The stars were fast asleep on the clouds.
Little birds were sleeping in their nests,
and the man in the moon was smiling down on me.
Very quietly, the sandman tip toed,,,,
to my bed, and sprinkled stardust into my sleepy eyes.
As my eyes began to close,
a dream whisked me away,,,
to a land far, far away.
There was bubbling streams,
and green grass,
and the sky was filled with butterfly wings
and magic bubbles,
and flowers of every color.
Blue butterflys were everywhere!
Their wings flitted and fluttered.
Oh how I wish that I could fly!
I wish I could flit like the butterflys!

Higher into the sky their wings lifted them.
Higher and higher
and then they swirled around me
and landed on my tail.

"Miss butterfly,, Your the most magical of all butterflys.
will you teach me to fly". I asked?

And it was at that moment, the blue butterfly took my paw.
Quietly she whispered,
" Tweedles, close your eyes, and count to three, and together we will fly!"
"You must believe you can fly"
Suddenly, I was floating in the breeze, just like the butterflys.
We flitted here and we flitted there,
the blue butterflys and I.
It was so fun to have wings and flit like the butterfly!

Now I know for sure that dreamland is a magical place
where dreams always come true.
And I will always remember
the wisdom of the blue butterfly ,....
"I can be anything that I want to be, if I just believe".
Nitey nite
Oh Tweedles, you do it every time ... you get our Momster to say aahhhhh.... after reading every one of your poems, what a sweet soul you are. Dex and Lou xxx
What a cool dream of blue butterflies, Tweedles. But mostly.. I love those magic bubbles!! *Yawn* Now.. you're making me sleepy, and I just woke up ;-) Have a beautiful weekend.
So soothing and comforting. This is just the right time for hu-mom to take a breath and forget about the worries of the day!
Thank you for your beautiful words and pictures!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Tweedles, you have the best dreams ever - always filled with good things and happy times. Can we slip into one of your dreams with you? That butterfly was just so nice.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Hi Tweedles! I just love the pictures of you and the butterflies. You are so beautiful and peaceful. I think if I had a bed as cool and colorful as yours I'd have lots of great dreams too! Maybe the blue butterfly will visit me tonight. Have a dreamy weekend!
Oh Tweedles, the blue butterfly is beautiful and very wise. Maybe she will help you fly my way for a visit! These are such sweet pictures and lovely words!
Your pal, Pip
I love butterflies Tweedles - because while their life is short - they waste no time - living. They bat their wings so hard to get out of the cocoon and then when they come out they are beautiful. Then they live life to the fullest beautifully. We should take a lesson and BELIEVE!
Tweedles that is beautiful, I will keep the blue butterfly in my mind and believe.
Have a good week
See yea George xxx
I'm gonna grow up to be.... the kind of young pup, I should be...
I won't chase hutterflies, But will kiss noses .... luvs forever Tweedles :-) Freya rose blossom. X
Oh Tweedles we always reading your posts
Benny & Lily
After we read your post, we closed our eyes, Tweedles, and we saw you flying! It was such a lovely moment!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Such a sweet post & adorable photo's :)
Tweedles you have a blue friend...did the butterfly give you secrets to let you fly? Maybe just a sweet kiss.
The Girls
I believe, Tweedles!
I hope one day we can fly together!
hugs and kisses,
Tweedles, what a beautiful post!! You know how I feel about butterflies, and your words make me wish that I could be one too and come and visit you and your Mom's...
Woof! Woof! Golden Hello. Just passing by to say Lots of Golden Thanks for your Barkday Wishes. I had a PAWSOME Barkday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Oh What a lovely butterfly post. Golden Woofs
We love to dream about flying high in the sky and seeing all of this beautiful Earth, perhaps well see you up there with the blue butterflies.
Love you and your poetry Tweedles!
Meredith & Scarlet
Oh Tweedles,
I just love your poem. I am so glad you had dreams of flying with the butterfly's. You look so pretty sleeping with your colorful lambs and the blue butterfly. I really love the picture of you looking up, with her on your back.
Tweedles, what a wonderful poem. Like George, we are going to carry that butterfly with us all day, and believe :-)
-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby
oh yes, you can twee!
that is the secret!
thank you for sharing it with us!
i believe! i believe!
archie barchie
BELIEVE! and nothing is impossible. It is the magic word that unlocks every wish and makes it possible. Thanks for reminding us in such a beautifully poetic way that we each have this tremendous power inside us.
Wonderful! You are such an inspiration!
Awwww the best!
Minnie Moo
That pesky Blue Morpho was following Tweedles everywhere. How magical!
Oh, Tweedles, your story was simply magical! I closed my eyes while Momma read me your story and soon I was flying with you and the blue butterfly. We saw the most amazing things, didn't we?
We don't have many blue butterflies here. We mostly have orange, yellow, and black ones, so please send your blue butterflies in your magical bubble to my house.
That was a very sweet story, Tweedles! I love all your stories. What a wonderful message you delivered....you can be whatever you want to be! That's right.....you just have to believe!
My love to you & your moms!
xoxoxo AUnt Diane
Ahhhhhhh, loverly poem. The man in the moon, always brings a smile to my face. Hope you and your butterfly have an awesome day.
just what i needed to read! thank you tweedles!! you are so AMAZINGLY CUTE AND WISE. this is a beautiful poem and i need to remember the words. thank you for being so adorable and smart, i can't believe how beautiful you are, i just was to squeeze you and give you kisses.
Wouldn't it be fun to be a butterfly, Tweedles?
They're so pretty and graceful. But then, so are YOU!
Sarah and Hank
Oh Tweeds...as usual, your words bring tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. You are such a lovely writer with such glorious stories to tell. You make us happy. oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Oh Tweedles, I always love hearing your stories! You have such a beautiful way with words!
Sorry I have not been by lately- wanted to come by and give you a *hug*!
Dear Tweedles
Today,my friend, I wish you a 'Butterfly touch'...
With love
Hello sweet Tweedles:
Such a lovely butterfly dream, thank you for sharing with us, so we can 'believe' too !
Thank for for stopping by and saying 'hello', I hope we can visit back and forth often.....
Hi sweet Tweedles!!!!
So sorry that we're commenting DAYS later...my secretary is a SLACKER!!!!
We just loved your bedtime story about the blue butterfly! You even inspired mom to dig out an old necklace with a butterfly on it that she wore to her first day of first grade (waaaay back in 1976!) She put the butterfly on a longer necklace and started wearing it again all because of you!
Sending you lots of love and kisses!
(and the slacker secretary!)
Lovely blue butterfly! Lovely poem.
Nubbin wiggles,
Oh sweet Tweedles. What a wonderful story with a message that we all need to remember.
I can imagine you flying, with those paper-thin wings keeping you aloft. What a vision. My eyes are closed and I'm visualizing it.
Butterflies amaze me. I was riding my bike into a stiff wind, and a butterfly was going faster than me *into* the wind. Simply amazing.
Thanks for the bedtime story. Nitey night.
Tweedles, thanks for stopping by our blog, we're sorry Mom was too lame to post for eight months. Some BS about a adding or something.......we did not miss you, because at least she read us your blog pretty regularly. Better tan nothing, we guess......
Gen $ the Foo
Tweedles that was soooo beautiful..you have the bestest dreams ever!
we hope we can dream like you tonight...sigh
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
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