Hi everyone
I found something today, that had fallen on the floor. Who can say where it came from?
I was not sure.
It was an old picture. My paw touched it, and I looked at it, trying to decide if it was something that I wanted to eat.

I hopped up in the chair and found many more pictures. There were pictures of things I have never seen before.
Huge wagons being pulled by big horses, snow drifts as tall as mountains, hay stacks big as houses.
Cars that do not look like any that I have ever seen. There were dogs and cats and more horses, and people.
People with deep tracks on their faces that looked like wagon wheels had traveled miles on their faces.
I am sure these pictures had storys to tell from long ago.

I looked a little closer, and saw the pictures had fallen out of a "special book", a memory book.
I decided that I should not eat the picture. Instead, I put it back and just looked at the faces, and listened to see if they spoke. I could feel these must be a very special treasure. The pictures had been kept in a special place to keep them safe, and I think moms were looking at them.
I have special places too, for all my stuffies. Sometimes, my stuffies are everywhere. Sometimes, they fall out of their special place. Sometimes, I just like to look at my toys, and I think that was what moms were doing- just looking at their special memorys.
And sometimes, special things are secretly stored in our hearts, where they live with us every day.
There is a time for everything, and today it was a time, to remember the old picture.
Nitey nite my friends,
Tweedles I think that was a good idea to put them back and very nice of you. You might have gotten punished and it is never good to make the Mom mad or especially sad. You look very nice in the pictures and my Mom says that is a nice story.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Don't dare eating those photos Tweedles because they don't taste good. You'll just regret it and Mom will scold you. Just sniff and look at them. Coffee says hi to you and he is busy looking for the pregnant cat that roams around his territory.:)
Tweedles, you're a cutie. It's fun to look at old pictures, isn't it?
Hank's mom
Tweedles, you are such a sweet and good little pup - the OP Pack could take some lessons from you. Good idea to put that photo back without harming, we are sure it holds lots of wonderful memories for someone.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Tweedles, you were such a good girl not to eat the pictures.
My momma loves to look at old pictures too, and they sometimes make her cry because she misses some of the people in them who are now gone. That's why we have to appreciate every single day, just like you always do Tweedles!
Sometimes its fun to take a stroll down memory lane! I'm so proud of you for net eating the picture. (I probably would have though)
We love to look at old pictures and remember all the fun times we had growing up. I cry too because some of them are gone now and I miss them so much. Tweedles, you are a great little pug!! We love you bunches and bunches!!
Woo are soooo something else!
Tank woo!
Old photos are great, except when mom posts them and she makes everyone cry! Silly mom!
First of all Tweedles, our Mommy said you are the CUTEST pug she knows. She also said to not tell anyone... whoops.
Also Mom says she LOVES the arrangement on your table- are those flowers real? She wants more info!
Hi Tweedles! I love to look at old pictures with Mom. I learn so much from the pictures because Mom has a story to tell with each one. Some pictures make Mom sad, but she loves them all. Pictures are memories that must be treasured. Thank you for sharing your special pictures with us!
Stubby xoxo
Tweedles - you are so compassionate - you are just the best little doggie. If I found a picture on the floor I would have thoroughly examined it and then chewed it up so that I could keep it very close to my heart!!!!! My stuffies belong in a special basket - most of the time they are scattered about!
hi tweedles!
oh what a beautiful post! you are so right. there is always time to appreciate!
we appreciate you and your moms and the joy you bring to the world everyday!
m & e
I knew I'd be right, Tweedles...you most certainly are not "just a pug."....You are a smart georgous pug indeed!
No wonder you found my blog for writers and animals. You're a famous author and more than just a dog....you are the ONE AND ONLY TWEEDLES!
Hope to hear more from you on both of my blogs. I have a feeling you could make my days even happier!
Our mom loves looking at old photos too! They can bring back wonderful memories!
Your pink and purple flower arrangement is just beautiful!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
One of my favorite things is looking at old photos. You were a good girl to put that picture back.
You are so good, maybe you can teach Darla Jean some manners.......hmmm....probably not. BOL!
We love old pictures!
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^
Tweedles...I'm Jan's (ignite to write and animal talk)'s SIL. Do you know what that means?
I understand you were up past your bed time last last night and I can see some wrinkles around your eyes, no doubt because of that. Tsk Tsk
I LOVE old pics, and am really REALLY ...NO REALLY glad you didn't eat them.
They do all indeed have a story to tell.
I'm a suitcase, and dogs like to sniff me; but they often slow down my travels cause that sniffy alerts security....I'm running, really fast so don't sniff...K?
Our momma likes to look at old pictures too. She has to keep hers tightly put away in a box because Alice is just a kitten and she doesn't know not to chew them.
You're the best, Tweedles! I bet you would like Annabelle, Maddie, and Tango. I wish you could have met Kelly too!
Tweedels, I followed you here after seeing your comment on Renee's blog.
You're a sweet pug with impeccable manners ;)
And those peonies are gorgeous!!
Hi Tweedles, have a nice weekend, I saw my friend Pugsly that looks a lot like you but Mom didn't have the camera thing. Next time so you can see.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Tweedles, honey.....come on over to my blog. I got somethin' fer ya.
Goodmorning Tweedles! I just read your comment on my writing blog. You tell me what you'd like to do and we'll go from there.
Do you think you'd like to be in a real picture book or do you think your moms would like to write stories about you for fun (or to be published).
I put animals in all the stories I write. I do lots of leveled readers for educational publishers and trust me, even though those books are in schools, all of my animals appear in most of them...one way or another!
Since you're already a good writer, we'd just have to see what you want to do.
Hmmm...for now, fill in these blanks for me using your five senses to create a poem of sorts.
Tweedles looks like _________
She smells like ___________.
She sounds like __________.
She tastes like ___________.
She feels like ___________.
Tweedles makes me want to ______________.
Here's what I would say for my horse, Tango.
Tango looks like a freight train
He sounds like a child with laryngitis
He smells like fresh hay on a rainy morning
He tastes like a drink of iced tea on a hot day
He feels like an overstuffed comfy couch
Tango makes me want to dance and sing!
Think outside the box to start with Tweedles...you'll have a grand time. Can you tell Tango makes me feel refreshed and happy? Can you guess his size and what his whinny sounds like?
I can tell you and I are going to have fun Tweedles! Come back and leave your poem at either of my blogs so we can share....Shoot! Maybe I'll post this poem on my animal blog and we can find out something new about everyone's animals! Tell me what you think....
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