Friday, March 30, 2012

"Payton's Rainbow"

I heard silent wings in the sky.
At first all I could see was the big clouds,
but then the clouds parted, and the sun appeared.
I heard a faint whisper in the wind ,
and then I saw the silent wings
as they soared over the most beautiful rainbow.
As I looked closer,
I saw the words " Payton's Rainbow."

Payton my friend was the most courageous ever!
She was taken by the angels to Rainbow Bridge where she is set free.
She battled PDE for 9 years, and never gave up.
Payton is being held and loved by the angels, this very moment.
So many of our friends ran to meet her!
Payton fought a very brave fight, and was an inspiration to me.
But, not just to me!
Payton and her whole family were an inspiration to all of us!
Today I am so sad along with many others of bloggy land.
Payton's mom and dad and Gammy and Gampy
loved her with all their heart, and right now a very big hole is in their heart.
Bloggyland is sad because it is hard to say goodbye to friends.
Rainbows last forever, but sometimes we cannot see them.
But they are really there!
Payton will live in our hearts forever- just like the rainbow-
a promise in the sky.
We will hug Payton again someday- I just know it.
It is very hard to write this tonight with so many tears in my eyes.
I hate to say goodbye.
When I hear those silent wings- I will know it is my friend Payton.
I will be listening very closely.
Please go share some love with Payton's family @ Pugnacious P


dw said...

Tweedles, the rainbows are indeed always there, but sometimes our eyes just can't see - all these teary eyes today can't see - but we can see with our hearts. And it's not goodbye we say to Payton - it's so long for now, until we meet again.

Punchbugpug said...

Tweedles you sure have a way with words! We are sad for Payton's family, but Payton stayed as long as she could....

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Tweedles - the blogs are wonderful aren't they - finding all sorts of new friends - but they can be sad too - for the more friends we have - the more losses their are. I am sorry about your friend. sandie

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Tweedles, your beautiful words remind me of when I've not seen the rainbow, but have felt it, because of those like you who reminded me of it. I'm so sorry for the loss of one of your precious friends. I hope they find comfort in their memories of Payton and in knowing that they have friends like you who are here for them.

K9 Katastrophie said...

We are sorry Tweedles. We hope your little heart heals from this loss.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a beautiful tribute to Payton. We did not know yer, but we are sad for her family. Soft woos and gentle hugs from all of us to her family.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Meredith LeBlanc said...

Ok Miss Tweedles, you made us cry as much as Payton's Momma...what a sad day. But there is beauty in Payton's freedom.

Meredith & Scarlet

Two French Bulldogs said...

Beautiful Tweedles
Benny & Lily

Dandy Duke said...

What a beautiful tribute, Tweedles.
I am so sorry for your friend, Payton. I'm sure My Maggie was right there to welcome her to the Rainbow Bridge.

Love ya lots,

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

A beautiful post in memory of Payton.

Pugs & Kisses,

Brutus & Ellie

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

May Payton Rest in Peace. I'm sorry you lost your friend, Tweedles.

Elgor82 said...

What a beautiful tribute for a beautiful girl. We were never lucky enough to meet Miss Payton or her family but we know she was loved by many and will truly be missed!

Love Ellen, Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

Studio at the Farm said...

Tweedles, you may be small, but you have the heart of a giant! I love you and your loving words!
Kath and the farm gang XOXOXO

Unknown said...

Oh Tweedles, we have read so many tributes to Payton, but this one so far is the most beautiful! It really touched our hearts.

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

Oskar said...

I know that your beautiful writing will help Payton's family. What a sad day, indeed.

Nubbin wiggles,

Maxmom said...

Dear Tweedles,
I'm sorry to hear about your little friend. It's so sad when our fur-friends leave us. Fly free, little Paton.

Rae - Say It Aint So said...

very sweet post for her tweedles. i am so sad for her mama and daddy. i know they are hurting. even though we know sometimes it is for the best to let our little friends go, it is so hard to be left behind.

Barbara said...

Tweedles, I will never look at rainbows the same way again.

We know we will see Peyton and all our Rainbow friends again one day.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

ftom Archie and Melissa

oh twee!
rainbows are a promise in the sky!
what a perfect thing to see, feel and share.
you hugged our hearts today with your words and it really helped.
thank you twee and thank you payton and all of our angels who have graced our lives.
you have shared so much here in your short time and tiny bodies.
teacher and guides you are.
love & laughter showing us all our rainbows.
m & a

Ellen said...

Oh Tweedles, what a lovely lovely tribute to your friend. We are so sorry to hear about Peyton. I will keep their family in my prayers. We have just recently lost four doggies in our extended family. It's been so painful. You have given Peyton a tremendous goodbye.

Art with Liz said...

Have been reading your posts dear Tweedles, but so sad about your friend Payton. What a wonderful tribute to your friend.

Bobbie said...

... just went over to send our love... Tweedles, you are so sweet and caring... always remembering your dear friends. (((HUGS))))

fromsophiesview said...

Thanks for this Tweedles..Rainbows and Payton...lovely remembrance. It's so hard when this happens but "time" will help with the healing process...go for little walks and dabble in the brook or sniff the trees...all these things will help you with saying good bye to your dear friend. Sophie hugs!

Bunk said...

This is so sweet of you to do, Tweedles. I am so sorry for all of our loss. Payton was great and she will be missed. ;( Today, my pug heart is broken.

Asta said...

Sweet Tweedles
You aways know just what to say to wemind us of the booty and love that lasts fuwwevew. I'm so sowwy that deew Payton had to leave us fuw now, but we will all be togethew angel sissie and bwuvvews wewe thewe among the angels gweeting hew.
my love and sympafies to hew pawents
smoochie kisses

Sharon Wagner said...

Oh, Payton was such a cute little guy. So sad. One of my friends just illustrated a book "Sundogs Journey to the Great Windmill" Written by Kay Elliot and illustrated by my friend Barb Bjornson. It has just been released and I bet you and your friend would like it.

Remington said...

I am so sorry to hear about your friend....sad face....your post was beautiful!

White Dog Blog said...

Beautiful tribute to your special friend, Payton. And thank you for the amazing reminder of all that is important about the cycle of life. Peace to Payton and her family.

The Thuglets said...

Tweedles what a beautiful tribute to Payton. we have been over to visit her family.

Run free forever Payton with the wind in your face.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Ziggy Stardust said...

Tweedles, I don't know how I missed this and I am so sorry that your friend has crossed the bridge. What a beautiful tribute and I am going to look for Paytons rainbow whenever I can and have good thoughts. You are very special Tweedles, you are my pal and I so proud of that.

Loveys Sasha

p.s. Mommy went crazy when she saw how cute you look in your hoody.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Thank you Sashy- for your sweet words---- I wanted to let you know that the photo is of Payton in the jammies with the hood. She was so adorables.

Winston Wilbur said...

Oh my gosh. This is tragic news isnt tweedels!

We cried and cried and are still crying. Mum has such a hard time getting through all the tribute post as she finds it to heartbreakings.

I know Payton isn't far from us and I know that she is with us always even though we can't see her.

I saw the rainbow that said "payton" and I told Mum what I saw, she said this was beautiful.

We are happy she no longer has to battle PDE but we feel this huge loss within our community. Everytime I see a rainbow now... I am going to look for Payton.


Soggibottom said...

We heard of another joining that beautiful rainbow today too. Ah, what a beautiful tribute. What a little fighter Payton must have been. Lots of hugs to her two legged friends she left behind. When Payton see's Ames, maybe Payton will tell her we send our love. But then she already knows that .... hugs to Payton's friends.... X X X

KB said...


I didn't know Peyton but I'm going to leave some words for his family because I can imagine how they feel.

You said it so well. I think that our beloved friends live on forever in the ways that they change our hearts. We are different, better, after knowing them, and we carry that with us forever.

You are so sweet, Tweedles. I am so sorry about Peyton.

tubby3pug said...

We miss Payton too, your poem is beautiful

urban hounds

Becky said...

You always have the sweetest words to fit the occasion. It's so very hard to let you little loved ones go but I know we will meet again one day. Thanks again for your words of love! Happy Easter and don't eat too much candy!

Asta said...

I looked at the pink full moon last night and then I saw all ouw angels twinkling in the sky
smoochie kisses

bbes tribe said...

Tweedles you have such a wonderful way with words! So VERY sorry to hear about Payton. Always so sad when a furiend goes to the Rainbow Bridge. Their time here with us is never long enough. A beautiful tribute to Payton!
Ernie and the pack

Suka said...

hey Tweedles,

What very sad news, Tweedles. My heart breaks with yours, and sadly I did not even know Payton. But your beautiful tribute showed me what a wonderfully special and brave girl Payton was, and I am sorry that I am only now hearing of her special Soul. You will hug her again, and it will be as if she never left. She is playing and laughing with the Angels, and all your friends. My love and heart goes out to you, her family, and all her friends who are dearly missing her.



p.s. Thank you for always remembering me! I will always remember you too! <3

haopee said...

Oh dear! Had I not visited your bloggy, I wouldn't have known. This is, indeed, tragic news. I will visit them.

Tweedles, your poem is beautiful.

Huggies and Cheese,


Frank The Tank said...

Hi Tweedles! I too heard silent wings in the sky and saw the most beautiful rainbow I had ever seen in my life and it was "Payton's Rainbow" I was so sad to hear the news that Payton had passed over the rainbow bridge, I couldnt stop the tears from falling, but Mum assured me that she would be happy and safe there, as an angel looking down on us all, she was always so beautiful and strong, so wonderfully courageous and she will always be in my thoughs and in my heart forever! Every time I see a rainbow I look for angel wings of those we have lost over the years, I hope that Payton is playing with my cousin scooby and when its my turn to walk over the bridge that they will be waiting for me! My love goes out to everyone who knew her through her blog or in the fur, my prayers go to her family and friends, she will be deeply missed by all! Such a wonderful puggy! Thank you for such kind words today Tweedles! Love, Licks and tummy Rubs from your Friend Frank xxxxxxxxxxxx