Thursday, February 14, 2013

Toby Moses and Me

It is Valentine's Day.
 My sweet Toby Moses Pugs & Purrs came to my forest
from his home far away.
I seemed to just blink my eyes,
and possibly a miracle happened
  there he was--  so cute in his red tie.

It was so special of him to come spend this day with me.
 We walked among the forest trees
 and we listened
 to the earth yawn
 as she prepares to wake up soon from her long nap.
  We walked along a stream
 and when I looked into the water,
and so you know what I saw?
 I saw a reflection of Toby Moses looking at me!
It felt good to my heart.
He calls me his  Fairy Garden Woodland Princess!
Now we will watch the stars twinkle.

  Happy Valentines Day my friends.
nitey nite


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Happy Valentines day to you too Tweedles. Toby Moses os one handsome dude. Mommy's big red boy was named Toby too


Ziggy Stardust said...

Happy Valentines Day to you my sweet Pal. Toby is very handsome and I am so glad you had company. I would send you my heart for Valentines Day, but I know that you know, you already have my heart!

Loveys Sasha

Idaho PugRanch said...

Tweedles that sounds like the best Valentines Day ever
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Payton's mom said...

It makes me happy that you had such a beautiful day. The moon is only a sliver but you can tell its big tonight.

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Who could resist that cute puggy man in a tie! Happy heart day Tweedles.

Mary Lou said...

Happy Valentine's Day!! ;op
Love, Raelyn.... Plus Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

rottrover said...

Happy Valentine's Day, sweet girl :-)

Unknown said...

Happy Valentines Day for yesterday.
We hope it was a great one.
Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

Toby Moses is a very handsome boy! We hope you had the most wonderful Valentine's day, Tweedles!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

That's sweet hope ya'll had a wonderful Valentines!

tubby3pug said...

Happy belated valentines

urban hounds

Elgor82 said...

It sounds like you had a great Valentine's Day ...

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Asta said...

Dawling sweet Tweedles,
I know that yoow handsome Toby Moses had eyes only gow you. How wondewful and magical that you wewe togethew fow Valentine's day
I hope to see you at the Ciwcus
Soochie kisses

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That sounds romantic Tweedles. I'm not surprised he came from so far away to see you. Your personality has a way of drawing folks in!

pugmama said...

the 2 of you make a very cute couple! happy valentine's day!

Chicco said...

Hi Tweedles,
Ohhhh, so sweet!!!
Nice to see that you had a great Valentine's Day!
Have a nice weekend.
Woof, woof,


The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Good Morning my Fairy Garden Woodland Princess!
Thank you for such a lovely Valentine's day in the woods where you live. Also, thank you so much for covering me up with a blankie as I feel asleep holding your paw under the stars...I had sweet dreams of you my love, for sures!!
Your boy ((blush)),
Toby Moses
Big Smoochie (((faint)))

Mollie said...

Awwww that is so lovely :) Happy valentines xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Punchbugpug said...

You two make a cute couple!

stellaroselong said...

Did we have fun at the guys were just the cutest couple!!! I loved his tie!
stella rose

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentines to you Guys, I hope you really enjoy your date!
Pet Supplies

Soggibottom said...

I'm days and days late wishing you a very happy valentine's day young Tweedles... I can see you had good company. Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

Jacobi said...

Dear Tweedles,

What a fabulous visit - it made MY heart feel good too!


Chatty Crone said...

Tweedles I an so glad your friend came over. Happy Belated Valentine's Day! ♥

K9 Katastrophie said...

Awww you are a Fairy Garden Woodland Princess! You are the sweetest and most talented poet we know Tweedles!!


Dana Orsborn said...

Hi Tweedles!

Bruce, Daisy and I hope you had
a great Valentine's Day!

-Dana, Daisy & Bruce

Bobbie said...

So sweet~ A belated happy Valentines day to you Tweedles!

Mary Ann said...

Toby Moses looks PERFECT for you, and a perfect little gentleman, too! I'm so glad you had a good Valentine's Day, Tweedles!

KB said...

What a wonderful Valentine's Day! Toby Moses sounds like a perfect friend for the special day. I love that he calls you his Fairy Garden Woodland Princess. You are.

Sharon Wagner said...

I'm not sure what I would call you if I was lucky enough to go for a walk with you. I guess I'd start with Tweedles!

Oskar said...

What an adorable couple you make!

Nubbin wiggles,

Winston Wilbur said...

Toby Moses is very specials. He is such a wonderful boy with a golden heart. He makes a perfect Valentine but not just for that one day... he is the perfect Valentine everyday.


Meredith LeBlanc said...

We're very late reading this Beautiful Tweedles, so we wish you a very Happy Valentines Day! Toby Moses is lucky to have you you as his lovely sweetheart.

Meredith & Scarlet

tubby3pug said...

Your dress is beautiful, perfect for a beautiful girl

urban hounds

Poppy said...

What a lovely day you had with your friend. :)


bbes tribe said...

Tweed less you are the best!.we are so happy you visit us and are our furiends
Wags and hugs
Ernie and the furkids

Sandy said...

Hello Little Tweedles...I wish we could all come visit you and your beautiful woods and streams. I would give you a hug and a kiss and a big squeeze!

fromsophiesview said...

This Valentine's Day was so special for you Tweedles...imagine Toby Moses showing up with a red tie...couldn't be anymore over the top special!

All the best everyone!!

Sophie and Ron

Little Reufus said...

I lubbs yeu, Tweedles. Be Lated Habby Balentine's Day!

wif tons ob the lubb stuff from Little Reufus

Unknown said...

love your pix! what an adorable baby!