Saturday, July 4, 2009

What better day than Independence Day to remember?

Hi my friends,
Today, I decided what better day for me to think.
What better day to celebrate my new Awards, than on Independence Day 2009.
I have been trying to work on these for a month!
We all know what it feels like to make new friends.
It feels so very good, when someone peeks in to say "hello" when maybe you are feeling a little blue. It can feel like the sun came and the clouds went away.
It feels so good to share our good news with each other.
And, it's so nice to have someone listen when maybe the news is not so good.
"Share", that's what we do. Thats what you do for me.
Today, I celebrate Al , and Coffee. Burnt Chicken Republic -
Coffee is an adorable black poodle with frolicy curly long hair. He is totally a cutie pie.
They are new friends who appeared to me right out of the bright blue sky.
(just like tiny bubbles). They visit me everyday with real life adventures.

Look at the words on this Award! Wow! Does that mean a lot? The answer is YES!
And then, look at this Award.
I have seen it on many of your blogs and I always thought "how cool is that"?
My very own lemonaid stand. I love lemonaide!

The guidelines are:
1. Post the award logo on your blog.
2. Nominate at least 1000 of your favorite bloggers.
3. Make a link of your list in your post.
4. And let them know about this award by leaving a comment on their blogs.
I am nominating all 1000 of my friends. (It feels like thousands to me)
Since there are sooooo many, I can't put your names here, so please come and accept these awards.
Thank you so much Al and Coffee for sharring . I love to read your blogs too.
Now, I would like to celebrate
Hank and Cg (and Melin), whom I got this Awsome Award from.

Hank and Melin always have some entertainment and excitement going on at their blog sites, and they are both adorable pugs.
Look what they sharred with me- it looks like the Olympics world to me!
It says the word "International." That sounds important to me.
Thank you Hank and Melin for thinking of me and sharring.
There are some rules , that I tried to follow.

Ok, here's the deal:
1. Link to the person who tagged you. MEILIN - pug , Hank @ I Tell Ya What
2. Copy the image, rules and questionnaire.
3. Post in your blog.
4. Answer the four questions.
5. Pick 1000 friends to share with.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTaiNFoCoRNeR at and leave the URL of your post in order for your blog to be added to the master list.
7. Have fun.

Here are the questions:
1. The person who tagged you? Hank and Melin
2.His or her site title and URL? Hank and Melin
3.Date you were tagged? (I am too embarrased to say.) June 20 and July 3
4. Persons you tagged? everyone!

Well my friends. I hope I have not left anyone out! Checkers still wants me to go play tag, but that will have to be another day. I am kinda sleepy right now.
So nitety nite everyone
sleep tite


Ziggy Stardust said...

Congratulations Tweedles. You deserve them all and more. My Mom and I love your blog. Sleep now and dream of bubbles.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Manon said...

You deserve them all Tweedles!! Congrats!
love, Otis

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khongrats to woo my Tweedles Pal!


Becky said...

Tweedles, you certainly earned those awards and so much more. You are the most entertaining pug we know with all your antics and fun friends! Love your stories and your bubbles! Have a great week ahead!

Checkers & Chess said...

Congrats Tweedles - you certainly deserve every award you get -

GAIL said...

You are one popular pup! Kong and I love visiting your blog.

Honeygo Beasley said...

Hi! We love your magic bubbles - and have some of our own (we think they may be magic, at least Sasha gave us a tip they might be).

Congrats to everyone on the awards!

Anonymous said...

How sweet Tweedles! You deserve those awards, and more!

Al said...

Hey Buddy,

OMG! Waking up 5 in the morning bagging an award will surely get me HYPERACTIVE arp arp! I like receiving awards it makes me feel special. Congratulations for your awards you deserve it well.

You know I am always here to follow you, to play with you, to share you my thoughts and my stories. I am still waiting for the bubbles to come I know it will be a long journey for the bubble but it will surely come!

Love and Hugs


Duke said...

Congratulations on all of your awards, Tweedles! You deserve them all and more! We love your blog!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sandy said...

Oh Dear 1000 favorite blogs, and I'm piece mealing my pick 15...of which you are one.

Hop over and get your award, you little pug. I've seen the lemonade award, but have never run into any that required you pass it onto 1000....holly molly.

Congrats on all your awards

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Congrats on your awards 0 you certainly deserved them. We are sure Checkers won't mind waiting to play tag.

Woos, the OP Pack

Stubby said...

Hi Tweedles! Congrats on all your cool awards. I hope you had a nice holiday and that you found some more bubbles to chase.

Stubby xoxo

Jan Mader said...

Wow, Tweedles. I'm so impressed. You deserve every single one of these awards. You spread joy like none other!

Also, the photo of you thinking is amazing. I can see your mind at work. You are sure one adorable pug! Hugs....

Hank said...

Tweedles, was my pleasure to award you I tell ya what, and thanks fer the shout out!

Kelly said...

Hi miss Tweedles! Congratulations on your awards! You are so deserving!

I hope you and your moms had a great 4th of July! Such a fun holiday!

Mia said...

Congrats on your awards!! You deserve them! Mommy and I certainly love to come by and rea your wonderful thoughts and adventures. You keep blogging and we'll keep reading!! Promise =)
Happy Monday!!

Archie and Melissa said...

hi tweedles!
i cannot wait to hear all about your adventures this weekend!
what wonderful awards you shared!
m & e

Diane said...

Hi Tweedles,
Congratulations on all your awards. You are one popular little girl! I love the faitful follower button...that's wonderful! I have posted a little picture of you today with Kong. It looks like you Pugs were vacationing in Paris.
I hope you & Kongy had a great time!
xoxoxo Diane

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Sandra y Coco Pug said...

congratulations Tweedles! I hope you had a great weekend!