The leaves are twirling
like a whirlwind.
They are dancing before my eyes.
High into the sky
the breeze lifts them
and then they float
gently and softly
down to me.

Swirling , and shuffeling
They dance before my eyes!
Red leaves and gold leaves,,,
where will you go?
Must you leave so soon?
Where did your season go?
Will you be back again?
This I must know!
Tell me when I will see you again.
Its a full blown fall!
Stop on by for a visit!
I see them, too, Tweedles! We are having a wind storm tonight and the leaves and trees are shaking and dancing about. I think they will probably all be on the ground in the morning from the storm. But that's OK because then I can walk through them and feel them crinkling under my feet.
Your pal, Pip
Tweedles, honey.....I just love Fall.
My mom took me to a park the other day an' we seen a perty waterfall. I wish you coulda been there, too.
Hi Tweedles! Oh, do I love the falling leaves! Not only are they pretty, but have you ever tried one? Crunchy and yummy! It seems like fall has past us by and winter is here. Like Pip, it's so windy here so the trees and really swaying! Before I go, I have to tell you that I just love your pink hoodie and you look adorable in it! And you must tell me what you are wearing in the first picture...is that a monkey backpack?
I do see the dancing leaves, Tweedles! The colors of fall are swirling all around us (especially tonight with the wind howling so). The small yellow leaves of the trees across the street have already mostly flown away, until they start to peek out as new green buds next spring! They will be back to celebrate next year, Tweedles!
Hey there Tweedles,
There is a legend that if you catch a falling leaf, your wish will come true. If I was there I'd catch many for you. :)
Enjoy the beauty and the colours.
Sending lotsaluv
MAXMOM, TAMMY, TOFFEE and the sweet hooligan, TOBY
Oh Tweedles, we love fall, too. Thanks for being with us this past month or so. We've appreciated your presence in our lives.
-Ruby and Bart
Is that your backpack monkey giving you a kiss on the back of your head, Tweedles?
We LOVE autumn and all of the magnificent leaves! It's our very favorite season!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Fall, Tweedles! It looks pretty where you live.
we are just waiting for fall here in Texas. I love your monkey backpack!!
Sigh,lovely Tweedles
Both you and your words, thank you!
Meredith & Scarlet
Hey Tweedles - hold on there are more coming down - all over the world it seems! We are having blowing leaves all around us - and much cooler weather - you look so cute in your pink sweater!
Splendid, swirling, spritely, dancing leaves everywhere in our world too, Tweedles....if they only made music as they twirl to the ground. Can you just imagine the symphony!
Hi Tweedles! I have just been for my afternoon walk and the leaves are everywhere all crunchy and colourful beneath my puggy paws! Mother earth is truely amazing! I love the falling leaves and like Payton I enjoy nibbling on a few too! The wind blew and all the leaves danced around me and I chased after them with delight trying to cath them, it was so much fun! Its like the leaves have thier own spirit and they are singing a song with the rustling sounds they make! I love your monkey backpack I want one too!! Love and Phugs from Frank xxxxxxxx
We have leaves too, Twee! They are falling all around us. One landed on Jeep! I love the rustly sound they make when you walk through them.
I loved your poem!!
Harooo Tweedles! What a beautiful poem little mate! We loved it- the leaves are certainly blowing here. Soon there will be snow on the ground yeah! Take care furiend!!
RA, Isis & nuknuk
Hi Tweedles. I loves loves loves your poem about falling leaves. Our leaves are not falling yet. In fact, our weather has finally become more summer-like than fall-like. I heard this morning that it will all change next week. Cooler temps and breezy conditions will make the leaves turn brown and fall. There is not a lot of color here in SouthBay. We pretty much go to brown.
Love Noodles
We see all those pretty leaves dancing and blowing around here too. The Momster says she hopes they all decide to go dance down the street so she doesn't have to rake and bag them. We will be waiting for them to come back fresh and green in the spring.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Tweedles, sweetie, I am so furry happy that you still have pretty leaves to play in 'cause ours are pretty much gone. We are getting ready for winter.
Let us know how how mom is doing OK?
Yoyr leaves in Tweedleland are beautiful! Wish we had the 4 seasons here in Florida! I should have moved to another state when I was younger. We are having cooler temps for the next few days and it feels WONDERFUL outside! No humidity! Happy Weekend!
We love watching the leaves turn this time of year...stay warm and snuggly Tweedles!
you make our heart dance with the leaves dear tweedles. you never seize to warm our hearts with your bewootiful words
pibble sugars to our sweet cupcake
the pittie pack
oh my gosh!
yes twee!
the leaves are like paint!
i do see it!
i see it in a whole new way all through your eyes!
thank you twee...
thank you for always sahring your words and wisdom!
We also have fairy painted leaves dancing and swirling and beckoning us outside to leap and twirl along! Thanks for the lovely poem about our favorite season.
This is a beauteous time of year and Tweedles you do a fantastic job telling us about it. Love your poems! BTW who is that monkey on your back?? We also like your jacket.
This is one of your best poems yet!
Thank you for your kind words for my mom person, they mean the world to her.
Nubbin wiggles,
Oh Tweedles, you look beautiful in the leaves. I love how you talk about the leaves dancing....
Have a beautiful weekend, dear Tweedles.
Fall is beautiful with all its hues. I think maybe the leaves are magical like the bubbles. Maybe they will carry you to us for a visit. Pick a big one to hop on and float our way. A red leaf would be our favorite like a magic carpet ride.
Oh Tweedles, I love that monkey in your picture! Not many leaves here but Mom says I will get to see a lot of them when we go to Grandma's in Indiana next fall.
What a good poet you are Tweedles! You're a cutie too.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & HOotie
Simply lovely Tweedles!
We love the autumn colours...even if we are going into winter next.
Hope you are having a good weekend
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
I can see Mr Monkey likes the leaves to Tweedles.
Some of your leaves must have blown across here because I keep finding them on the beach. Trying to catch them and ask them if they are yours... :-) lots of luvs Freya Rose Blossom X
I would prefer those dancing leaves go right back and attach themselves to the tree. I love the beauty of Fall but not the doldrums of Winter. I think I need a dose of Tweedles magical attitude!
Hello Sweet Girl! You are looking just wonderful, Tweedles...where the heck does your mom find all these cute clothes for you? You were ready for a walk in your forest. I love the colors of the changing leaves...they are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing another beautiful story with all of us. Love & kisses to you all! xoxoxo Aunt DIane
gorgeous pictures, little pug! love that you are fully prepared for your foray into the woods with cute hoodie and stylish backpack :)
Oh Tweedles!! That was lovely. We don't get beautiful leaves like yours. Ours just go from green to brown and then fall off. Mkaes nice leaf piles to jump on though.
Sniff you later......Weenie
The leaves are almost as big as you, Tweedles! It looks like you have maple trees, but the leaves are many different autumn colors.
I love your poem... I feel just the same way. Where did the season go? I shall miss the leaves but they must sleep so that they can unfurl bright green again next spring.
Sleep well, Tweedles.
Hey Little Tweedles...I wish the leaves could spend a little more time on the trees while they have the yellow and red colors on them.
There is nothing more beautiful than the fall leaves except....you standing among them dear Tweeds! xoxoxooxxooxox
That is a very much beautiful leaf tale there, Tweedles! Thanks fur sharing it!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Hi Tweedles *waving* :-) As usual you have given us a beautiful tale of nature and its beauty, thank you. Hope you're having a good week and enjoying playing in the leaves. Dex and Louis xxx
What beautiful leaves you have shared with us Tweedles, I hope you are having fun playing in them !
Oliver Cat loves playing hide and seek in them too >^..^<
I love watching the leaves, but this week I watched the pine needles blow off the big white pine in front of my window--They were beautiful as they joined in the dance with the leaves.
TWEEDLES! Are you wearing a monkey backpack?? Awesome!
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