I have my sweater on because I am helping the Earth stay cool.
My moms and me are burning less pellets in our pellet stove on Thursday Feb 17.
That means less electricity too. We also are turning off some of our lights, and we just might burn candles tonight.
That means our house will be cooler. Our planet will be cooler.
But it's okay because I am wearing my cozy sweater.
Your friend and mine, Winston over at two cats and a pug invited us all to celebrate the life of Stubby and our planet. I decided I wanted to participate.
Stubby was all about having a GREEN EARTH. Stubby was all about teaching us to care for our planet the best way that we can.
On Winstons blog it talks about that today February 17 - The World Wildlife Fund is holding a National Sweater Day. We can show Stubby how much the planet earth means to us by wearing a sweater and turning the heat down by 3 degrees.

We all love the planet earth don't we?
We love the trees and sky.
We love the creeks and streams and oceans.
So everyone, go find a sweater and put it on and lets show our support in keeping our planet cool and healthy.
I know Stubby will look down from the brightest star in the sky
and see that we remembered all the things that he taught us.
We honour and celebrate you Stubby!
I was waiting for you to show me what sweater you were wearing today!
Your little stone (or is it a mushroom?) with Stubby's name and "my earth friend" on it made me cry!!
We always wear sweaters and keep our house cool, so Stubby would be proud of us!
Thank you for reminding everyone how special you are, and for being such a wonderful friend to Stubby.
I am so glad we are all participating in this special day together. You look sooo smoochable in your sweater.
hi twee!
oh you look perfectly snuggly in your over the rainbow sweater!
stubby is smiling and feeling all of your love for him and the whole wide world.
we love you more than words can say!
m & e
Tweedles, this is a lovely tribute to Stubby. And what better way to honor his memory than to honor the earth? Way to go.
Love Noodles
We are so happy that you were able to participate in this special tribute to Stubby. We know he is smiling down at you and admiring how special you look in that beautiful sweater.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I have a spare couple of sweaters if any one wants to borrow them Tweedles.
Don't you look huggable in that colour. SUITS YOU :-)
I think Stubby would approve :-) x x x
Well done, Tweedles!
You look SO fabulous in your Aunt Melissy sweater!
We LOVE your Stubby stone and think we might follow suit with your idea about CANDLES tonight!
Awwww Tweedles you're the sweetest dog I've ever seen! Yeah we have to be friendly to Mother Earth or we're not gonna be able to play in the fernwoods in the future.
We didn't know about this, but you will be happy to know our heat is off! It is almost 60 degrees outside today, can you imagine in the middle of February! I don't even need a sweater! But I am happy to celebrate anyway.
Your pal, PIp
We love the sweater. What a nice tribute for Stubby
Benny & Lily
Hello my Little Friend and Your Mom's! I have worn a sweater all day and have had the heat turned down and while I didn't do it on purpose, maybe somehow I did! :-)
You look beautiful as always, and I love how you wrote your good friend Stubby's name on the mushroom to always have and remember....
Oh such a good idea dear Tweedles! I will definitely not turn the air conditioner on today! Just use my coolest t-shirt!
What a beautiful idea. We will help out, too. We love doing things that help save the EARTH. Green is the new black.
You look so adorable in your sweater, Tweedles!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Your post is beautifuls. When I thinks of our friend Stubby I also thinks of you, keeper of our earth. You care so much about this earth just like Stubby did. I know that he is looking down from his star in the sky thinkings.... that's my Tweedles, I luv you my friend, thank you for helping our earth.
You look wonderful in your sweater. We puts your name into our contest draw. But we all know that this is about much more than a contest...... it is much bigger than that. The contest is just an added bonus.
Thank you for helping spread the word, thank you for helping make tribute to Stubby and thank you for helping keep our planet a healthy place to live for many many years to comes.
PS mum really liked the idea that you not only turned down the thermostat but yous also turned offs the hydro. You are always one step ahead and we luv that you are this ways.
Winston Wilbur
Your post is beautifuls. When I thinks of our friend Stubby I also thinks of you, keeper of our earth. You care so much about this earth just like Stubby did. I know that he is looking down from his star in the sky thinkings.... that's my Tweedles, I luv you my friend, thank you for helping our earth.
You look wonderful in your sweater. We puts your name into our contest draw. But we all know that this is about much more than a contest...... it is much bigger than that. The contest is just an added bonus.
Thank you for helping spread the word, thank you for helping make tribute to Stubby and thank you for helping keep our planet a healthy place to live for many many years to comes.
PS mum really liked the idea that you not only turned down the thermostat but yous also turned offs the hydro. You are always one step ahead and we luv that you are this ways.
Winston Wilbur
Every year I make a green resolution. This year is to ride my bike more. Wish me luck!
P.S. Thank you so very much Tweedles for writing such beautiful words regarding my journal. You are oh so right...the healing of the heart continues. You are one very, very special little puggie!! I'm glad your my pal. Have a super wonderful weekend.
Little Janie Poo
Hello my sweet angel!
That was yet another wonderful post. You are always in there trying to help out & your moms too.
You look fabulous in your little sweater but I can tell you are still feeling a lot of pain from losing dear Stubby. It's not easy getting over something that is such a huge loss to us. Hang in there sweet girl & keep sharing your wonderful stories with us. We all love you so very much! xoxoxo Aunt Diane
I love your sweater, Tweedles, and I love the thought behind it. I cannot imagine a better tribute to Stubby.
We are a bit crazy all the time with our efforts to keep the earth from getting too hot. In fact, we are so crazy that we froze a pipe. So, we must be careful about that. But, even though I missed the actual day of the tribute, I'll take a short shower tomorrow and use some candles to participate.
We must preserve our earth. Thanks for reminding everyone Tweedles and for your tribute to Stubby.
Hello sweet Tweedles, You inspire us! We didn't know about the sweater day in time to participate but we intend to do it this week in place for the day we missed. The earth is very precious.
We make sweaters here 'cause they are so much fun to make....they keep you focused and while you sit in the sunlit window and create... the earth thanks you!
What a wonderful way to celebrate Stubby. You always do the best things and have kindest heart. Do you think there is a sweater big enough to fit Sammy? I know we can find one for Annabelle and Maddie! xoxoxo
What a very nice tribute to Stubby. We missed this event, but are going to participate today!
You look great in your sweater.
Nubbin wiggles,
Tweedles, you are truly a dog with a social conscience. May there be more dogs and humans like you.
In our part of this world we share, we will not accept plastic bags from supermarkets. We are a tropical country so we can't wear sweaters.
Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill
Tweedles, you look soooo beautiful in your sweater! It looks so cozy-warm, too!
Thank you for sharing this Sweater Day reminder with us. I am thinking of Stubby and his legacy and smiling in my heart. I'm telling Mama to turn down the heat and we will both wear our cozy sweaters today, too!
It's so good to see you and read your words.
I'll be whispering fun secrets to you from under Old Man Sweetgum while I wander the yard this evening... listen closely! :)
Tweedles, You always look so adorable. Love You're sweater! Sweet of you to celebrate Stubby's life - and I love the stone.
Tweedles you look fabulous in your sweater.
What a lovely way to celebrate Stubby's life. His memorial tablet is a fine one.
Take care and stay cosy in that terrific sweater.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
hey Tweedles,
What a pawsome sweater! You look very sophisticated! Very nice post on the Earth, thanks for spreading the word! And what a very sweet tribute to your friend Stubby. You have a huge heart!
As always, you have done a beautiful job with your sweater post. You look simply adorable in your sweater. You should stop on by Tweedles, I have given you an award.
I must have missed this one - Tweedles is so cute. sandie
I must have missed this one - Tweedles is so cute. sandie
I must have missed this one - Tweedles is so cute. sandie
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