My wishing star
was rising in the midnight sky.
It glowed like a candle
and shimmered so softly.
It hid behind the billowy clouds
and then it twinkled down at me.

So many bright and shiny stars ,
so many that I see,
but you are my "wishing star"
a special star to me.
I wish I may
I wish I might
have the wish
I wish tonight.
If only you'd come down to me,
and rest upon my paw.
I know that all my wishes
would surely all come true.
You glisten
ohhh so magically.
You twinkle ohhh so bright!
I wish that I could glow
like you
and make the night time bright!
I wish I may
I wish I might
have all my wishes
come true,,, tonight
Do you have a wishing star?
Nitety nite
Hi Tweedles,
I do have a wishing star. It's been out for the past couple of nights, so bright and twinkly. When I see it, I think of you! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Hi Tweedles! I think all your wishes will come true, because that's a very powerful wishing star you have there. I have a wishing star, too. I see it in the night sky, sometimes when I'm looking for Mr. Moon. I wish upon my wishing star, it's so distant, it's so far, but all my wishes can come true and all my wishes tonight are sent to you! Have a great weekend!
Tweedles we hope all your wishes on your wishing star come true.
We often sit and stare and the stars at night and make a wish.
Have a lovely weekend
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
You look very intense Tweedles, so you wishes must be destined to come true...
I wish that your wishes will come true to..and I wish that we could meet one day too.
sending lotsaluv
Ah Tweedles, you are such a sweet poet. We wish you a wonderful weekend!
-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby
I don't have a wishing star, Tweedles, but now I'm going to look for one!
Tweedles, would you ever be interested in being featured on our blog www.PetBlogsUnited.com? If so you can contact us at PBU@comcast.net
Nubbin wiggles,
Oh Tweedles we love your wishing star
Benny & Lily
Tweedles that is beautiful xx
My cats are so selfish. They only wish for more sleep and treats. Meanwhile Tweedles is wishing for safe places for all the creatures on land and sea.
Mom loves to wish on the first star she sees at night. We hope all your special wishes come true.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
But Tweedles! You DO glow!!!
Hugs -
Sarah and Hank
Your wishing star is our wishng star...xoxoxo
My dear Tweedles, we may be many miles apart, but I think we are wishing on the same beautiful star.
Your pal, Pip
You DO glow, dear friend, with all of the love and kindness that fills your being! What a lovely poem; it makes us want to go outside and look to the heavens and WISH...and hope...and believe.
We hope that all of your wishes come true, Tweedles!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I was wishing on my star last night because it was so warm out and the sky was twinkling. Have a twinkling weekend Twinkles..I mean Tweedles !!
I do wish on my star sometimes too Tweedles. I close my eyes tight & really concentrate. I know all your wishes will come true...you are such a sweetie pie! Kisses & hugs to you & your moms!
Aunt Diane
hi twee!
you are our bright star up in the sky.
your love beams light everywhere and guides us every day and every evening.
we so appreciate you and your beautiful words!
I love your wishing star, you are a star Tweedles, you light up my day and night with your love for the world, everything is so new and so full if magic to you! You glow with the light of puggy love and wonderment! I have my own wishing star it shimmers and it shines with twinkley lights and it sits above my bedroom window, I wisper my Pug wishes to it before I go to sleep and think of the happiness and harmony it brings to my life! I love how beautiful the night sky is! Goodnight Tweedles, sweet starry dreams, love and pHUGS Frank x x x x x x
Oh how I wish that all of your wishes would come true, sweet Tweedles!
We often wish upon the moon. So, it's our "wishing star".
Sweet dreams.
Deewest Tweedles
you awe a bwight staw! I see staws whenevew I look into youw big bootiful eyes
I hope so much that you get youw wish tonight.
I sometimes wish on the dog staw to help my fwiends who awe ill I wish wif all my might too
smoochie kisses
AAAwwwww Tweedles you've done it again and written the most beautiful poem. I hope all your wishes come tru, you deserve it :-) Dex and Lou xxx
Your looks so good that thought I would share yours :-)
lots of luvs Freya Rose Blossom X
I hope you got your wish on the star. And she looks so great with the black behind her. Adorable.
Amiguinha querida...
Amanhã aqui no Brasil comemoramos o DIA DAS CRIANÇAS e quero te desejar um excelente dia das crianças também, nós doguinhos seremos sempre crianças. Porque ser criança é ser FELIZ e se divertir muito.
Até breve amiguinha...
Aus da doguinha sempre criança...
Hi Tweedles! A few years ago we went up to a place near our home (after dark) called Dan's Rock. There we climbed to to top and in the black sky watched the most beautiful show of shooting stars I'd ever seen! Talk about wishes! I made so many wishes that night!! This post made me think of that magical night.
Nighty night, sweet Tweedles!
Oh Tweedles, you just made anothew one of my wishes come twoo poow little Gwacie has been thwoo so much ,thankyou fow helping hew
smoochie kisses
oh tweedles, you are my wish! such a wonderful poem, you are so wonderful and smart and adorable and cute and precious and, well just incredible!
and your barkclava hat!!! what can i say? you look so beautiful. i'm sending tim that snap of you in the hat, and the boys are jumping up and down to have a look.
i love you tweedles! give your mommies a hug for me.
Tweedles, Tweedles, little star, sounds familiar Woof! we wish you more bones to eat and good health tweedles!
It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence
Tiffy we hope all your wishes come true cutey! xo
Hello Tweedles and Moms! You live in a very magical place. You are so full of love and make this world a much better place. When I read your blog I forget all my worries for the time being. My babies and I feel your love that you so generously share with all of us. I do hope your wishes come true! Hugs, belly rubs and oodles of kisses to you, Tweedles!
Hi Tweedles!
What a great post!
Daisy and I have a wishing star too.
It sits above the mountain next to our patio,
and it always looks so big and beautiful.
We hope you had a great weekend!
-Dana & Daisy
awww TweedTweed,
your wishes will come true....
we wish Twixie is still with us ...
love U,
tiffy and coco
Oh Tweedles, that is so beautiful. I wish no doggie had to ever be sick amd could live forever.
I wish I had all my boys and Samantha back with us and then are familym would be complete.
Sarah, the Mommy
Thank you for stopping by and sending your good vibes to Fred. Tweedles I love your poem. We are wishing that his itchies go away :)
What are you wishing for?
We hope you got all your wishes!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
We like to wish on ALL of the stars, just in case the people that don't know what wishes are will have good things come to them too :)
Meredith & Scarlet
Hi Tweedles, I do hope all your wishes come true, stars are so buitiful, look after yourself.
Tweedles, how is it that I have missed your blog posts??? I am so, so sorry!! But this morning, I am sitting here thinking of you (and your Mom's) and thinking of the magical stars that look so close sometimes that I could reach up and grab them--But they are just out of reach, so I just make a wish--I hope both of our wishes come true!
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