Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Dancing Paint Brush

Hi my friends,
Last night in my sleep, I was awaken by something twinkling in the grass.
I thought a star had fallen from the sky!
It certainly twinkled just like a star.
I could hardly sleep. I kept peeking out the window.
I wanted the sun to hurry and come up, so I could go outside and check it out.
As soon as the birds started chirping, I ran outside and searched in the dewy grass. There it was!
It was another magic paintbrush, almost like the ones my mama had in the house.
I found it in the very same yard where the bubbles touched my nose
I found it in the very same yard where the butterfly landed on my tail.
And this was the very same yard where Gabby, my little deer friend and I played.

I played with it for awhile. I tried to paint a happy day for you my friends!
Then I ran into the house and showed it to mama.
(This is the mama Paulette, not the other mommy, who's lap I sit on when I write to you.)
She craddled the paint brush in her hands, so gently. I have seen her do this before.
I knew what was going to happen next. I sat excitedly by her feet. My tail wagged.
I have waited for a day like this, for such a long time. A day my mama's hands would touch the paper,,,,,,,
She looked down at me for a moment. Then suddenly, the brush touched the paper, and the magic began.

I sat and watched as her hands moved across the paper.
I watched the paintbrush dance
One minute there was a tail
Next minute there was a face
One minute there was a mouth and eyes
All of a sudden, there I was on this paper! Look!
I am so glad I found this magic paint brush!
There is all kinds of magic for us all to find. Will you find it?
We must believe!
It is out there, I know.
I look everyday.
And tonight when I close my eyes to sleep, I will wish upon the stars, that you find some magic and miracles. It will happen!
Nitey nite my friends

One more thing everyone- Just a reminder to go vote for "your friend, and mine--"

Melissa and her beautiful dog fabric!
Fabric On Demand Design Contest is still going on! HURRY!
If you would like to vote for "Groovy Dogs" to win the honor of covering 4 chairs design # 207, and we can all vote once a day through July 31st with the winner to be announced on Emmitt's 13th Birthday, August 1st, 2009.

If you have any problems voting- please go see Melissa, she will tell you all about it.
sweet dreams


Ziggy Stardust said...

Oh Tweedles, that made me so happy. I was almost ready to give up on the magic, but I will keep searching now. Thank you. I love the picture of you, it looks just like you! My big sister is an artist and has done some pictures of me, my Mom posts her art sometimes on her other blogs. Ok I am going to sleep now and try real hard to dream of the magic. I hope to see you soon Tweedles, my friend. Time to dream of Tweedles and magic and bubbles and zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Anonymous said...

That's so cool that you found that paintbrush Tweedles! And what a wonderful portrait of you!! Your mom certainly is talented.

Hank said...

Tweedles, find the coolest stuff in yer yard! All I ever find in my yard is......well....YOU know.

That mom o' yers is real talented!

Diane said...

Hey sweet girl!
Mommy's brush is really magic! No, I think Mommy is the the magic one. This picture of you of so beautiful...absolutely amazing! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it. Please tell mommy how much I LOVE her work!
kisses & hugs to the family!
xoxoxo Diane

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Your magikh paintbrush khreated something furry khute AND beaWOOtiful!

Oh wait, THAT'S WOO!

Tank woo fur sharing! Your other mommy is furry talented!


Dandy Duke said...

What a fabulous portrait that magic paintbrush painted, Tweedles! It's just beautiful! Your mom is very talented!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

GAIL said...

Wow, what a beautiful picture! Both your mom's are magic. You are one lucky pug, but you know that.

Unknown said...

TweedleyPug! but your mommy is an artist with paper just like she is with words. We had lunch with a friend, Angela Elledge, and she asked if I knew you today. I told her of course, we were the bestest pals. She painted you for James' Parker's blog challenge.
sending many hugs...
Aunt Nancy and the fatties

Archie and Melissa said...

hi tweedles and moms!
oh my gosh! i have goosebumps!
what an amazing painting of you!
both of your moms are so talented!

i said "WOW" so loudly that both fred and emmitt came right over to see what stories and paintings you are creating. just amazing!

thank you so much for voting for our fabric design and posting about it. how did we get so lucky to have all of you in our lives?
m & e

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, Tweedles, your mama Paulette is very talented. We wish we had a mom who could do one of those for us. It is just beautiful.

And the only brush we can ever find here is the dreaded brush to use on our furs - Mom loves to steal our coats.

Happy weekend, the OP Pack

Sandra y Coco Pug said...

Tweedles!!! your mom is an awesome artist! We love the painting. How does she do that? she is so talented!

Becky said...

Wow, that is a great portrait of you! She is very gifted even with the help of a magic paintbrush. Have a wonderful weekend! Sweet dreams to you!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Wow Tweedles we looked in our grass and didn't find anything. That paintbrush is neat and the picture absolutley beautiful!
Lily & Benny

Stubby said...

Hi Tweedles! Your mama is so talented! That painting looks just like you. I love it!

I searched and searched my yard for paintbrushes but I didn't find any. I did find lots of bees buzzing all around Mom's flowers. They are such good friends - they pollinate everything. They told me to say hi to you from them.

Stubby xoxo

Manon said...

Your mom is so talented! Tell her to take that magic bush out more so she can produce more beautiful work!


Checkers & Chess said...

Tweedles - I want to live where you do - you have so many neat things around you.

Did you see the award on my bloggie for you???

Jan Mader said...

Wow Tweedles, your mom can paint and write too? I just left my blog and read what you left's totally awesome. Your mom can paint with words as well as she paints with paint. What a talented family you have. When I got back to my blog I KNEW one of the comments would be from you. I wasn't disappointed. You are one sweet little puggie girl.

The Devil Dog said...

My memere has a magic paint brush as well. She is teaching PlusOne how to mix colors and all about color as well.


bbes tribe said...

Hey Tweedles, you sure have an awesome Mom and her paintbrush is magic. She paints beautiful pictures of you. You are so lucky. We are in Washington. Our humans used to live in Oregon a long time ago. They liked it there too.
:) Ernie & Sasha

Jan Mader said...

Hey Tweedles...I'm trying to decide what to do for an activity at Ignite to Write

If any of your creative friends have ideas, please have them drop by and let me know!

I'll be waiting...

Unknown said...

what wonderful art your momma made with that brush you found! I hope she keeps it up!

Kay Wyne said...

Dear are an inspiration! I hope that I can paint too. I am going to the studio with Mama Kay today...hopefully I will have my creative paws at work. I just love staying with Kay and John!!! The Wynes are very nice, and they love me alot. I think I want my own blog...I usually get what I want. Love, Ruby Tuesday

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