Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Time Is Right

It,s a perfect day!
The leaves are falling all around
 the breeze is tickeling me just a bit
the sun feels good!
 it's a perfect day to have some fun!
We can shuffle the leaves to the right,,
 and we can  shuffle  the leaves  to the left!
 It feels like fun to me!

The time is right!
nitey nite


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh wow, you gots a whole tub of leaves to rumble in, ain't leaves a blast.

The Mad Scots
Pees; tweedles you look so good in your coat!

Murphy said...

Yes, the time is right!!!!!!

Your pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Charliedownunder said...

I'm glad the time is right for some fun for you Tweedles. I like fun times. You look very sweet in your coat and it's pink. That colour really suits you Tweedles. Lookin' good, aye??

Idaho PugRanch said...

Wow a whole wheelbarrow of leaves to play in! You look so sweet in your pug snuggly coat!
Mr Bailey & Hazel

KB said...

You look so beautiful in those autumn leaves, Tweedles. I'm glad you're happy and having fun!

Mary Ann said...

Oh, how I love to see pictures of Tweedles in the leaves!

The Daily Pip said...

The time is right ...that rings true for us. That's kind of how I feel about the new direction of the blog. I obsessed about how to continue the blog after Pip's passing for so long (I tend to over-think things) and then last week it all fell into place. Hurray!

Enjoy the leaves Tweedles!

Millie and Walter said...

The time is right for Tweedles to look cute.

White Dog Blog said...

Crunching in the leaves is so much fun! What has been REALLY a good laugh is watching Baby Zsofia experience her first leaf first she was totally afraid but now she loves to put her nose down and plow through them!

Kinley Westie said...

It wuz a fun fall day here too!

Duke said...

We love shuffling through the leaves here too, Tweedles ☺

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Frank The Tank said...

Tweedles that looks like so much fun, I just love to play in the leaves, sniffling and snuffling them with my little puggy snooter, sniffing the different smells and enjoying the feel of them between my paws, the colours are so very pretty, I just love this time of year! Tweedles you look beautiful in your clothes today, you always look gorgeous and adorable! love and licks from your furiend Frnak xxxxxx

Julie said...

Hang on Tweedles, I'll be right over to join in the funs !
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

stellaroselong said...

You have so many leaves Twee to run and play in, we just love your pictures and that coat on you.
stella rose

Studio at the Farm said...

Miss Tweedles, you look so very snug and adorable in that jacket! And you look like you are having so much fun shuffling and crunching in the leaves.

rottrover said...

Tweedles, that top picture of you is gorgeous!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Beautiful Tweedles
Lily & Edward

Ruby said...

I just LOVES that picture of you Tweedles!!! You look like you need someone to push you...I'll be right there gurl! ☺
Ruby ♥

Adriana Robles said...

What a beautiful day indeed! Hearing the leaves crunch as you step is always fun.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

I see you are having so much fun in those rustling leaves Tweedles.
Oliver and Tom-Tilly enjoy chasing them around the garden too :)
Enjoy sweet friend.

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Love your coat

Marg said...

Oh Tweedles, you look soooooooo cute with your little coat sitting in that wheelbarrow of leaves. The leaves are great fun. Us kitties love to chase the leaves.

tubby3pug said...

Such fun and you look like you are playing very happily

retro rover

Chatty Crone said...

The is right. And I love your jacket! Wish I had one for me. Disco won't move if we put one oh him - he freezes in place!

Colehaus Cats said...

Fun in that fun jacket! Take some good fall whiffies for us! Purrs...

Archie and Melissa said...

oh yes my twee!

we are dancing in the sunshine and the leaves with you!

auntie missy and archie

Ojo said...

Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Look at all your leaves! Are they full of interesting smells?

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That does sound fun!
You asked where to find smart watches. ... you can get them at Best Buy!

Wyatt said...

You look so seasonable! You got your wheelbarrow and your gardening coat. If you were selling something in a catalog we would buy it!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Donna said...

I like the woods. It is fun to sniff the leaves. :)

Sharon Wagner said...

You sound like you are in a good mood Tweedles!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Tweedles, precious puppy,
Oh! Wooww! I love your photo.
You really look stunning in this one
with your new coat on.
You look like you are having a blast
playing with the Autumn leaves.
I truly enjoy reading your post,
and watching your beautiful being.
Thank you for sharing your world
with us, Tweedles!
Thank you also for visiting my blogs,
and writing your lovely comments!
Hope, Peace & Love,
Poet Starry.

Starry Dawn said...
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~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Tweedles & Mom's, I need to pay better attention because I miss your beautiful posts and pictures on Facebook, forgive me.

Tweedles, you are so beautiful in the leaves, and I love seeing the glimpse of your world as you enjoy the changing seasons. Our leaves are almost all off the trees, but we have enjoyed their show, and their sounds, just as you are.

NanaNor's said...

Hi Tweedles, Just wanted to pop in and say Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours. May your tummy be filled with lots of turkey.
Noreen & Hunter

ZOOLATRY said...

Don't forget to steal a bite 'o' turkey today!
And the wishbone, too.

The Daily Pip said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope your day is filled with much love and many cheeseburgers!

Angel Pip & Ruby

Pug Slope said...

I hope the weather stays nice for you, Twee. It's gotten pretty dang cold here in Chicago - glad I've got lots of sweaters!
