Saturday, May 2, 2009

More fun at Emmitts Partypalooza 2009

Hi everyone,

This Colorado is so beautiful. I have never smelled fresh air like this!

Here we are day 2 of the Partypalooza 2009. But before I begin , I wanted to fill you in on what else was going on last evening. Remember, I mentioned that something came driving up and all kinds of dogs and cats were making a dash to the house? The jiant taxi had come straight from the airport. If I thought we had a celebration going on before arrived- well you should see it now! Everyone was starved, so first of all- everyone ran into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of meatloaf. I tell you what- that is the best meat loaf I have ever eaten and everyone agreed.

Some were asking for seconds- but no worries- there was plenty to go around. Emmitt had everything your heart desired.

Later we all headed down to the campfire. It was down by the lake. The warmth from the fire felt good, and we all sat snuggled close to each other, and told stories. And then I headed to bed, however some stayed up and partied.

Saturday morning,,,
Today, bright and early the activities began. A whole bunch of little dogs and big dogs were organizing a game called chase the big ball. That is when I noticed Maggie and Mitch were out there chasing the ball with Puggles, CG, Stubby, and Lexi. Then on another team was Tee, Chase, Pokey and Taco Belle. They are so athletic and fast. They would rumble and roll through the grass, and it looked like so much fun- so here I am joining in- chasing after a ball that got away from the gang! I am not sure I was cut out for this kind of activity- so I may look for something else to participate in.

The next game was called grab the froggie and run fast. I am quite good at this game, as you can see me running with the frog. It was a lot of fun. Pugley, Java, Melby, Moe and Maggie liked this game a lot. They are all good sports and we had fun. That's what it's all about- having fun.

Kong grabbed the frog and I found out how fast he could run!

It was not long before we heard a strange sounding motor stopping out in front-, It was followed by motor cycles and camera people. It was an odd looking limosine and it stopped.

The doors opened, and who do you think came out? It was Clementine and Winston! You know they are celebraties now, as they are going to be on Americas Funniest Videos on Sunday the 3 erd/. Not only a celebratie for that, but little Clementine won the award from Valentino for being beautiful. Look at all the camera people following them!

It was soo good to see Winston and Clemmie as I have heard so much about them. Yes Clementine is beautiful.

You can only imagine how hard it is, to keep track of everyone as they have arrived.
If I have missed anyone,,,, please know I have been looking for you!
Just when I think I am waiting for someone to arrive- there they are sitting on a bench together- for instance Suzukie and Checkers! I am not sure what they were talking about, good times I guess!

And there goes Hank , Gus and Waldo with their fishing poles. Where are they going?
Then we all heard an announcement- it was Emmitt on a loud speaker saying "Everyone come on up- I have an annoucement "Today is Harry Pugalicious birthday- so come on over here, and have some icecream and cake". Cake,,,, did we hear the word "cake"? Everyone ran over to the cake as Emmitt lead in birthday singing "Happy Birthday to Harry"! Harry blew out the candles as he made a special wish (which of course is a secret). And then everyone started grabbing mouth fulls of icecream and cake. What a sight! That was so good. And by the way, Emmitt can sing so good! Chase had almost a whole carton of icecream in his mouth!

There is so much to do! When everyone was done with the icecream and cake, some of us headed over to the pool. There, already jumping into the water, on the count of 3 was Cecil, Ty, and Pip. That was such a splash- like a tidal wave. Almost knocked me over. And then in the wading pool was Ollie and Honey. Pearl was laying on a towel, waiting for Harry.
I strained my eyes to see who was up on that skinny diving board, and it was Charlie! Charlie must think she is doing her obstacle course contest. Oh Charlie, I don't think you should jump,,,,, come on down! Come on down and we will go soak our paws in the wading pool.

Salinger was sunbathing with Feather, Darla, Pappy and Lizza Bella. They were all relaxing on some nice lounge chairs and they were all singing some song that sounded like " Lookin out My Back Door". Thier suntan lotion smelled like coconuts.

Soon it was time to go see some of those great hiking trails. Phantom, Dakota, and Thunder, all came marching by with hiking boots and back packs, and ropes. It looked to me like some serious hiking was about to take place. And then, charging from behind- miss Fluffy Tail Khyra, saying "Wait for me- I like hiking too!"

In the afternoon, Emmitt asked for all those who would like to go to the park , to line up in a row and hold hands. No taking chances of anyone getting lost. So we all marched hand in hand to the park, that is very special to Emmitt. It was a sight to see. The park was beautiful with shade trees and wading pools and sprinkers. We all sat in a big circle as we listened to Emmitt for a while. He told us stories of his mom Melissa, and how she helps make knitted bears - this is the story: about Mother Bear Project, to help the children in need and how you can help this effort. and how she volunteers her art work to help benefit resuced pugs.

And then Emmitt told us he wanted us to meet someone very special to him. We all sat quiet when all of a sudden, Emmitt whistled. Out from behind the bushes, came a little black pug- Olive was her name. She had a red ball in her mouth. She ran so fast, she almost tumbled in the grass! Emmitt ran to meet Olive, they rolled down a hill and laughed. You should have seen them frolocking about with the little red ball. Emmitt and Olive have been best friend forever. And because Olive was so special to Emmitt, he wanted us to meet her. ( This little Olive pug is portrayed in a book by Emmitt talked to us about how important it is to have best friends, to laugh and share. And to kiss and make up , if someone steps on your toe. And now, that we have all met at this special party, we can all become best friends with each other - just as he and Olive. But we all must try to be a friend, and love each other.

As you can see , the day in winding down and it is time to get out the marshmellows and head down to you know where!

Yes, it's time to sit around the camp fire. So as we all sit paws to paws and toast our marshmellows, lets remember the fun we had today at Partypalooza 2009.

Emmitt is singing to us now, these are some of the words.,,,,

Now our day is over, and so much fun we had.
And though, nite is upon us- the memories rest in our heart.
We laughed in the sunshine, we sang and we played.
And now its time to remember all the good times that we had.

Thank you Emmitt for all the fun we had on day 2!
We love you
Nitey nite


Checkers & Chess said...

WHAT A GREAT DAY! Maybe I can go to Colorado one day. I'm going to Nashville next week - but I don't thank that is close to Colorado.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Woo did a pawesome job retelling evfurrything from the weekend!

I don't know how woo did it!

Now bakhk to my nap!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Tweedles, thanks for letting us come to the pawty too. We had so much fun, Dakota was pretty tired from carrying all that hiking equipment but she was thrilled with the marshmallows. TD and Phantom had so much fun racing all over the place. Olive was a very special treat that we are so glad we didn't miss.

So when is the next big bash?

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Anonymous said...

Marshmallows and all? I am oficially jeaulous!

the TN Bull Terrors said...

What a great time we had! We loved sunbathin even if Pappy kept tryin to lick the suntan lotion off every-bully, he is still a baby ya know. We love that old CCR song, it's a good one.

Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! That sounds like quite a party Tweedles! Is this going to be an annual event?

I don't suppose there were any cats were there?


Unknown said...

*sound of snores in the house of Pugpants-ez*
Tweedles, thanks for narrating the fun time we had at the pawty at Emmitt's place. This here is HOwie, AnnieSmelly and JavaCheesy are sleepin. That bus ride home jest did me in, but I would love to have some more of them delicious marshmallows. Do you think Emmy's mom will suspect when she sees all the dog toys scattered about that he was not alone?
hugs from PeeVille Texas...

Checkers & Chess said...

I HATE tried that stuff on me - I wasn't eating it!!!! She has me on Merrick's Granny Pot Pie - Chicken - I like it I just like to make life hard for her.....and it is so easy to do!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tweedles,

Thank you for inviting me to PartyPalooza! I had a dogalicious time. :-) Furry friends like you make life so much better.

Sniffs and licks,


Suzuki said...

It looks like you are having so much fun Tweedles!
Big licks to you

LEXI said...

WOW what fun we had! I love chasing balls and rolling in the grass! Thanks Tweedles for the recap!

Licky-licks! Lexi

PS - NOW I know why Lexi was "chasing rabbits in her sleep last night - she was partying with you guys! love Cilly

Anonymous said...

Hehehe - that sounds like a lot of fun, Tweedles!! Clementine and Winston are trying to take their new found famousness with as much humility as possible, but the limo was too good to pass up!
Clementine would like to say, though, that she has not been notified of *winning* the Valentino contest, but she did make it onto the movie poster in Manhattan. We'll let you know if we hear that we're the big winners.

Kelly said...

Oh Tweedles, you did such a nice job of telling everyone about our FUN time at Emmitt's! Isn't this just so nice to have this time together?

My momma has been calling my cell phone a lot... She really misses me... so I think I am going to head back home soon. I hate to say it, but I kinda miss her too!

Thanks for making our time in Colorado special, Tweedles! Things are always more fun when you are around!

Nevis said...

Oh! What a cutie!!!

Hank said...

Tweedles, honey....great recap. And thanks fer the lyrics to Emmitt's song. I tried to remember 'em but I think I had too many PBRs by the campfire last night.

Duke said...

OMG, wasn't roasting marshmallows the best! We're still trying to comb all of the sticky goodness out of our beards!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Apollo said...

I'm ready to get my party on. I flew in from Indy with the rest of the Indy Pug Bloggers like my buddies Salinger and Hank. Can't wait to party with you too.

Archie and Melissa said...

hi tweedles!
oh what a wonderful recap of day 2! partypalooza would not be the same without you there. you are a very special puggy!


Manon said...

Hey Tweedles,
OK..... I was the one who stayed up and partied..... I still have a headache! Ugh!