Thursday, August 11, 2016

4 Feet Going In All Directions!

I can't decide which way to go.!!
My tummy says its time to eat super!

But, I see something very tempting!
Blue and round and YUMMY!

Part of me wants to go this way, and part of me wants to go that way,,,
 and I just can't decide!.
Maybe you can help me to get all 4 feet going in the same direction!

 Maybe tomorrow I will decide faster!
Today I decide blueberrys and super!
 Nitey nite...


Louis the Blogging Dog said...

Hi Tweedles! Blueberries taste good and they are good fur dogs! Yum!
Louis Dog Armstrong

Duke said...

The blueberries NEED to go on your dinner, Tweedles! That would solve everything☺

Julie said...

I nose just what you mean dear Tweedles, what to do, go play and investigate or eat foodables.
My advice, eat those yummy blueberries to fuel up and off you go adventuring
Have funs!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Unknown said...

Blueberries?!? You are so lucky! I have never had fresh picked blueberries before.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh boy, those blueberries look so very nommy. You made the right decision, tweedles!!
Dory, Jakey Arty & Bilbo

Idaho PugRanch said...

Mmmmmmmm blueberries are soo yummy Tweed less
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

KB said...

I say "point your feet toward the blueberries", Tweedles! That first photo is so CUTE!

Murphy said...

Good decision! Food is the best way to go!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Adriana Robles said...

I think you walked towards the right side. hahaha
Blueberries are so yummy!


Millie and Walter said...

Those blueberries look yummy!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oooh, how we LOVE blueberries. We think one always does the best thinking and deciding with a full belly:)

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey Tweedles ...... just point those feet toward the bluberries, mate?? You can't go wrong with blueberries.


That was a difficult choice but we think you made the right one Tweedles!

tubby3pug said...

Go for those blueberries

Marg said...

Blueberries are the best. Good decision Tweedles. The birds stole all of our blueberries. But we got a lot of them. They are very good for you.

Southern Fried Pugs said...

We LOVE blueberries! Mom adds them to our food!

Pug Slope said...

It doesn't matter which way your toes are pointing as long as your tongue is pointing the right way! You definitely made a good choice, Twee, those blueberries look DEEEEELISH! I love blueberries, too. Have you ever tried catching them out of the air? That's my favorite way to eat them. Hope you enjoy them!


Sketching with Dogs said...

I think you should run in one direction, quickly eat and then run in the other direction and eat the rest, hehe.
Elliot x

Jacobi said...

Dear Tweedles,

Blueberries and supper sound like good choices to me! Good job, Tweedles-feet!


Unknown said...

I really enjoy reading your blog!!! Very happy that you are eating healthy food. What a smart dog!!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I do think blueberries was the right choice.

NanaNor's said...

Hi there Tweedles, I love it that you enjoy blueberries. Have a great day!
Lots of love, kisses and wags.
Noreen and Hunter

Sharon Wagner said...

We're eating blueberries too Tweedles! What a coincidence.

Starry Dawn said...

You love blueberries, Tweedles!!
We love them too, sweet puppy...
We come here to visit you, say hello,
and tell you we love you, Tweedles.

The Daily Pip said...

Sometimes it's hard to know which way to go. But blueberries are always a great choice. XOXO

Unknown said...

So adorable! Thanks for the share!

Bobbie said...

Blueberries? Well, well... I did not know that dogs liked blueberries. So I learned something new today. I hope you enjoyed them Twiddles. You look beautiful, as always.

Ruby said...

OMD GURL! How did I miss your postie????? Wells, I'm sure glads I was checkin' my furiends activity, and saw you postie cause you are just too CUTE!!!! I loves your feeties! And can I say, I LOVES Blueberries too!!! OMD, they are most delish!!!
Ruby ♥