Monday, November 10, 2014

The Leaves Are Singing!

Look how beautiful they are!
Golden leaves are falling
from the trees!
 and twirling
 and tumbling
 and rustling!
The leaves are singing a song!
Lets run through the leaves together!
Lets sing with the leaves!
Lets hum
 and sing
 and play
 just like the leaves,!

Why do you think the leaves are singing?
Do you know the words to their song?
Let's sing too!
nitey nite


Rae - Say It Aint So said...

i love that first photo of you Tweedles! You are so cute.

stellaroselong said...

Your yard is so pretty, it looks just like fall time. we love your little green sweater also...stella rose

Unknown said...

Loved that Tweedles and we are so enjoying our lovely Fall weather but here not all the leaves have fallen yet. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Chatty Crone said...

I like your poem and your wanting to play in the leaves - but the leaves are saying 'rake me" lol. sandie

Idaho PugRanch said...

those are some mighty big and beautiful leaves Tweedles! did you take your pink monkey to play in the leaves?? Bailey was singing last night - the wind was howling and he wanted to bark along!
Mr Bailey & Hazel

Murphy said...

Ours aren't singing any more. We have had bad winds and they are screaming!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Millie and Walter said...

That is a great poem about the leaves. You sure are having fun in them.

Duke said...

Autumn is so beautiful and we love the rustling on the leaves as we trot through them on our walkies, Tweedles!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Kinley Westie said...

You leaves are real pretty!

tubby3pug said...

such a beautiful song

love you

retro orver

Anonymous said...

Hey, we loves running through the leaves...we wanta come and run with you in the great yard!

The Mad Scots

rottrover said...

Your leaves are so pretty, Tweedles! Thank you for sharing them with us!!

-Bart, Ruby and Otto

KB said...

They are singing about how happy they are that Tweedles can run through them this year. The leaves missed you last year... but you're back and so very happy!!!!!

Sleep well, Tweedles.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Beautiful Tweedles
Lily & Edward

haopee said...

Oh Tweedles. Now that we're seeing you in that pretty green jacket, prancing around the grassy greens, with golden leaves scattered all over the place, we're so happy that you're all better now.

It's something we truly thank every time we visit your blog.

Ojo said...

Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Our leaves are singing too! They are singing of the wonderful summer they had! They are singing of their flight to the ground, which is very special because they only get to do it once! They are singing of the cosy earth that they are about to nestle into. And they are singing of the new baby trees that will rise up from where they have fallen! Happy journeys, singing leaves!

Ruby said...

Oh gurl, I can sure see why the leaves would sing with you!!! You look absolutely adorables in your jackets!
You make me smile!
Ruby ♥

Ziggy Stardust said...

Tweedles, I love the leaves, the way they smell and crunch under my paws. Mommy loves them too, sometimes we sit and find special ones and bring them home with us to decorate our house. I am going to try to sing to them next time.

Loveys Sasha

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey Tweedles ..... that was beautiful as is usual from you. I should have known better but I've just realised you are a sheila. I thought you were a bloke. How wrong was I, aye?? You are much to sensitive and caring to be a bloke. That was a very beautiful poem about your leaves and how beautiful you look in that first photo, aye??

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

There are big drifts of leaves around our land right now. When I go running, sometimes I get to soar through a pile. I bet you'd like soaring through leaf piles too, Tweedles.

Studio at the Farm said...

LOVE to see you out there, singing with the leaves!! I don't know the words, so I'll just hum along :)

Freya Rose Blossom said...

They are saying, GOOD TO SEE YOU TWEEDLES.... get your broom and help sweep up.
Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

Sketching with Dogs said...

That is a beautiful song to go with your beautiful golden leaves Tweedles. Autumn is a lovely time of year.
Dip and Elliot x


Tweedles we love that leaf song. Your golden leaves are beautiful as you are.

NanaNor's said...

Hi Tweedles, Your leaves are pretty but not as beautiful as you! I'd love to come romp in them with you. Today, most of ours are covered up.
Have sweet dreams dear friend.
Noreen & Hunter

Mary Ann said...

A wonderful post!

Pug Slope said...

I love running through the leaves, too, Twee! They smell so good. I love to hear them crunch. I sometimes try to eat them, too, even though they don't taste very good. :)

Glad you are having so much fun running through the leaves!


Adriana Robles said...

What a beautiful scenery! It's wonderful to see the leaves falling and to feel the nice, chilly air.

The Daily Pip said...

What a beautiful song ...I could listen to the song of the leaves forever.

Marg said...

h Tweedles, the leaves are singing here too. They are so pretty here. We have had a beautiful fall with all the colors. You looks so pretty dancing and singing amongst the leaves. You have a great day.

Chfnman said...

Always just the perfect words for what you experience Little One! No one is quite as in tune with their surroundings as you! I'm trying not to look outside today because Gammy said she saw snowflakes and I just can't handle that thought when I'm still trying to play golf this year.

Love, Gampy

Ojo said...

Hi hi hi! Ojo here again! I just wanted to say that we have Ravens too, just not on the beach. They are in the forest and they make tok-tok-tok-tok noises at us. They are very spooky, and very stealthy, and very smart. But they do not want to be friends with us like the Crows do. Are your Raves nice, or are they spooky, or are they mischievous?

Bobbie said...

The leaves look so pretty! But not as pretty as you Tweedles... Be careful you don't get lost in all those leaves.

Just Mags said...

I love to watch the leaves fall from the trees and dance around as they fall, sweet Tweedles. My doggie brother, Chancy loves to chase them and I bet he would love to come run in the leaves with you. We think the leaves are singing a nice song to let us know winter is coming soon. Those are really pretty leaves at your place. Hugs and nose kisses. Pooh

Wyatt said...

Our leaves sing the Nat King Cole song, 'Autumn Leaves'. :D

Wyatt and Stanzie

Starry Dawn said...


Sharon Wagner said...

They sing a soft song that floats on the breeze. But now it's quiet.

Archie and Melissa said...

oh they are singing!

they sing that they are changing colors red,yellow, orange and brown

they sing they are swaying and rustling and we can hear them in the trees!

they sing they are blowing and swirling and dancing in the wind.

they sing they are soaring and swooping and twirling with the birds.

they sing as they paint their colors and the ground as they fall to the earth below.

they sing as we walkwith them under our feet together!

thank you for taking us on your walk twee!

we love you!