Hi my friends,
I was wide awake early this morning. I could not wait to go outside to watch the sun rise above the forest trees. Just like magic, the big old cannon ball rose and started warming the dewing earth. The air smelled sweet like fresh cut clover hay. Roosters were crowing and cows were mooing. What was going on? I think they were celebrating summer. The sun felt soo good on my shoulders and my head.
What did you see when you got up today?
What did you smell?
What did you hear?
Did the sun shine on you?

A family of noisy black crows were in the tree tops, chattering and hollering back and forth to each other.
My neck almost got stuck watching them! They were very noisy!
I think the crows were discussing their plans for the new day. Or maybe they were teaching their baby birds to fly.
All kinds of birds were singing,, chirp, chirp, chirp, tweet, tweet.
Moma deer and the twins, were in our yard- eating flowers. (mama's flowers).
My brother Hank and sister Kally(cats) were taking dirt baths , and scratching their backs on the rocks. Hank swatted me as I walked passed him. I guess he did not want me bothering him.

And then I headed over to the garden to look at my beans. Remember The Shy Bean Sprout's? It has climbed 7 feet up its ladder. Soon, the vines will have blossons, and then beans!
This is Sammy. He is one of my compost friends. He is a worm and he was gathering in sunrays.
When compost worms come out to sunbathe, they turn green. Well, they look green to me.

This is my compost pile. This is where Sammy lives. I wish I could show you all my worms in his family, but they are too dark to see. When I find lost worms on the ground, I take them over to this pile, so they can make new friends, and eat. If my moms and I are digging in our garden, we are careful not to hurt the little worms. Every day I take fresh food for them to eat. They eat orange peelings, bananna peelings, coffee grounds, lettuce, brocoli, mango, grapes, cherrys, wattymelon. Their bed is made out of hay, grass clippings, and leaves. If you were a worm, wouldn't that make you happy?
Sometimes, we move the worms around in the yard so they can get more exercise, as they do the wiggle dance through the earth.
Worms are so important to our earth. Even worms have a purpose.
Now, I am heading up to the little frog pond. I will sit for awhile, and watch the frogs play and splash, into the water. Those frogs always tease me. They try to push me into their pond.
Silly little frogs. I just giggle and shake my head at them.
Tonight, when that crescent moons rises in the sky, those same frogs will croak the most beautiful songs. I will be listening to the frogs when my eyes get sleepy tonight.
Sweet dreams.
Nitey nite my friends,
hi tweedles!
oh what a beautiful post! i LOVE seeing and hearing the world through your beautiful puggy eyes and velvet ears.
your post made our whole weekend. tell the worms hello from me and emmitt.
m & e
Hi Tweeds,
This morning AL and I woke up very early. She fixed the breakfast while I hurriedly went out to do my morning rituals. As usual I saw Grandkitty outside waiting for his food, it was raining and I couldn't walk farther because my coat will get wet, instead I went in and smell pork chops hmmm, I anticipated for it and when AL gave me, it's the dry food again, uhmmp!
I hope you could introduce me to Sammy one day so we could jump and dig in that compost pile...oops NO! I saw an earthworm the other day and I torn it into pieces...bad dog again.
Take care and have a nice day.
Hey btw AL love bean sprouts, she cooks as fillings for spring rolls. Yummy!
Very intrestering post...Love the nature shots!
-Mollie and Bobo
i like your face....
Bell and her mama
Ah Tweedles.... my mom also loves to get up early and watch the sunrise.
As for "moi"..... i like to sleep in the mornings but by early evening I'm a crazy kind of guy!
This is the sweetest post! Even the wormys have a happy place to live. lol
Oh Tweedles, you sure are a great friend to all the creatures in nature! I'd love to be one of your worms and eat all that yummy stuff you give them!
Thanks for always making me smile, Tweedles!!!
A wonderful post as always Tweedles!! I love seeing the world through your beautiful eyes! =)
Happy Monday!!
Woo get to see and smell the KHOOLEST things!
Tank woo fur sharing them with us!
Hi Tweedles
Mom won't touch worms with her bare fingers, but she is always careful to return them to the earth. She agrees with you about how important they are. We woke up to sunshine today. It was nice.
Thanks for your post. It's great.
Roxy & Lucky
Tweedles, I love that you find beauty in everything. Thanks for letting us see through your eyes.
Tweedles, I love your writing. You make me feel like I am there beside you, which is in my dream anyway. It is raining here today, so I can't go out much. Now I feel better though, because I am dreaming about visiting Tweedles and his friends. When I come, can you please show me your wormy friends and show me how the sky looks like when you look at it and then when we look at it together? I am going to take a nap now and dream of my Tweedles.
licks and sniffs and luv Sasha
You are such a happy and sweet pup, Tweedles. We love to see life through your eyes. We had cloudy skies today and rain is moving in soon. Your little worm is very cute.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Hi Tweedles! I woke up to the sparrows calling my name - "Stubby, Stubby, wake up. Come outside and play with us." They wake me up every morning and I love it. Mom took me out of the bed and carried me down the stairs. She opened the door and the sparrows were waiting for me. I played with them in the early morning sunshine and my paws got all wet from the dew on the grass.
The sparrows tried to get me to join them in the birdbath, but I told them it was for them, not me. They splished and splashed for quite some time, enjoying the nice cool morning.
It was soon time for me to inside and eat breakfast. I said my good byes to them and they flew off to the west. I don't know where they were going but they told me they would be back by night fall.
Stubby xoxo
Tweedles, honey.....this mornin' I woke up to the sound o' Molly's big mouth and the smell o' pee in her bed.
I'm glad you had a much better start to yer day.
So you've got a cat brother named Hank. Is he a good ol' boy, too?
Tweedles, you really do live in an enchanted world! With your bubbles to carry you away to far away places and all the little forest friends you have. Thanks for sharing with us a piece of your happy kingdom! You are such a delightful little pug with a gigantic imagination and we love you for that. Are you getting any better?
Hi Tweedles!
Wow...your house sounds so nice and relaxing!
Every morning these yappy birds at the bird feeder get me all riled up and I have to go yell at them to get off my lawn. Mom calls me "Curmudgeon Pug".
I think we BOTH have it better than what Hank the Pug wakes up to though! Eeesh!
You've had a busy time of it, even before getting to romp around outside. Whew. We used to have a compost pile; but no longer. Had some issues with skunks, possoms, and ground hogs. Living in the city, it's not a good idea to attract those types of animals. Causes problems with peoples pets, both cats and dogs. Some lawn furniture was destroyed etc. So, no more.
Your picture of the sky, trees and clouds is awesome. I'm taking in a breathe of fresh air myself. Except right now my allergies are giving me fits.
Get your passport, and then you'll be able to check out some of these far away places. lol, I don't actually have my passport yet either; though am working on it.
You're ahead of me finding new friends to pass the award onto..well done. I didn't have much time to go blog walking and exploring yesterday. Perhaps today. I went back to your post rregarding the award to see her your new friends were, and realized the link's to my page don't work, get message void? Could you take a look.
Thanks and have a good day, gotta do some boring stuff like laundry today.
Sandy from Traveling Suitcase
Worms are good for the soil. Lily ate a dried up one stuck on the sidewalk.
Lily & Benson
Your post is awesome Tweedles. You paint such lovely pictures with your words. I can see everything you are talking about.
I love the photo of you too. It so fits the title of your post. You make me happy!
My sister went home today but my niece is going to stay until a week from Thursday. She's going to help me at my horse show...how 'bout that?!
Hi Tweedles
I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. Mum has been furry busy. I am currently catching up on evfurry pups blog but it may take me a while BOL
Big licks to you
tweedles! you're probably one of the most environmentally inclined canines we know! Friends with worms ... woo, worms to us are play things. ;) But yes, it make sense to make best friends with earth worms - it sure does help things grow ...
We had solar eclipse in our neck of the woods this morning. Quite interesting. It was all over cast all morning till about 11 am!
Licks and wags
Tuffy and the Dog Woods Pack
Wow, Tweedles...How Neat. And you have a bunch of nice portraits that they have done of you over at Windows to the Words Art. You will be tickled!!!!
Tweedles, you's always got such interesting things to say. I wants to see more pictures of you, so I tagged you on my bloggie.
Wanted to pop in to tell you to put your running shoes on Tweedles. I added some pics from The Golden Gate Bridge...down below the bridge is a wonderful park with lots of place to run and run and trees to curl up and take a nap. Sorry though, I didn't get a picture of it...I was up to high.
Beautifully said Tweedles - that's you! :)
Mom says that I could contribute to a compost pile and help feed your wormies. I always knew that I was a good cook!
It's nice to meet you!
Hi Tweedles!
I always wake up very early in the morning, usually before it gets light. I love the peaceful morning & the nice cool air before Mr. Sun comes beating down on us. I don't like hearing the crows carry on. They make so much noise & I always think someone is getting hurt. I love your love of nature & especially the way you & your moms share it with all of us. We are all so LUCKY to have found you! xoxoxo Diane
Hi Tweedles! Emmitt and Diane told me about you. You're adorable!
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