Hi my friends.
It's time for me to say thank you, to some of my friend who have asked me to come out an play. To thank them for including me in the game of TAG. One of my new friends the darling little cutie pie Lilo, from the
Tales of The Great Rock Eater- well she really did eat rocks-( Once Upon a Time, and hopefully not anymore.) The wonderful and adorable gift sharring ,
Checkers The Peek A Poo , and Lexi @
Lexi's Lexicon, the beautiful mischevious, full of energy ,snow white pup, kept for asking me to come out and play. It has been a couple months now since Lexi asked me, and I am embarrased to say that I was not exactly sure how to play. Then Checkers asked me, and now Lilo.
I guess I better get brave and" just do it."
The rules said to pick a picture from your picture folder that you have never published, and tell the story behind it.
Well, low and behold, look what I found. Can you recognize that this is me,,, the Tweedles?
Once upon a time, I was a baby.
It is very true. The story behind this picture, is that I had just eaten my lunch (which I also would only eat from a spoon). You can tell by my full tummy that I eat lots! In fact, I looked like a balloon that was going to pop. After eating, I play, play, play and then, I get sleepy,and dream.
Dream about- you know- stuff. Dreams about balls and kittens, and bubbles and treats.
Yes, that is what I was doing- dreaming. How about you? After you eat and play, do you get sleepy? I just kinda made myself to home taking up all the room on the bed, as you can see. After all, isn't that what life is about?
I don't exactly look this way anymore, I kinda trimmed down some. I still nap and snore, and let my imagination run free as the wind.
Here are the rules to this game: They don't look too hard, so I will give it a try.
1) open the folder that has your pet pics in it
2) choose one you haven't posted before
3) tell it's story
4) tag 5 friends!
I have chosen some friends that I have not even sharred one of my kisses with yet, so I am including their names. And I thought it is a good way to make friends.
I have chosen all of these, just because. If you have already played tag- please feel free to share with your friends, but remember you have been honored.
Sequoia & Petunia
The Lovely Lady Pug
Pearl and Daisy
The Devil Dog
MEILIN - pug
Thank you for sharring TAG with me Lilo!

And to my surprise, I got this award from the
Traveling Suitcase http://travelingsuitcase.blogspot.com! (who is actually a person and her name is Sandy. )
This is what her blog says:
"Travel tips for people of all ages to make your travel more interesting and more pleasant. As well as things not to see or do. Come explore with me."
You should go check it out. I know some of my friends travel a lot, so this could be mighty interesting to them.
I travel around in my forest a lot, so maybe I will find some suggestions for me too.
Thank you Sandy
Traveling Suitcase for thinking of me.
When you accept this award, please follow the usual rules of passing it on to others.
I was asked to pass this onto 15 blogs. Can you do that too?
I would like to pass this awared onto these friends and if you already have it, please feel free to share, but know I honored you also.
Diane @
Diane's Mixed Art because of how crafty and fun she is with her beautiful art. She trys new stuff everyday. She has a brave heart, and is so giving.
Nancy Medina Art because of her beautiful paintings that are breath taking, and make me walk through her gardens and breathe deep. She has a big heart and is very giving too.
The Blog of Manon Doyle because everyday she trys something new. She never gives up and she gives courage to keep trying. And, also because of her inspirational words that she shares with the world. Manon has a big heart, she shares with the world and helpless animals and people.
Nancy at
Every Photo Tells a Story because she allows everyone to think, and share thoughts that come to their mind, and always says "it does not have to be perfect". Beautiful poetry site.
Arn't those wonderful words to know you don't have to be perfect? I say thank goodness!
Nancy has a big heart and gives love and support to homeless shelters and animals and people too.
from Ransom I would also like to honor Ransom and family . Very entertaining and beautiful blog.
Suzuki's Blog Suzukie' s site need to be honored- There is so much happening there, that I cannot even begin to tell you about it, so I pass this award to them also. Please accept.
Tuffy's Tales Always some excitement going on at Tuffy's Tales- please accept this award.
The WriggleButts Bajas mom is a world traveler from Norway. I would like to honor her with this award.
TRAVIS: A Dog Like No Other A very entergetic blog site that will keep you captivated on the edge of your seats. I would like to honor Travis with this award.
Well my friends, that is it for today.
It's time to crawl into bed.
Nitey nite