Wednesday, October 12, 2016

I Miss You Burt wherever you are.

I wish I could touch the stars right now,,
 because that is where Burt is .
Burt was our tail-less kitty.

  I know that  he is  on those stars
 he always climbed to the roof top of our old farm home,,,,
 And he always yeowled in my bedroom window,
saying "look at the stars Tweedles.
 look at the stars.,!"
We did lots of fun things together,, like look for tadpoles in the spring time.
And we walked together,, side by side,
 and he liked to hop in the snow, and he was not afraid of the rain drops!
 Burt was a free sprit.
 Burt your gone forever..... and  I miss you.

On the stars Burt,, that is where you are.
nitey nite
your tweedles


Idaho PugRanch said...

Dearest Tweedles, we are so sorry you are missing your Burt. We are sure he is watching over you from above now and he will always be in a special place in your heart
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Sandy said...

Little Tweedles, I'm so sorry Burt has gone from you side but he is always with you in your heart. Kisses to you all missing Burt.

Kinley Westie said...

He wuz a pretty kitty.

Duke said...

We are so sorry to hear about your Burt, Tweedles. What a handsome kitty he was. Hugs to you and to your peeps♥

Julie said...

Sending you lots of luffs and hugs dear sweet Tweedles. So sorry to hear about Burt
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Sending you hugs.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh Tweedles, I am sorry you lost your friend Burt. I have always enjoyed your Burt stories and I was very fond of him from a distance.

Millie and Walter said...

We can tell you are missing your kitty sibling a lot. We are sending you hugs to help you feel better.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

I'm so sorry t hear about Burt. My mommy just sent your mommy an email.

Brinley Westie said...

So sorry to hear bout Burt... we luvs our kitties round here and we still misses da ones dat has passed on... sendin' hugs and luv...

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are so very sorry about Burt...we will look for him in the stars tonight...

Sending lots of hugs your way...

Murphy said...

Aw, we bet Burt knows how much you miss him!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Jacobi said...

Good-bye, Burt. Many licks and wags to you, Tweedles. It is always sad to lose a friend.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

SHE had a part manx that looked exactly like Burt. Hope Burt's tail-less-ness was natural.

Ruby said...

Oh my sweet furiend, I am so very sorry to hears abouts your brudder, what a handsome kitteh Burt was! I knows that he is shining a bright light down on you tonight to lets you know he is okay. {{{hugs}}}
Ruby ♥

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Dear Sweet Tweedles, we are so sorry to hear that you have lost your pal Burt. Too many losses for so many. Soft woos and gentle hugs from us to you.

Woos - Lightning and Mom

Marg said...

Oh Tweedles, we are so sorry that you lost your friend Burt. That is always so hard to lose a good friend. So so sad. That was such a lovely post. R.I.P. Burt

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Sweet Tweedles....always remember beautiful Burt is your forever friend, and is looking down on you everyday.

tubby3pug said...

So very sorry

Bobbie said...

So sorry about your friend, Burt. Tweedles, he will always be your angel watching over you. You are so sweet.

The Daily Pip said...

I am so sorry your dear friend Burt has moved on. Looks like you had many wonderful adventures together. I bet he will visit you in your dreams!

KB said...

I'm so sorry dearest Tweedles. I send lots of love to you and your family. Burt is up there in the stars but I know how much you miss him.

Pug Slope said...

Twee - I'm so sorry for the loss of your good friend, Burt. I'm sure when you look up at the stars that he's looking right back at you. Thinking of you and your family. <3


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Now it is my turn to tell you how so, so sorry I am about the loss of your precious friend Burt. I know how sad you are to lose him, but he will live forever in your hearts, and at the Rainbow Bridge where you will see him again one day!

weekend-windup said...

It would be very sad to miss our lovable ones. Cute puppies:)


Tweedles I am so sorry about Burt, and I know you heart misses him. We are so sorry too to be so late with our condolences. We always think of you but our Mom is so bad about visiting our furfriends.

Pooh and Her Pooch said...

Awwww, sweet Tweedles we are so sorry you are missing sweet Burt. We are sending all of you lots of warm, gentle hugs and nose kisses

Chfnman said...

I'm sorry you're missing your friend Burt, Little One. I bet he misses you very much as well.

Love, Gampy

Anonymous said...

Charliedownunder has left a new comment on your post "I Miss You Burt wherever you are.":

Oh Tweedles ... I'm sorry to hear about Burt. I've been missing you. Thankyou for the New Year wishes. May 2017 be all you wish of it and more. Let's make it a year of love!!!! ����

Tweedles -- that's me said...

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor has left a new comment on your post "I Miss You Burt wherever you are.":

Hello dear Tweedles - just saw your comment on our blog'n realized how long it haz bin since we last herd frum u. Hope u r doing well.

So sorry we did not stop by last year when Burt first left - we r so sorry that he iz now up with the starz'n the Rainbow Bridge. So hard to lose a good furrend.

Hope we hear frum u agin.
Lady Shasta'n Miss Maizie
(she joined us in May, 2017)