Hi Everyone,
I still don't understand how a "mud pie day" could go bad. I was having such a good time stomping around in the mud, and making cute little pies. I just knew my moms would be so excited to see them. Kinda looks like I am getting a hair make over- "pug gone punk"!

Well, I found out how excited they were when I ended up in this bucket. All I could say was
Get me out of here!
I am so embarrased, to have everyone seeing me like this! But I thought it was a good idea to let everyone know the trouble they could get into if they played in the mud like I did.

These were my mud pies. LOOK at them! Do they look like trouble to you?
There is no picture of me- cause it was not a pretty site!

I did get all cleaned up - nice and sweet and then look at what I got from my friends at Kids in Dog Suits . It's a Sugar Sweet Award- I think I got this because, I got all cleaned up, and did not fuss to much.
Thank you very much my friends. You are so thoughtful, and giving.
And then I got this from Checkers The Peek A Poo who got it from his Portuguese Friend KIKO .
The rule is to Choose 5 life situations that could be repeated in slow motion and explain why.
To tell you the truth, I cannot even think of one! I am always in high gear. Nothing is ever slow.
What's wrong with me?!
I think what I should do, is to tell you to go see Checkers and see the ideas he came up with.
But Checkers, I thank you so much for always thinking of me.
That's it my friends.
I am all nice and clean, and sweet now, so off to beddy I go.
Nitety nite
what a little cutie pie you are in that bath - you don't look nearly as disturbed as I do in the bath -
Hi Tweedles, I had to have a bath today also, my Mom said I stunk. Can you believe it, how rude. Well we are both clean now, time to get back to being stinky. Thank you for visiting me, I will try to get a picture of my friend Pugsly to show you.
You mud pies are just perfect, Tweedles, and we bet you had the best intentions for giving them to someone special! What a bummer about the bath! At least it's behind you now!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Don't your humans understand that a mud balls are the best way to get ready to lather your precious fur for a true spa mudpack? Too bad about the real bath but you do look quite cute in that pink tub.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hey Tweedles! I love your PUNK look! Such a stylish little gal you are. Your new awards are very nice too. You deserve them all!
hugs & kisses, Diane
Oh Tweedles - Who looks cuter taking a bath than you? No one! I think the punk hairdo really suits you and you look so perfectly petite when wet.
I love playing in the mud, but my mudpies never turn out as perfect as yours. I think you need to give me some instructions so that the next time I make them, they look good enough to eat!
Congrats on your awards! You didn't just get the Sugar Sweet Award because you didn't fuss too much but because you are so sweet. Everyone knows this and that is why we love you!
Stubby xoxo
Woo have some furry talented paws!
Khongrats on the awards!
PeeEssWoo: Woo look khute wet too!
Hi Tweedles Im Al and I saw found your blog thru Chicamom's site. The mud pies made me look closer and it's confirmed. . .they are really mud pies.
hi tweedles!
oh you look so cute in your bath tub. :)
very nice mud pies indeed!
congratulations on your awards!
m & e
Hi Tweedley Girl!
Could you possibly look ANY sweeter in that bath? My Momma just wants to scoop you up and love on you!
I think the mudpies looked GREAT. Sometimes mommas just don't understand our creativity!
Awwwww Tweedles! I love your bathing picture!!! so cute!
Oh Tweedles, We're so *giggle* sorry that you had to take *giggle, giggle* a bath! You look so soggy in that *giggle, SNORT!* tub!
But the mudpies are fabulous. We love to make muddy footie prints on the kitchen floor and it causes Momma to make funny noises....
Those are PAWFECT mudpies! We are so sad that you were put in the bath before you could enjoy them! You do look super cute in the bath!
Hey Tweedles,
I love your fohawk. You're quite the cute little punk girl.
Hey Tweedles, you got an award congratulations. Go and check out my page.
oh no! i don't like baths. your hair looks fun, though!
OMG!! That is so cute!!!! Hope you at least had fun in the mud before you found your way into the bucket.
Aaw, Tweedles, you look so cute all soaking wet and squishy faced!
Gus and Waldo
Sorry you had to get "the bath" we hate those things too & guess what? DawgMom is a GROOMER so she does it constantly! Sheesh! Can't she just leave work at work & not bring it home?
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^
TweedleyPie, this here is Anniebelly. I am so sorry you got dunked and had a bad hair day. I hate that when that happens!! it is so NOT FAIR! *stomps paws* We love you cutey.
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