Sometime's in my daydreaming,
I think about the rainbow's in the sky.
Sometimes I wish
that I could climb to the top of the rainbow
and gaze into the blue sky
And sometimes
I wish that I could fly over the rainbow like blue birds.
Do you ever wish like me?
Every stitch is made with love. I feel snuggly warm, and it fits perfect.
And, I feel pretty.
The sweater is called "Over the Rainbow"
Maybe if I wear this special sweater everyday... just maybe I will be able to fly over the rainbow.
Sometimes I see photos of my friends in other countrys, and they are wearing sweater from Melissa too.
There is a special occasion that I wanted to share with you today.
I have been on a journey with all of you for two years.
I feel like we have all been on this journey since before, forever.
Yes, it is my Second Blogversary.
You and I have traveled to my big ocean, my forests, my ponds, the moon, the stars,on trips, and across the seas in my magic bubbles. Where ever I have gone- you were with me.
I have seen that YOU have visited me from near and far.
And, because of you, my heart sings.
Thank you all my friends for walking beside me. Without you, there is no Tweedles.
I am a little late in acknowledging these Awards that have been given to me.
I am a little late in acknowledging these Awards that have been given to me.
I would like to share all of these Awards with you. I know most of you already have them.
I cannot make a choice, so please come and take these Awards if you would like them.
There was a third Award , but blogger was being difficult and did not print it.
I have previously received this award , but I thank you for thinking of me
Thank you so much. Because you thought of me- I smile.
On New Year's Wilma the Pug posted the best and worst of 2010.
I am tickeled to receive this treasured award.
Thank you to everyone at Wilma's.
You look so adorable in your new sweater! Lucy & I love it! Don't give up on the rainbow idea, every dog needs a dream!
Tweedles, Congratulations on two big years. I joined this community a little longer ago than 2 years, and it has been wonderful.
I love this saying in your sidebar: "Tweedles, Keeper of the sea and of the forest and of all that inhabit their safe places." What a wonderful role. I wish that we'd known you even sooner.
Happy blogaversary! (I'm not sure if I spelled that right). :)
Our little Chili wishes she had an ocean and forest to look after too. But she and Sassy and Ginger do take great care of their little piece of the mid-west. Have a great day!
Hi Tweedles! I do dream like you! I love your magic bubbles and my wish is that I may meet you in pupson one day. That would be my honor. Though I do believe that in a sense I have met you already!
Happy Blogaversy Tweedles. You look beautiful in your new sweater :)
Congrats on your Blogaversary. That is so cool. Your sweater is gorgeous. Right now I am wishing I could be over the rainbow into someplace warm, without snow. Have a great day.
PS cool awards
You ARE over the rainbow Tweeds! Happy Blogaversary!! You have touched more hearts than you will ever know....
We love your rainbow sweater!! You're a lucky pup. Also congrats on the awards and Happy Blogaversary. We love reading about your ventures.
Happy Blogaversary Tweedles. Thank you so much for taking us on all of your wonderful journeys. Because of you, we have been able to see the world in a whole new way..."through the eyes of Tweedles" that's you!
I love your over the rainbow sweater. I am having Melissa make me a special sweater too. I just have to choose the colors. So difficult.
Congrats on all your awards too, you deserve them!
That is one snazzy sweater Tweedles.
Congratulations on your blogaversay, here is to many many more :-)
lots of luv Ames X X X
Tweedles oh you are the very sweetest! You new sweater looks so perfect on you. Happy bloggoversary too :)
Congrats on your two year anniversary! What to go with all your awards - I think you deserve it.
Love her sweater - Disco refuses to move when I put one on him - it is like he is in a straight jacket.
And I'd like to see the other side of the rainbow myself.
Your new sweater is beautiful!! Congratulations on your awards
Benny & Lily
Tweedles, you look so beautiful in your sweater--It's so perfect for you!! CONGRATS on your awards, and for blogging for 2 years!! You've taken me along on many adventures in the time I've gotten to know you, and you've been along on a few of the ones I've taken too!! I look forward to all that continuing!!
Happy blogaversary, Tweedles! We absolutely adore your blog! You have more heart than any doggie we know.
You look beautiful in your rainbow sweater vest.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Tweedles, you look so cute in the Over the Rainbow sweater vest! And wow, two whole years of blogging? I'm so happy you're in the bloggy world...because of you we can appreciate the magic of the forest and the clouds and the sea creatures just a bit more!
hey, Tweedles!! Yay on the two years in Blogland!!! : )))
Omg....you are so cute in your vest!!
My mommy wants to *thank you* for your words of encouragement!!!
Congratulations on two years blogging, Tweedles! I have only known you for a short time, but I just love your posts and your magic bubbles.
I dream of seeing the ocean. I live in the midwest and have only visited lakes and rivers. My mom says I would love the ocean and she hopes to take me one day - probably the Atlantic Ocean because it is a little closer.
I love your sweater!
Your pal, Pip
happy happy blogoversary tweedles!
oh this is a very special day!
you make this world a wonderful place to be for everyone!
you do it by just being you!
we are so lucky to have you in our life!
you look beautiful in your new sweater vest!
it make our heart sing that you love it!
we loved making it for you!
m & e
You are a special puggie. Happiest of happy blogaversary!
That sweater is perfect on you. :o)
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Hi Tweedles,
First of....what a picture of you to start with. If you were any cuter I wouldn't be able to stand it! 2 years in bloggyland now...isn't it amazing how fast the time goes? It has been a sheer pleasure to travel along with you on all your journeys. I have grown to love you & your moms so much. I am sending big hugs & a big congratulations on your anniversary. xoxoxo Aunt Diane
Lovely sweater Tweedles:) Thank you for sharing all your wonderful awards. May I help myself to some? Happy blogoversary.
Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill
Happy #2. You look so beautiful in your rainbow sweater. Melissa made one for Kong too but we gave it to a homeless doggie one day that needed it way more than he did. Congrats on all your awards & kisses to you and your mom's.
Happy Blogoversary Tweedles!
Your new sweater is BEAUTIFUL just like you are!
We love reading your stories and adventures and can't wait for more!
Tell your moms to kiss your sweet puggy face for us, ok?
Salinger (and his peeps)
Congwatulations Tweedles! 2 years and counting...weeeee! Awards are such a treat to receive but so awkward to pass on....never want to leave anybody out or cause unnecessary tears. Continue with your sweetness and we'll be rewarded!
Tweedles doll, I'm so sorry I'm late for your anniversary! I love your new sweater!
Of course you get awards because you are kind and special and have a wonderful talent with words.
We love you.
Barbara, Trixie and Minnie
Love your new sweater! If you climb that rainbow make sure you follow it all the way to the other end where the pot of gold is! Be careful, that looks like a long ways up there! Hugs, kisses and lots of belly rubs to you, Tweedles! Stay warm!
Happy Blogaversary to you Little Tweedles....those awards are so nice! I send you a big fat KISS right on your lips! That picture of you is so pretty! Kisses!
♥Tweedles, YOU are the rainbow in our life♥
Tweedles, You are the best & sweetest! Congrats on all the awards. We really like your rainbow sweater. M is trying to knit us sweaters, she is new at it and SLOW. Maybe we'll have them next year???
Love ya
Happy blogaversary! Tweedles, hopefully someone will send some doggie treats to celelbrate!
What a pawesome post to celebrate such a special day!
Happy Sekhond Blogaversary!
Here's to many many more!
Love your new rainbow sweater on you. Happy 2nd Blogaversary too!
What a cutie pie, love the sweater:)
Hi Tweedles,
I am so happy to have met you through My Aunties Di and Gail, I know they love you very much and well (me too) we enjoyed spendign time with you and look forward to seing you this spring for the Tulip Festival.
Happy Blogversary!
Lots of Love,
Roxy and her Mom
Hi, Tweedles! I see YOU have a Melissa Sweater, too! Such pretty colors on you!
Congrats on your blogoversary. I'm so glad we're friends!
Molly (and Hank!)
Hi Tweeds....tks for the b'day wishes!
hey Tweedles,
Congratulations on your 2nd Blogversary! That is pawsome! I am so furry happy that I have met you and am able to share your World with you! I am furry happy there is a Tweedles!
Congratulations on all of your pawsome awards, too! You so deserve them! And your Rainbow Sweater is very pretty! You look great in it, and I think if you wish hard enough it will help you to fly over the Rainbow!
woowooo on two years bloggin!! P.S. love the sweater it's tres chic mate!! play bows,
RA & Isis
Tweedles..Happy 2nd Blogversary!
We are sorry we are so late, our PA is sometimes very lax!
We love the post. Your new rainbow coat is just fabulous, you look so snug and warm.
Have a good weekend
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Oh Tweedles we are so behinds in commenting. Finally we are catching ups! Happy blogoversary. OMP you look totally awesome in your new sweater. I also have one, mine is the chocolate chip model. I luvs it so much.
harooo tweedles!! thanks for visiting our bloggy! We'd love to play bitey face with you! Little pups can totally play too!! siber woooos,
RA & Isis!!
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