Can you imagine being a proud mama, and you just can't wait to show your babys off to the world?
That is what happened today. One of my forest friends "Lilly' , made her first visit to my yard after giving birth- to twins! She was so proud and brought them down from my mountain to show them to us, and to show them where to eat the best flowers on this country road. The place is right here in my yard. Mama said she let them eat her Stillbe flowers today- all of them cause they were hungry.

I am checking out to see what flowers they thought were so tasty. I prefer peanut butter.

Can you see them in this picture? Go ahead and get your magnify glass. There is the mama, and the twins are there too. This is their world too. We live side by side. My moms can go out and talk to them. They look at each other, and then go on their way.

Here they are, out into the yard. For some reason this picture makes them look BIG, but they are not. They are only a week old and about 10 inches tall- I think.

There they go- passing by the garden. Do you see the 8 foot fence moms built to protect the garden? They are going off to explore somewhere else. Maybe they will go back up to the mountain- but they will be back tomorrow- or tonight, you can count on that.
Lily won't be the only one who will be stopping by- there will be more.
That's what I have to share with you tonight- so time for me to go to bed.
Nitey nite everyone
Awwww, they are beautiful Tweedles!
Big licks to you
Now that's one proud mama! Her twinsies are just beautiful!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh how sweet! I'm so glad that your moms let them have some of the flowers. We have a bunny that lives in our woods and we let him eat one of our cabbabages. I think his name is Peter. I hope those babies get to grow up big and strong and visit you often.
Tank woo fur sharing!
Yes, it is SOOOO their world too...
Hoomans have some kind of build build build brain flaw...then they wonder why the real residents of the land insist on not vakhating...
Just like the khoyotes - they serve a purpose - they khan't help their programming -
I know will take good khare of your landsharers!
Oh what pretty babies. That is really nice of your Mom to share her flowers with them.
Thanks for sharing Tweedles. I see a family in my backyard also. I like to bark at them. My momma gets mad at me for chasing them away!
We see lots of deer around our area but never have we seen up close little ones like that. Isn't the wonder of new life marvelous? Thank you for sharing, Tweedles.
Woos, the OP Pack
Oh my gosh Tweedles! Those babies are sooo cute! I blew the picture up really big so I could see them better!
You're right about how we all need to live in harmony and share! What a sweet story!
awwww - they are beautiful Tweedles I have a deer who comes by here too -
Wow! What beautiful visitors, Tweedles!
hi tweedles!
oh thank you for introducing us to your friends! we have never seen deer that little.
thank goodness your moms put up that fence! they look hungry!
m & e
How nice that you have forrest friends that come visit you. Your mom's are very sweet to let them eat your flowers. I think that flowers are so beautiful that they must be delicious!
How totally cool! What great photos! What a neat neighbor and friend you have. Are twins rare for deer?
how boo-timous! They are very tiny, Feather & Pappy are bigger than they are!!
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^
Tweedles, honey.....those are real sweet pictures. It's nice to have all sorts o' friends, huh?
Hi Tweedles,
I am speaking to you from San Francisco (with flowers in my hair)
Your little friends are ALMOST as cute as you! Thanks so much for sharing those wonderful pictures with us.
Hugs & kisses, Diane
Hi Tweedles!! I can't believe this! it's so wonderful!!!! you live in a paradise friend. I missed you :D
oh tweedles, you are so lucky to have such lovely neighbors! i love the deer and totally agree about sharing our world will every creature. you really live in an enchanted place.
Hi, Tweedles,
Fuji and I dropped by after seeing your name on Coco's blog. You live in a very magical place so it seems except I would be worried about the cougar. Your blog is very interesting with wonderful photos. The name Tweedles is what caught our eye, cute name!!
aw, aren't they all sweet. They are so lucky to have good neighbors like you and your moms, Tweedles. And you are lucky to have them too.
Tweedles, we leaved you something sweet on our bloggie, run over & get it! :)
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^
Tweedles we just saw your blog and enjoyed it very much. The mama and her twins are very beautiful. The pictures of you and them are really good.
Ernie & Sasha
Oh, Tweedles, those twin fawns are just adorable. I want to take them into my arms and hold them!! But, I wouldn't because their mommy might not like it.
And, I just had the funniest image of you eating sticky peanut butter:)
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