I am thinking, that I am a little SLOW,,
about sharing my new Awards with you.
I felt really bad, and wondered what I should do.
Have you ever felt that way?
But then one day a special friend of mine, Nancy @ http://everyphototellsastory.blogspot.com/ shared some words with me-that her friend Winnie the Pooh, shared with her.
Those words, I share with you.
"Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day."~Winnie the Pooh
Her HOME is always
filled with YARN balls
Yarn balls are EVERYWHERE!
that if you open her door,
yarn balls
the COLORS of the rainbow
would come rolling out!
Can you IMAGINE too?
Do you know who I am talking about?
Do you know who made my vest?
Take ONE HUGE guess!
Yup you guessed it!!!!!
It was Emmitts mom- Melissa. http://pugnotes.blogspot.com/
My moms ordered this special vest -100 percent hand made with love, from Melissa.
There were so many colors to dream about.
We could NOT decide.
Yes, the colors of the RAINBOW.
We picked this red one.
It so pretty for the coming Valentines Day.
Thank you Melissa, for making me feel so pretty in my new vest.
Stubby my friend,
http://lifeofstubby.blogspot.com/ has one - the same color- we are twins. (ALMOST)
Do you have one too?
What else can I tell you about? How about this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was HONORED to receive this award from DW @ http://writingchances.blogspot.com/
Dw, is the mama to my new friend Rainy.
If you do not know Rainy and her mom, you should go say hi.
The adorable Rainy has been in her new home almost 1 week .
She is getting used to being loved.
Her mama has a BIG heart.
3 TIME AWARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you know the number of POST this story is?
Make a guess! It is number ********** 101****************!!!!!!!!!!!
My 101st story.
Look at the title of this award.
I was given this Award by 3 different friends of mine.
I feel honored!
How special is that?
The rules- of you choose to follow"
1. Copy the image. (check)
2. List 10 things that make you happy and try to do one of them today.
3. Tag 10 bloggers who brighten your day.
I will list 10 things that make me happy
1. crumbs on the floor
2.chasing the cats
3.sitting in mommys truck
4.reading your storys
5.doggys finding homes
6. snooping around where i should not be
7. eating popcorn
8. snuggling with moms
9. kisses
10. chasing bubbles in the sky
Please take this Award and share with others.
Will you come , and let me give it to you?
I just cannot choose.
One day, my moms and I received a special surprise in the mail from my Aunt Diane.
Diane is also Kongs auntie too. Remember I met Kong on the Blue Moon?
She made some special beautiful cards and sent them to us.
I cannot even start to tell you how SPLENDORIOUS they are.
They are bleached photos.
Her passion is Art and creating fun to share. She does a splendid job.
I tried to take a good picture, but it did not come out very good.
Maybe you can go visit and see the "real deal" of what it is all about.

Aunt Diane also sent me this little toy. I love it so much.
Its tummy says DOGGY Dress n' Drag.
It has a little skirt- the skirt goes on or off- at the moment, it's OFF!
Later , it will be ON!

I run so fast, my ears FLY in the wind.
I can toss my new little toy in the air
and act VERY silly!
It would be a long long journey for me to sail across the seas and rivers
and falling snow- to come and thank each one of you for all these awards
and gifts.
So instead, please catch my two words "Thank You"
Catch them in your paws,
and place them next to your heart.
It is time to crawl into my bed and snuggle to sleep.
Tonight, I will think about how thankful I am- for all of you.
Nitey Nite my friends
Such a special post from a special Tweedles!
Khongrats and thank woo thank woo fur sharing all woo did!
PeeEssWoo: I hope all are healthy in your house!
aww tweedles you totally deserve all your awardies because you are super sweet just like the cupcakes on the award
we just love reading your posts they always make our mommish smile
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
Wow, that's a bunch of awards Tweedles well you really deserve them. Hmm I can imagine the yarn balls, in different colors? Fantastic!
Hi Tweedles!
That's some wonderful awards you got...you're a VERY lucky pug. We love your sweater too, it's so pretty! Hope you have a good weekend playing with your new toy!
headbutts from jane & Alice
Your awards are well deserved!! I love visiting your blog--It always gives me a lift! I need that on another cold, snowy day in Virginia...We are up to about 2 feet of snow--You would get lost in it Tweedles!!
Tweedles, you are so loved by so many people! And you tell the bestest stories! Through you, and all my other puggie and other doggie bloggers, I've learned about a lot of love and fun and adventures! Rainy is going to benefit from all your kindness!
Tweedles - you are always just so sweet - you look beautiful in your new sweater vest - we follow Emmitt too and have seen all the beautiful work his Mom does. Congrats on your awards too.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Tweedles looks like you hit the jackpot with your gifts and awards. Don't know of anyone else who deserves em more.
Tweedles, honey....my mom has been bad about postin' my awards (personally, I think she's just jealous!), so don't know feed bad.
Buhsides, you look so dang cute in yer sweater you can git by with anything!
You deserve all those awards Tweedles!! You rock!! I'm looking at your picture wondering why my mom hasn't ordered me a pretty sweater like you have!! I'm gonna go ask her right now.
Hi Tweedles,
Just saying i love your stories along with the lovely pictures. Keep up the great job. Say hi to your mom for me from sunny ca.
Hi Tweedles! So many wonderful awards and gifts have been bestowed upon you. You are so deserving and grateful like a good puggy should be.
Winnie the Pooh was right Tweedles and we should listen to him more often. What's the rush my friend? We're not going anywhere.
You look simply divine in your sweater vest. We are almost twins and I think we'll be the best dressed on Valentine's Day.
Stubby xoxo
You are the best!
Love, Mindy
ps Kiss your Mommy's for me!
congrats on your awards!
congrats , my dancing partner
yes, come walk with me and take my paw as we wish Max well...
my heart is very heavy now and i do need you to stand by my side as we take out walk
Tweedles, you deserve every single award you get. And just listen to the Pooh...don't rush. Enjoy every single moment.
Every time I read your stories I realize that I have a smile on my face the entire time. You are making a difference in the world...xoxoxo
I needed something sweet so I had to come see what you were up to. Big congrats on your awards! You are so very cute in your sweater vest from Meliisa and Emmitt. Perfect colors for Valentine's which is next Sundday. Love the new toy, saw one at Petco and almost got one for the girls, decided another day since I got them a big bag of treats for all the dogs(8). Have a great a week ahead! Love ya little girl!
Tweedles - you are a Renaissance pup! You sing, you write poetry, you dance like the wind! And do you look STYLIN' in that vest!!!
xoxox Paco
What a lucky little pug you are Tweedles!
You are one of the sweetest puggies we know!
And you look mighty adorable in your Pug Notes sweater.
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
hi tweedles!
oh what wonderful awards!
you looks so cute in your sweater! your sweet poem and pictures absolutely made our day!
we love all of the gifties you got!
we love u!
m & e
You look so beautiful in your new sweater. How nice that Diane made note cards of he photos for you. Isn't she just a wonderful artist? yOU DESERVE ALL THE WONDERFUL GIFTS YOU RECEIVE! XO
Oh Tweedles, I just let out a little shriek when I saw the picture of you with your toy. It looks like you really like it. I am so happy to see that. You are so loved, young lady & so deserve all these awards. You make us all so happy in blogland!
xoxoxo Aunt Diane
We LOVE your new vest!!! You look soooo cute in it!!
We think you are super sweet, so we are glad we could send the award your way:)
Pugs & Kisses
Pugsley & Lola
Hi Tweedles - you did get a lot of awards. You look so trim and fit for pug. I hope you are feeling okay. You look like you are having fun with your new toy. You look so sweet. Did your friend ever get in touch with you?
I always get a big smile on my face when I come to your blog. You tell the best tales, you always look so sweets. You are most deserving of any awards that come your way.
Big hugs my little puggy pal!
You are fast on your way to becoming the internet's most decorated pug my darling!!!!
Tweedles, you are just such a sweetie pie. Our momma is just sobbing and sobbing and sobbing because she has been over to visit with Maxdog of South Africa. It's horrible when we get sick because our mommas and daddas have hearts that break so easily. Guess that comes from a lifetime of loving us, huh?
We told momma that it is the circle of life but she still sobs. We are going to take her to bed now and cuddle with her really hard.
♥ you Tweedles
Happy Valentine's Day.
Hi Tweedles,
Riley and Star here! We just luuuuv your brand new hand crochet sweater! Luv it, luv it, luv it!
And we luv you too!!!
Have a very happy Valentine's Day sweet little girl.
Riley and Star.
Hi Tweedles!
Penny and I wanted to stop by and
wish you a Happy Valentines Day!
-Dana & Penny
Hi Tweedles and moms!
we love you!
Happy Valentine's Day!
♥ Melissa & Emmitt
Hi Tweedles
you seem to be a very sweet fluff with a big heart :) we love your bloggie and hope that we can be friends. Visit us to learn more about us if you wished to.
You know, we also feel that we can get sooo slow in blogger world. We also feel so bad for our blogger pals.
but no worries, we can always get back - just like you mentioned
tail wags
Snowy & Crystal
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