLO! said...

OH Tweedles,
We are soo sorry for your loss and the family's. You are such a great friend. You are too sweet. We will be sending extra loves your way.
~Weinerful Gang~