Hi everyone.
The news is out!
I am not sure how to tell you, since our moms did not even know this was going to happen.
I guess the truth is really always best.
Do you remember my friend Kong, who was my guest, when we went to Party Palooza ? The party was @ Emmitt's Life is art ... Art is Life
Well, I don't imagine you can believe this, however, Kong and I did go to Paris.
While we were in that fabulous city, a famous artist, Diane's Mixed Art saw us. She already had photo's of Kong and I, and she preformed magic with her artistic skills and befunky.com. We look like celebrities. Our photo was on the front page of Paris Pug news- first edition. Look at us! (Isn't Kong handsome).
Our trip to Paris, was sort of ment to remain a secret, however the news leaked out. It's not so much that it was a secret, we just did not want our mom's to worry. We made arrangements and flew in a fast jet. It only took 1 hr. to get across that huge ocean. I was sicker than a pug, when we landed, but a little fresh air, and some ice cream, fixed me right up.
We were met at the Paris Park, by thousands of little children, and all kinds of dogs and cats. Kong and I had a mission. That mission was, to help spread the word of how important it is to be a responsible pet owner. We talked about how important it is for pet owners to spay and neuter their pets.( to make sure we are safe and have plenty of food, and loving care.) There are so many animals in homeless shelters. We must get the word out to stop pet abuse. We need to spread how important it is to love, rather than hate. This is our world, your's and mine. We can do this together. Looking at the smiles on all the childrens faces, and all the dogs with wagging tails, made out hearts very happy.
The children cheered. Bands played, and then a string of magic bubbles floated by. Bubbles, humm (the magic bubbles)? We joined in some games of catch the ball, and then the best part of all- Kiss the children!

We had such a grand time. Yes , our mom's were quite shocked, the next morning when the newspaper fell out of my travel bag. We were only gone 6 hours. How could we have been missed?
Oh well,,,
I guess next time that we plan to do a good deed- we really should talk about it first.
This is another crafty art that Diane's Mixed Art and befunky.com did. Isn't it fun!
Thank you to Diane for the publishing and to the city of Paris for sharring the park with us.
Nitety nite my friends
Tweedles I don't even know what to say. You are an international sensation! I feel honored just to call you my friend. Have you adjusted to being back and were your Moms angry? I always have to tell my Mom when I am going away. The pictures are stunning. Dare I hope that you did see the "magic bubbles"? I have looked all over and no luck yet. I will not give up! I will find them and come to see you. Please let me know if you are planning any more trips so I know if it is ok to come should I find them. Did you get to eat any good french food?
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Hey ... you didn't even tell me that you're a superdog? How was the flight and the French flight attendants? Awww questions...I am so proud of you, to be invited to different parts of the world are real achievements that we dogs should always be proud of, on speaking in our behalf about the issues on animal rights and welfare.
Yeah I saw the photos and you look good as well as Kong. Well congratulations and may you continue with your good deeds and humbleness to dogkind.
Your buddy
LoVe the story thank for getting the word out...you look PUGTACULAR!!!!!
Tweedles... you had a big adventure! I love that you and Kong spread your message around for all to here!
love, oits
Such grand adventures and good deeds!! We are so proud of you Tweedles! Love the pictures. Diane did a wonderful job!!
miss Tweedles! I always knew you were going to be famous one day! And to think, while you were in Paris you still found a way to spread a good message and happiness to the children. I am not surprised, not one bit!
Just a shame you were not there when my Mom was so you could have hooked up!
My fur only blows 'round the world BUT woo get around the world!
Furry khool woo got to go to Paris!
What a grrrrrreat message woo shared with evfurrybuddy!
Whoa, you went all the way to Paris!!! That is just awesome and we feel so privileged to know two such famous pugs.
Yep, better to tell the Moms first the next time.
woos, the OP Pack
hi tweedles!
oh what a magical trip you and kong took!
i love the art diane made for the two of you. she is a doll and so talented! we love her, gail and kong too!
m & e
What a wonderful story! We love the pictures! You are a very lucky pug getting to travel all around the world!
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse
Hi Tweedles! It sounds like you guys had a great time in Paris. How fun to meet all the children and play with them. And of course the bubbles were there!
Thank you for spreading the message about being a responsible pet owner. We need more pugs like you spreading this message all over the world. Maybe you can get a hot air balloon ride and travel the globe spreading the message. I would love to come with you sometime. Where shall we go?
Stubby xoxo
Wow! You guys are internationally famous. And you still are so down to earth. Cool. Thanks for not forgetting us little pugs.
Tweedles, honey.....it is an honor to know you I tell ya what.
PS Try to fit Indy in yer travels next time!
You traveled to Paris and didn't take The Suitcase along....big sigh
The pictures are wonderful, sounds like you had a grand time. I'm a big fan of your mission. I believe there are too many people who have pets just as a possession, because they think they should and as a result they are not good pet owners. See it with children too, love them or don't have them. Both children and pets needs love and attention.
Well said Tweedles
Don't forget your award (the newly discovered blog one)
That's a wonderful story. I only wish all animals were loved as much as you and Kong. Diane is a fantastic artist!
You're even more famous now, Tweedles. I'm honored to know you! How lucky you are to have Kong for a friend. Diane is a terrific artist...or course, she had adorable subjects!
Paris...hmmmm...sounds like a story to me!
Hi Tweedles! That was a wonderful story..I loved it. I had such fun making up the picture & I am so glad you & your moms enjoyed it. I think you & Kong made your mark on Paris...especially in those yummy french restaurants!
Perhaps you & Kong need to travel a bit more...how does Hawaii sound??
xoxoxo Diane
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